Just for the record that was harder to do than I thought it would be...
I was going to make a whole PSA type poster with personal safety tips, but this is as far as I got.
Mostly because sticking googly eyes to your fingers isn’t as straightforward as I assumed.
I tried some rubber cement like glue first, but that dries before you can get it in place... like it’s an instant reaction once it touches my skin.
I have a ridiculous amount of adhesives because I make stuff, but most of them are either too nasty-toxic or will result in the googly eyes permanently being part of my body... that or they have some weird reaction to my skin... like catalyzing instantly or never catalyzing... ever.
Most people would have just said “aw, screw this” after the first two googly eyes fell off, but I’m the opposite... I’m like “oh, hell no... you’re going on...”
I’m randomly stubborn and insanely determined for the stupidest things.
Like this.
I eventually got fed up and used cyanoacrylate glue (super glue/crazy glue) which if I hadn’t had some beers before, it would have dawned on me that it would immediately harden on my skin, but not stick to the polyethylene eyeballs...
So after sticking several on I realized “Derr... oh yeah... CA glues react to the oils in your skin...“
So now where each eye was, I had a tiny platform of hardened glue on my finger.
yeah... I was determined to do this thing.
(If you folks ever get bored enough remind me to tell you about the stray cat under the floorboards in my old house... it’s a study in animal/human stubbornness and refusing to let something go though a series of gradually escalating acts of stupidity)
So knowing this was a bad idea, I decide to glue the rest on the same way, then use the glue spots as anchor points for double sided acrylic adhesive tape bits... this tape is designed to stick plastic emblems to car bodies (the next step would have been the material used to stick aluminum patches onto aircraft bodies) the tape sticks great to pretty much any plastic including polypropylene which nothing likes to stick to.
In fer a penny, in fer a pound...
So I stuck all the eyes on, took the picture and realized that was pretty stupid.
Like its not funny at all.
Not even a little.
Especially since I now had tiny little flat disks of glue and assorted face parts drawn on my fingers in permanent ink, once I removed them so I could add the text part using Pixelmator on my iPad... (yeah- I used a fine sharpie)...
In fact the whole joke was so stupid, I’m only relaying the story of my stupidity, because that’s slightly more amusing solely because of the look on my wife’s face (who by the way didn’t kill me, but thanks for being concerned, eclark... I’ve gotten good at playing dead and digging my way out of shallow graves)...
My wife was doing something in the kitchen and asked me to get a spoon, and when I handed it to her she asked “what’s... that... on your hand?”... with that immediate realization of “oh god, why did I ask... this is going to be so stupid...”
It’s a look she’s refined over years of living with me.
But before I even managed to say anything, one of my daughters who was standing nearby (who had seen none of the nonsense or was aware of the photo) leaned over and guessed “it looks like dad glued something on his fingers to take one of those funny pictures he keeps texting with his friends... probably faces”... “googly eyes?”
She would know this instinctively, as she did, because she does the same kind of stuff... Some people pass on to their offspring things like beautiful eyes, long legs, nice skin... I gave her insanity and a reckless sense of humor.
But she’s good with that.
I‘m pretty sure she’s going to tear a whole in the fabric of space at some point and it won’t be because she screwed up making an instant matter transporter, it’ll be because of a really stupid joke... and it’ll will probably involve a toaster and some of the microwave oven parts I’ve collected.
Thats all... there was no point to this.
Cheers, y’al.