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Getting used to new habits for Coronavirus....


Hey folks... I need a hand...

Can you help me find Social Distancing Waldo?



Actually it’s part of a game I made... over at DAZ they have a similar thread about the virus and I’ve been adding stupid comments and pictures for a while.

I also forgot to mention above that you need to drink a bottle of rum, whiskey or anything cheap and nasty to make the game more fun...

The actual game has more pictures, rules and a score system.

Not that any of it make sense or the game is any good... the point is... oh, crud... I forgot to give it one.
Well, you get to sleep on the floor in the end and there are no wrong answers.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I started out the day in La Rontonda Del Sofa. Shortly thereafter, I wandered through St Bathroom, followed by a quick trip to Las Kitchenas. However, I have spent most of my day in La Keyboardia.


My friends suck... they keep having serious text threads about stuff and I keep texting dumb photos of things I make or do and they just keep being serious.


This is what I did earlier...


I’m wondering how long it will take for my wife to notice I swapped out her bronze statue of Vishnu that normally resides on this pedestal...
If I don’t ever post here again, somebody here should direct the authorities to dig around within twenty feet or so of my house... I really don’t see my wife dragging my corpse much further than that... I suppose she could use the wheelbarrow...
Ah, if she hasn’t killed me yet, I don’t see her bothering to now...
Granted, it tampering with a religious artifact, but really it’s not even close to the worst thing I’ve done.

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
I can't help but wonder while the virus and the lockdown have had plenty of negative effects, if there isn't some positive things that have happened as well...

My wife and I were out gardening this morning-- trying to beat the heat-- and answering questions from passer-bys about the garden. While there's a couple people who walk our street normally, with the social distancing/stay at home orders in Los Angeles, it has dramatically increased the human traffic. A lot of those people are neighbors who we've never really met. Most stopped by to take stock of our large native plant garden and comment about all the wildlife it brings. Many said they've been to busy and caught-up in work and commuting to notice the yard, and with life slower now, are amazed at all they missed and have a new appreciation of nature. Most, actually thanked us for providing a type of "bird sanctuary" for the area. After years of seeing more and more people disconnect from nature-- this has been refreshing, and dare I say, encouraging.


My friends suck... they keep having serious text threads about stuff and I keep texting dumb photos of things I make or do and they just keep being serious.


This is what I did earlier...

View attachment 59061

I’m wondering how long it will take for my wife to notice I swapped out her bronze statue of Vishnu that normally resides on this pedestal...
If I don’t ever post here again, somebody here should direct the authorities to dig around within twenty feet or so of my house... I really don’t see my wife dragging my corpse much further than that... I suppose she could use the wheelbarrow...
Ah, if she hasn’t killed me yet, I don’t see her bothering to now...
It's going on two days now and no word from McGyver. Should we alert the police???


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
@Ken Gilliard

Sometimes you discover amazing stuff when you have time and you are not stressed out. The lockdown has for sure also positive sides.
Two days ago, early in the morning, I was sitting in the garden and try to make some cute videos with my dog Maiko.

Yeah, he is cute :inlove:

Than something strange catch my eyes when I look aside to my herbal garden. (Just 20 -30 cm away where I was sitting). Ants ,hundreds of who carry their eggs out of their underground home and move to another corner from my herbal garden. I was really stunned, why should the ants move out from their home? Well, the answer was simple, this morning I fertilized my herbs with coffee. I use this for my plants quite often, used coffee and tea.
Ants don't like coffee, so they take their babies and move out.
Honestly I feel a bit bad because I cause so much trouble and stress for them .

I can't help but wonder while the virus and the lockdown have had plenty of negative effects, if there isn't some positive things that have happened as well...

It certainly has in our small community, I'm seeing people, who don't usually talk to others, now engaging beautifully. People sharing food and doing little things for each other. Or when I walk the dog I can let him off his lead in places I couldn't before, like our town centre. Just hope when this is all over we don't forget the good things.


It certainly has in our small community, I'm seeing people, who don't usually talk to others, now engaging beautifully. People sharing food and doing little things for each other. Or when I walk the dog I can let him off his lead in places I couldn't before, like our town centre. Just hope when this is all over we don't forget the good things.

In my heart I hope that we will learn from this and we will try and make our world a little better but sadly my head says we will not. History suggests that we do not learn, we don't seem to have learnt very much from the Spanish Flu Pandemic and we certainly seem to forget our heroes very quickly when is comes to supporting them when they suffer the mental and physical impact of being heros in the first place. Even today it is very easy to find people who are more concerned over money than people's lives, or want to make a quick buck out of the misery of others.

On a local level I think things might improve, new friendships may well survive and neighbours might look after each other a little better but outside of the small circle around us I have serious doubts that we will learn very much.

Then do seem to be a large number of experts who are convinced that it will be different, that we will not get back the 'normal' we once knew, now there is a surprise, just where would we be without these self acclaimed experts.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
100 years from now when the next big pandemic hits, we will be just as unprepared as we were for this one. It seems we never really learn anything from history.

Well ... unless you are New Zealand! After five weeks, they are reporting one digit numbers for new infections. Now, that's the way to respond to a pandemic.

I fully expect we will see massive increases in infections in the US as it is still far too early to be easing restrictions and opening non-essential businesses. I dread going back to work in the office because we sit less than six feet (and as little as two feet) from coworkers. Recent research by Lydia Bourouiba (fluid dynamics scientist at MIT) has shown sneezed water droplets travel up to 27 feet away (at 100 mph), and not all droplets are deterred by barriers/partitions. Seriously?!?

National Geographic - See how a sneeze can launch germs much farther than 6 feet
NY Times - This 3-D Simulation Shows Why Social Distancing Is So Important
NY Times - Stay 6 Feet Apart, We’re Told. But How Far Can Air Carry Coronavirus?

JAMA Insights Article by Lydia Bourouiba, PhD
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
100 years from now when the next big pandemic hits, we will be just as unprepared as we were for this one. It seems we never really learn anything from history.

Well ... unless you are New Zealand! After five weeks, they are reporting one digit numbers for new infections. Now, that's the way to respond to a pandemic.

I fully expect we will see massive increases in infections in the US as it is still far too early to be easing restrictions and opening non-essential businesses. I dread going back to work in the office because we sit less than six feet (and as little as two feet) from coworkers. Recent research by Lydia Bourouiba (fluid dynamics scientist at MIT) has shown sneezed water droplets travel up to 27 feet away (at 100 mph), and not all droplets are deterred by barriers/partitions. Seriously?!?

National Geographic - See how a sneeze can launch germs much farther than 6 feet
NY Times - This 3-D Simulation Shows Why Social Distancing Is So Important
NY Times - Stay 6 Feet Apart, We’re Told. But How Far Can Air Carry Coronavirus?

JAMA Insights Article by Lydia Bourouiba, PhD
Turbulent Gas Clouds and Respiratory Pathogen Emissions Potential Implications for Reducing Transmission of COVID-19

It has been 100 years since the last pandemic. Just realized that.

Can you suggest to your bosses to have 25-50% of the work force in on any one day to preserve social distancing?

My son met me in town on Saturday to get me a few things at the store. We forgot to get gasoline though. So yesterday I needed to take my 17 year old kitty to the vets for some bloodwork and so had to get gasoline too. I went to the gas station in the center of town, the one everybody goes to. I wore my mask in and there were about 7 people in there and they all looked at me like I had 3 heads. Not even the clerk was wearing one. Only 23 cases and 1 death in my county but why take a chance? So I carried in a sanitary wipe and wiped off the ATM thing with it before using it. Felt a lot more comfortable at the vets as early on they adopted some covid changes. For a tech appointment like bloodwork you park in the lot then call in on your phone and the tech comes to your car and gets the pet and brings it back out. They even bring the ATM thing out to your car so you can pay. Oh and the tech wore a mask.


It has been 100 years since the last pandemic. Just realized that.

Can you suggest to your bosses to have 25-50% of the work force in on any one day to preserve social distancing?

My son met me in town on Saturday to get me a few things at the store. We forgot to get gasoline though. So yesterday I needed to take my 17 year old kitty to the vets for some bloodwork and so had to get gasoline too. I went to the gas station in the center of town, the one everybody goes to. I wore my mask in and there were about 7 people in there and they all looked at me like I had 3 heads. Not even the clerk was wearing one. Only 23 cases and 1 death in my county but why take a chance? So I carried in a sanitary wipe and wiped off the ATM thing with it before using it. Felt a lot more comfortable at the vets as early on they adopted some covid changes. For a tech appointment like bloodwork you park in the lot then call in on your phone and the tech comes to your car and gets the pet and brings it back out. They even bring the ATM thing out to your car so you can pay. Oh and the tech wore a mask.

Yep and on the same lines 1720 was the plague, around 1820 there was Cholera, 1918 -1919 there was the Spanish Flu and now in 2019 - 2020 there is Covid 19 seems like Mother nature has a plan to limit the earth's population, what a shame we cannot try and understand nature a little more and actually learn from our history.
but sadly my head says we will not.

Oh as a friends and family carer I'm under no illusions there.

Before the bug stuff, this side of care was at the bottom of the healthcare-industry.
Even though it saved the UK government from 15 Billion upwards every year.

Has been during, no free Easter eggs for us and certainly no financial support from banks etc.
After, we won't be getting tea and medals. Especially when the government needs to save some cash.

It'll also be the same for other key-workers at the sharper end. Those that work in care homes, candy stripers etc.
Many I know are already having to pay for their PPE, so can't see that changing anytime soon.

Though I think what could be different is how people interact and support each other on a local level.
But it won't be an automatic free ride, we'll have to put some effort in to keep the positive aspects going.
Something I feel some people will be prepared to do.


I desperately hope you are right on the last point, even if they found a vaccine tomorrow we would still have hard times ahead and it is going to be difficult enough without anyone trying to add to the grief. I have always struggled with many issues of life today, people dying because they cannot afford medication or food, paying a pittance to people who care for others and save lives while paying dubious celebrities vast fortunes. The way the bottom line always comes before people not only in companies but many charities too.

I have been very lucky in life but chose not to have children because I did not want the responsibility of bringing another person into a very broken world. I know that will be regarded as extreme by many but it is a belief I have held for most my life and while I have seen many positive things during this pandemic I fear the situation in the long term will be worse not better, but I do so hope I am proved wrong.