Isn't the 1000 sheets per roll Scott Tissue 1 ply?
I think so, but even if I used twice as much Scott, I still have more left over than if I used Charmin.Isn't the 1000 sheets per roll Scott Tissue 1 ply?
The vast majority of people are abiding by the lock down rules and the streets are generally empty. Some of those that flouted the rules early on went on to actually become victims of the virus which I think a major impact on those looking to break the rules.
Except for those in the centre of London who don't seem to be following the rules at all.
Police criticised for allowing people to flout lockdown rules to clap for carers on Westminster Bridge
Yea I struggle with the hypocrisy of the clap for the NHS, I live in an area that is very Tory (those who voted against a raise for NHS workers)our MP has been in his seat for nearly 20 years and done very litttle, I can't even find any info or social media presence for him for the last 2 years and yet all those people are out there clapping every Thursday evening. My mother was a Nurse and so I grew up very aware of the sacrifices and hardship the sector was under even back then they were under paid and under appreciated, but I remmeber asking her once why they didn't go on strike and she was aghast at the thought.
The village is though supportive and helpful to those that need help, but they aren't really taking the lockdown totally seriously there's one lady planning on starting a plant delivery business in the area and people are putting in orders for her to deliver. My neighbours come and go as usually having visitors over and even people to stay.
Unfortunately I feel unless are government is more open about their future plans people will just disregard the lockdown more and more as time goes on. I don't think you will see the kind of protests I'm hearing about in the US but just a general break down of the rules.
a couple here in Australia the other day was fined for posting their happy holiday photos on Facebook...
the Police didn't realise the photos were from 12 months ago!
anyways, in other news our local supermarket is fully stocked with TP ... the mad dash to hoard finally looks like is finished.![]()
Good news for you. Sadly, in the US, we may be about to get hit with an actual meat shortage, so hoarding may soon begin again. Personally, I think it all depends on how the news media handles it. They have a tendency to sensationalize everything which causes panic which fuels even more panic and hoarding. Fortunately, I'm omnivorous and can live on plants or meat.Good news on the TP and hopefully the end to the hoarding.
One of my relations works in a supermarket and she says there are some who come to the till with a trolly full and the partner behind with yet another trolly full, despite this they are back next day. I doubt they are buying for a food bank as they would have sorted something with the supermarket, most have. At least the hoarding is now an exception and a think many who purchased vast amounts of hand sanitiser and the like hoping they will make a fast buck have been burnt. The average brit is not going to pay upwards of £10 for a hand sanitizer that you could buy in the local pound store before the panic started.
We live on the outskirts of a town in the South and most here are, so far, abiding by the rules. The town is fairly high tech so I guess that a lot of people are working from home, in my family there are only three of my family left working that live in the town and two of those are working from home I have a brother in Poland that seems to being missing many of the shortages we had here, and a sister in Canada. I have seen the family members only once in the last five weeks when we dropped off some birthday presents on the way to pick up medication. We left the presents on the door and spoke to the breifly from the street.
My wife used to meet up with the neighbours once a week but they stopped that as soon as the lockdown happened and now only chat occasionally across the back garden fence. The only time we go out is to shop and walk the dog, and once a week and the my wife goes out to drop food off for her elderly parents if they are running short on food or need the medication delivered. From the emails I get from the family and friends who live close all that seems to be about the norm for our town.
I agree with you, in a way they are like an orchestra, if the conductor stops conducting they don't stop playing they continue in a musical version of automatic pilot. If the public are left in the dark for too long they will just do their own thing and in growing numbers. While some do protest it is not the norm for the UK, if they get bad service in a shop they don't complain they just vote with their feet and that is exactly what will happen here unless there is some leadership.
I have always been a avid supporter of the NHS and have always felt that society in general had it all upside down by paying vast sums to entertainers and sports people and while paying near starvation wages to the bulk of the NHS staff who treat the sick and dying They won't strike because of the compassion they have for the patients and governments of all the parties and the health trusts know that and take full advantage. Sadly the only people who seem to make a good living out of the NHS are the upper managers, the bulk of who could never keep down a management job anywhere else. When all this is over there will be enquiries on all that has happened and surprise, surprise, many will have been found wanting during this period with politicians and NHS manager at top of the list. Then there will be spokesperson after spokesperson saying they have noted the views of the enquiry and many of the suggested changes have already been implemented. Of course the enquiries will take a couple of years and with a few years delay on full implementation they will soon be able to slip back into as near normal life as possible. The NHS staff, if they are very lucky, will get one decent pay rise but not too many years down the road they will find their pay relative to all those around them will be as bad as it ever was. Welcome to the new normal.
It's amazing what they like playing with. I, however, don't want to think what that looked like once it was all unbundled.Meanwhile, Tsuki has been dragging the bundled mail around by the rubber band. During the night, she managed to unbundle the mail and spread everything out all over the floor. Everything is a toy to a cat!