Sorry I have been absent for the last few days. I am slowly recovering from a surgery and I can't stay long on a computer. It may be weeks until I can be back in to regular activity.
Hey @
Ken1171, are you able to import/use your Universal Anime Head on a character in CC3?
I am not sure, but I can try. Chances are that anything can be imported. My doubt would be if I can preserve all the morphs from CC3 to iClone. It seems like I can, but I am still learning that part.
I am curious though. I notice that everything mentioned so far seems to revolve around the more or less anthropomorphic figures including the Gorilla. Does this mean that there is nothing in the works for the other animals such as Harry, the Dragon or the cat and dog? Hmm... I just read more about CC3 from Ken and it seems this all borrows from the Genesis platform??? Or am I misunderstanding? I guess that's why Harry and the other animals might be left out so far??
iClone supports quadrupeds, but CC3 doesn't at the moment. Like it was said above, we can still get them imported with 3DXChange, which is the more labor-intensive way. CC3 has greatly simplified the task, but for now it's only for bipeds. Below is a recent animation I did with Dawn and one of the many horses available for iClone.
Would we already be able to use the HW family we own for Poser/DAZ or would we have to rebuy it for CC3? And did I get that right... we would be able to use other morphs with them?
And while by now I'm pretty much sold on CC3, I really, really want to hear more about iClone. I tried that one a few (dozen) years ago, and the quality of the render engine pretty much threw me off immediately.
Your post sounds like over these past few versions it turned into quite a different beast - but just how much useful would it be to someone used to Poser? How effective is it as a "replacement" for still renders? Does it also offer the essentials (dynamic clothes, dynamic hair, a quality built-in render engine), or even some of the nice-to-haves (other physics, multi-instancing)? Did I misread, or does it offer tools for creating more immersive sets (if so, which ones)? And how much hassle is it to create a character in CC3 and then use it in iClone?
Sorry for the flood of questions, but with Poser development pretty much dead and gone, I would love to get my greedy fingers onto a viable alternative, and if it potentially comes with support for HW meshes, all the better...
We can import to iClone any characters we put together in DS. I have also being importing from Poser, but it's not the conventional way, and we still need DS to create a valid FBX export file. From my personal experience, I was able to import from both Poser and DS, but officially, only DS is supported.
In many aspects, iClone is very similar to Poser/DS, and it's used for the very same things: rendering either still or animations. Although Poser/DS support dynamics, iClone makes more effective use if it. For example, if we rig hair or cloth meshes with bones, we can have them animated in real-time in iClone - but not in Poser/DS. In Poser, the Bullet engine capabilities are there, but are not fully implemented. In DS we have a new physics engine, but it doesn't work with bones. In the iClone animation above, I have used physics to animate the hair, the horse tail and Dawn's breasts. This last one uses Spring Dynamics, which is absent in Poser/DS.
As for your question about iClone replacing Poser/DS, I am not sure. I use them together. I use Poser/DS for still renders, and iClone for animations because it's better for that. Nonetheless, I have already posted still renders created in iClone as well, so I guess it depends. One of the new features coming up for iClone is support for I-ray, so at that point it might be impossible to tell what program was used to render the image. CC3 already supports I-ray right now.
One major difference between iClone and Poser/DS is that CC3 is used to apply all the body morphs to the characters, and then we export them to iClone to create scenes, animate and render. In Poser/DS, morphs are available at any point. Maybe Reallusion will integrate CC with iClone, but right now those things are separate. We can still send characters back to edit in CC3 from iClone, but it's important to know that these things are done in different programs. This only refers to character morphs. Clothing, materials, poses and expressions can be edited directly in iClone.
Anybody who's read my posts in the SM Poser Forum would know that I'm rather outspoken in my criticism of Poser's silence on development. I honestly don't understand it. I suppose I might if they were putting out new updates every few months, but they're not.
SMS was posting regular [monthly] updates while Chuck Taylor was the product manager, and then the dev team was disbanded. Development was halted for a while, until a new team was put together in Europe, now with Rafael Torres as the new product manager. That went on for a short while, and then SMS went silent again. About a year later, there were rumors that Torres was no longer the product manager, but SMS kept silent, which generated a lot of speculation about what was happening to Poser. Only more recently it became known that there was no active team working on Poser, but a while later a new product manager came up and development has started again. We now have a dedicated [read-only] development thread at SMS, which is claimed to be updated every month.
So yes, it has been convoluted, but Poser is NOT dead. I believe the major reason for SMS's prolonged silence was because of the way the company is internally organized, where information about the next version cannot be disclosed to anyone until the last moment. It has always been like that with SMS, but with Reallusion it's the opposite. They publicly publish a timeline of the upcoming features organized monthly, so we always know what to expect. For example, it's already known that iClone will support I-ray in one of the coming updates. I like this became it keep me coming back for more.