Will it have an option for the Eastern Box Tortoise and any other type of Box Tortoise? I'm partial to the Eastern's as they are natives to my area in Ohio
Yes, I am planning to do that species in Volume II
Here's my plan (and as always, I do a mix of both popular and endangered species)
Nature's Wonders Turtle (Base Set)
Red-eared Slider (Juvenile, Adult, Mature),
Trachemys scripta elegans, Southern United States, LC
Turtles of the World v1: Tortoises
Russian tortoise,
Agrionemys horsfieldii, Eurasia, VU
Yellow-footed tortoise,
Chelonoidis denticulatus, South America, VU
Desert Tortoise,
Gopherus agassizii, SW United States, VU
Leopard Tortoise,
Stigmochelys pardalis, S Africa, LC
Common tortoise,
Testudo graeca, Eurasia, VU
Hermann's tortoise,
Testudo hermanni, Europe, NT
Kleinmann's tortoise,
Testudo kleinmanni, Africa, CR
Turtles of the World v2: Turtles of the United States
Common Snapping Turtle,
Chelydra serpentina, Eastern United States, LC
Painted Turtle,
Chrysemys picta, North America, LC
Bog turtle,
Glyptemys muhlenbergii, NE United States, CR
Black-knobbed map turtle,
Graptemys nigrinoda, Southern United States, NT
Alligator snapping turtle,
Macrochelys temminckii, SE United States, VU
Diamondback Terrapin,
Malaclemys terrapin, Southern United States, NT
Eastern Box Turtle,
Terrapene carolina, Eastern United States, VU
Turtles of the World v3: Turtles of the Eurasia and Africa
Asian leaf turtle,
Cyclemys dentata, SE Asia, NT
European pond turtle,
Emys orbicularis, Eurasia, NT
Ryukyu black-breasted leaf turtle,
Geoemyda japonica, Japan, EN
Striped-neck terrapin,
Mauremys caspica, Eurasia, LC
African helmeted turtle,
Pelomedusa subrufa, Africa, LC
West African mud turtle,
Pelusios castaneus ,Africa, LC
Black marsh turtle,
Siebenrockiella crassicollis, SE Asia, VU