• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Chuck's tutorial is in store here at Hivewire. I can't vouch for it, I don't own it.
Yes, I just checked, and it's Digital Art Live, so it's a video tutorial. I'll check the Poser manual first, though I'm often disappointed in software manuals, as they tell you what something is, but never explain what to do with it.


Contributing Artist
Yes, I just checked, and it's Digital Art Live, so it's a video tutorial. I'll check the Poser manual first, though I'm often disappointed in software manuals, as they tell you what something is, but never explain what to do with it.

I have managed to learn most of what I know about Poser from the manual, especially magnets. Now that we can control mesh deformation with weight maps, magnets have become a very powerful non-destructive way to create morphs. Netherwork's Magnet Toy have become integral part of my workflow nowadays, even when I only need a single deformer. :)
I dig those prop hairs from random Japanese sites that offer MQO models for Metasequoia. The meshes quality are not particularly good, and often require remodeling. Most come triangulated (to be used in MMD) and need to be remodeled into quads, which is quite a tricky thing when it comes to Anime hair. Many programs, like 3DSMAX, have options to quadrify meshes, but they tend to remove the wrong edges and destroy the model. I used to have a large collection of meticulously remodeled hair props in my runtime, but I had a hard drive crash back in 2013 and lost EVERYTHING - the entire Poser runtime. I have slowly started to build it back, but so far I only managed to gather a dozen pieces. I am making backups on an external drive now. :)

The promo with 4 Nearme figures, however, use hair from Nearme herself. Some ship with her, and some I have purchased directly from eFrontier in Japan.

The hair in question is the one with the NearMe body with the teddy bear.

I don't model, so I couldn't do that kind of rebuilding. I bought a sailor suit for NearMe through EF-Japan @ Content Paradise. It was for non-commercial use only, so I don't think I've used it. I rarely pay for things that are non-commercial only, but I slipped on that one...

I feel your pain on the hard drive and content issue. As I said earlier, in January 2017, the drive that housed my runtimes malfunctioned and then I found out my backup was unresponsive. Nearly a year-and-a-half later, I've barely reconstructed any of my my stuff.

Aww, that's so pretty! CbibiBel was one of the figures I have used in the promos. The cool thing is that we can use ANY figure that has the right wardrobe. ^___^

Thanks. I tried to do a render that's a bit tighter of a shot so she can seen better, but Poser decided to swan dive on me. It may be something I did, I'm well on the way to having a migraine this morning.

I have quite a few more ideas, but some will have to wait until I get the stuff installed. I think I may make some use of A3 stuff, since I'm working A3's runtime now. If it's something for V4, it may never happen. I have gobs of V4 stuff, even with my fairly modest collection, so I could be reinstalling her and her stuff until I die.


Contributing Artist
The hair in question is the one with the NearMe body with the teddy bear.

That one is actually made out of 4 different hair pieces (back, fringe, ponytails, and the "bokeh" piece that sticks from the top), each from these random Japanese Metasequoia sites. That's one of the most popular 3D modeling application in Japan, which is mostly used to create MMD contents. That's my main source for Anime hair, though none of it is meant for Poser, the models need to be remodeled, and all the MAT zones comes in Japanese. ;p

I bought a sailor suit for NearMe through EF-Japan @ Content Paradise.

Oh, I've bought that one too, and it was not for Nearme. eFrontier (in Japan, not CP) was the only store selling that outfit after SMS acquired Poser 7, and it was for Moetan, which is wardrobe compatible with Nearme. Not coincidentally, Nearme and Moetan were both created with Metasequoia for use in MMD.

I feel your pain on the hard drive and content issue. As I said earlier, in January 2017, the drive that housed my runtimes malfunctioned and then I found out my backup was unresponsive. Nearly a year-and-a-half later, I've barely reconstructed any of my my stuff.

Yeah, I am still rebuilding mine as well, but I didn't have to start from scratch because I had an older backup to start from. Still, I have lost 2 and half years worth of contents, mostly stuff I have created myself and cannot be replaced. It happened exactly when I was just finishing my very first outfit for the original Dawn, about a month before HW went online. The part I miss the most are the large collection of Anime hair I had remodeled for Poser over the years. There was also the entire crew of My Little Pony figures I had rigged for Poser. LOL

I have quite a few more ideas, but some will have to wait until I get the stuff installed. I think I may make some use of A3 stuff, since I'm working A3's runtime now. If it's something for V4, it may never happen. I have gobs of V4 stuff, even with my fairly modest collection, so I could be reinstalling her and her stuff until I die.

Same here - my V4 runtime is larger than everything else I have combined. Haha

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Netherwork's Magnet Toy have become integral part of my workflow nowadays, even when I only need a single deformer. :)
I can't remember off hand if I have that one, though I have a lot of his goodies.


Contributing Artist
I can't remember off hand if I have that one, though I have a lot of his goodies.

There are only 2 things missing on Magnet Toy: better management of what groups are affected, and including weight maps when mirroring mags. Then it would be perfect.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well he doesn't have it in his store here, or his store at Renderosity, so maybe when he gets back, if that ever happens, he'll be updating it as he did with the Hair Conversion System and a couple of other older products.


Contributing Artist
Well he doesn't have it in his store here, or his store at Renderosity, so maybe when he gets back, if that ever happens, he'll be updating it as he did with the Hair Conversion System and a couple of other older products.

I was wondering here did Joe go?

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
At first he was working on a 3D animated movie, then he came back for a short time, and now I think he's working on another one. Not sure about the details.
Here's the other scene I started the other day. I didn't intend for it to be a bit...gloomy... ChibiBel's body, clothes, and hair with UCH again. Gotta scram. Another thunderstorm headed in... At this rate, I'm never going to finish any more runtimes, if Mother Nature stays on the warpath.


  • UCH-ChibiBel-Thinking--TS.jpg
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