• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Official Announcement: DAZ terminates agreement to publish HiveWire 3D animals!


Wow I finally got caught up. I skipped the pie talk though because quite frankly, I don't need the temptation and it wayyy too late to be baking a pie with work in the morning lol.

I do want to say that I've come to realize that a lot of the miscommunication that happens in forums is a direct result of it being the written word, with no accompanying gestures , tone of voice, or facial expressions. Especially when having a brisk debate or discussion, I know I have a tendency to read statements one way when then poster may have meant it in another (and yes, I realize that some posts, there is no doubt what was expressed, I'm not really talking about those) especially if I feel passionately about one side or the other. I try very hard when I realize I am starting to get really irate to stop and ask myself, how much of this is me reading something into it that's not intended just because I am angry, hurt or frustrated? (and I freely admit I am not always successful either lol) I have a policy of trying to assume the best (unless its blatantly obvious that someone is really just being nasty).

I freely admit that I love Daz Studio, I love the program, I love the friends that I have made there, and I love a lot of the PA's over there and truly admire their work. That doesn't mean that I don't or can't make friends in other forums or purchase stuff from other places. I do all the time. I love the fact that I CAN which is why I was really disappointed that this didn't work. It isn't going to stop me from purchasing from Daz and it certainly isn't going to stop me from purchasing here or anywhere else. My choice to purchase at other places takes absolutely nothing away from what I spend at Daz, and my choice to shop at Daz takes nothing away from what I spend elsewhere. I have Poser and I have every intention of learning to use that as well. I struggle with it because for me, Daz is more intuitive. But, in the end, they are all tools that allow me to do far more with my art than I ever thought possible. I'm sad that there is much dissension, when we all really want the same thing. I understand that people have different experiences and I totally respect their right to not like one or the other. I am glad to see that its worked itself out here. I hope that people will remember that sometimes, what we see and hear in our heads when reading other peoples post can be highly subjective without the supporting body language and inflection and just take a moment to ask yourself if what you think you read is what the poster intended.

A major point, and the lack of the body language makes understanding the true intentions difficult. A further problem with the written word is that you can go back over it time and time again and read something more into it each time. If you have been talking to someone you only have your memory of it and while you can relive the conversation to some degree it doesn't have the same impact.

I started with Daz3d, but later moved to Poser and I have used Poser for well over ten years now. Despite that I love seeing what people are doing with DS and how DS is developing. One of the great advantages of Hivewire for me is that I can see what others are doing in DS not only Poser, not only that but I can discuss matters DS related without starting a flame war. Recently I have been very interested in comparisons between Superfly and iRay and it is great to see the difference and have people discuss the pros and cons of both in a very constructive manner.


A copy of DS found it's way onto my hard drives once. I did not fully realize what it was at first - but my wise old friend, the gray wanderer, sent me to a friend deep in the silicon valley. He took the DVD media and cast it into the fire. I thought, "Are you nuts" but when he pulled it out with tongs, there on it's surface, in fiery orange letters that were not there before, was strange wording. He said it was the language of Digital art Zone, and translated it... "One software to rule them all, one software to find them, one software to bring them all together and in the darkness bind them." It could only be destroyed by casting it into the fires of the microwave oven in the daz3D executive break room. So we set out upon a quest...

Great, Poser users, DS users and now Hobbits, this place is on fire....well done Hivewire.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Sadly, it's not a spouse that can be a PITA about priorities such as rent and 3D goodies. No ... it's me!

It's one reason I still don't have a Convection Microwave Oven. Well, priorities and a tiny little problem like ... I just can't DECIDE!!!

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Big Cat doesn't show as me purchasing it either. At first ... none of the HiveWire animals showed as purchased. Then I checked stacks ... and darned if none of the product that were in stacks showed as purchased either.

Then ... I logged into my store account :p

But the Big Cat still shows I haven't yet purchased it. So ... maybe something got broken when the cat ran off and came back?


Did you buy it on release with the free cub morph too? I wonder if they used a different version of the product with both included, as in my account the cub is listed as "bonus content" of the Big Cat and not as a separate product.
That would explain why current version doesn't show as purchased...

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Yeah. I got the one with the free cub too.

That could be it. Alisa or Lisa will know! I meant to send a message to Alisa, but got sidetracked and it's time to leave for work now.


HW3D President
Staff member
I'll email Lisa and Alisa about this dilemma Leana. I'm certain they can solve this.


A copy of DS found it's way onto my hard drives once. I did not fully realize what it was at first - but my wise old friend, the gray wanderer, sent me to a friend deep in the silicon valley. He took the DVD media and cast it into the fire. I thought, "Are you nuts" but when he pulled it out with tongs, there on it's surface, in fiery orange letters that were not there before, was strange wording. He said it was the language of Digital art Zone, and translated it... "One software to rule them all, one software to find them, one software to bring them all together and in the darkness bind them." It could only be destroyed by casting it into the fires of the microwave oven in the daz3D executive break room. So we set out upon a quest...

I kinda find this insulting it's that sort of attitude I dislike, if it wasn't for the free DS I would never have been able to get into 3D couldn't even think of affording Poser or anything else, and when I did get a copy of Poser I soon learned how cumbersome and clunky it was, not at all intuitive to me and so I am grateful for DS especially the advances it has made over the years.
I realise you may well only be trying to funny but the post makes it sound like you would like to see an end to DS.


I never have heard this before!! So the poser only characters for Dusk and Dawn will work in DS?
Please do share your tutorial... maybe over in the software thread??

No characters made for Poser will not work in DS, at best the mats might work but they will need a lot of work to get them to look good.


Morph-based Character injections would work in DS as well as Poser, provided the character shape isn't relying on pmd based morphs (which DS no longer reads), but Weight-mapped figures don't transfer between the two programs. As for the mats, it will depend on how the surfaces and materials were done. if they're texture based and don't use Poser or DS custom shader nodes then they shouldn't require too much work to tweak... but surfaces are one of those things that users tweak to suit their own needs anyways...


I kinda find this insulting it's that sort of attitude I dislike, if it wasn't for the free DS I would never have been able to get into 3D couldn't even think of affording Poser or anything else, and when I did get a copy of Poser I soon learned how cumbersome and clunky it was, not at all intuitive to me and so I am grateful for DS especially the advances it has made over the years.
I realise you may well only be trying to funny but the post makes it sound like you would like to see an end to DS.
And yours makes it sound like you'd like to see Poser done away with as you have no use for it. Forgetting, of course that Poser is the reason both DAZ and DS exists in the first place. This is what I was talking about when I said that people need to learn to "Let it go." What was the point in dumping on Poser? Payback because he made a joke about DAZ? Seriously folks, this community needs some healing. More unites us, than separates us.:)


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member

KageRyu and Earl, respectfully, can you see how the post about having to throw DAZ Studio into a fire to get rid of it, and the fact that it's done by a Poser user, MIGHT be interpreted as not a joke, but a dig at DAZ Studio? (edited for correction of attribution of posts ;))

Ok, let's answer some questions:

Does anyone know the end date of the animal sale? I'm sweet talking hubby but he has this ridiculous idea that the rent and car rego are more important this week than me getting the cat. Pffft I don't know WHERE he comes up with these silly thoughts! :laugh:

LOL! Lisa's already answered this specifically, but so you know, all sale end dates are on the product pages. The ending time is 11:59pm on that day, HiveWire time (which is where Chris is, Utah.)

I hope it's OK to link to it... it's in the forums over at Dreamslayer Artworks... Using Poser Content in Daz Studio

That's very nice theschelle :), and yes, it's fine to link it. That does work with many things, though you may, as mentioned, have to adjust things like materials. I think someone mentioned that this doesn't work if the products are weight mapped, as weight mapping is different in the 2 programs.

All the HW figures and animals ARE weight mapped, so you DO need to use the right weight mapped version in the right program or trust me, you'll get some weird results ;). There's a post about using Poser Poses made for our figures in DS, too, here: Using Poser Poses in DAZ Studio - Fixing hands and feet

Did the Big Cat product numbers change? I bought the Big Cat on release but it doesn't show as purchased in the store, even though I have the order and download files in my account.... :unsure:
Big Cat doesn't show as me purchasing it either. ?
Did you buy it on release with the free cub morph too? I wonder if they used a different version of the product with both included, as in my account the cub is listed as "bonus content" of the Big Cat and not as a separate product.
That would explain why current version doesn't show as purchased...

That's exactly it. We did things differently with the "Buy the House Cat on release and get the Kitten free'"after realizing that the way we did it (with a different sku) meant that it wouldn't show up as "purchased" and unfortunately, there's nothing we are able to do to change it. Be assured that the products in your downloads have been updated to the latest and greatest! The sku of the original "Buy the Big Cat and get the Cub free" is 11355 if you're trying to sort your downloads by sku.


Dances with Bees
You know, though, Alisa, I have to step in here and say it was clearly a JOKE.

And, frankly, that's the problem - where the DS/Poser discussion is concerned, it's a one way street. DS users can make all kinds of claims about Poser and Poser users, no matter how insulting and demeaning and no one corrects that language.

That behavior has cost HW figures dearly. Just the other day, I saw another tired post about Dawn's quarterback shoulders. These myths perpetuate because anyone who even attempts to correct them end up banned from a forum.


You're welcome Alisa, and I mentioned that weight-mapped figures don't play nice going one program to the other as have a few others... I also made sure that was noted in the tut in the general notes at the start... I wanted to make sure I'd covered all the basics... :)



Earl, respectfully, can you see how your post about having to throw DAZ Studio into a fire to get rid of it, and the fact that you do use Poser, MIGHT be interpreted as not a joke, but a dig at DAZ Studio?

1. It wasn't my post. I didn't make it.
2. I thought it was a pretty clear joke. It's the plot to Lord of the Rings. ;)

Heck, even Tparo said he realized that the poster was trying to be funny. And in either case, bashing Poser accomplished what exactly? Nothing. Every slight doesn't need to be responded to. Learn to let it go.
Last edited:


1. It wasn't my post. I didn't make it.
2. I thought it was a pretty clear joke. It's the plot to Lord of the Rings. ;)

Yep, recognised it, hence my reference to Hobbits. Like you I saw it as a joke, but then when Tparo posted I have to say I did see that it could be taken in a different light. Maybe a problem with message sent, message received that crops up from time to time in any forum.


I know KageRyu, and I know it was meant in jest. He was adding some levity to an otherwise heavy topic that clearly has people upset on both sides, though he, like many others, has his beefs with some of the things DAZ as a company has done, which is not to be mistaken for beefs with DS as a program but I digress... Sadly no matter what you say or how you say it someone will take offense it seems, such is life these days...


Yep, recognised it, hence my reference to Hobbits. Like you I saw it as a joke, but then when Tparo posted I have to say I did see that it could be taken in a different light. Maybe a problem with message sent, message received that crops up from time to time in any forum.
Maybe, but I think the response was a little over the top. I think both sides need to refrain from saying stupid stuff.