I agree on the kindness, it still does exist. Unfortunately it doesn't often make it into web forums...
I think a good tactics would be to think:
"If the same thing was said about the person/software/company I happen to like, would I feel offended by it?" If yes, then don't post it.
I've been following this thread on and off for some time now, have started to reply several times and then discarded it, but now I have reached the point where I really want to make a comment.
I do think that HW in general are indeed open to and for everyone, but I have the impression that there are a handful of users who have such a passionate dislike towards one software/company that they - perhaps unintentionally - create an atmosphere that feels uncomfortable to users, customers and business partners of said company. Nice affirmations about everyone being welcome don't help to disspel that impression...
I can only talk for myself, of course, and my impression naturally is subjective, but I feel that my opinions may be tolerated here (because that's the politically correct thing to do, with free speech and all), but not really welcome or even appreciated, because of the software I use and the shop where I sell most of my stuff.
I see a lot of people complaining about X being bashed, but not protesting in any way, even cheering along, when the bashing goes against Y. (For X and Y, insert company or software names of your choice, whatever fits in your case

The silent consensus, as I read it out of this thread, seems to be that bashing is ok as long as it goes against the "right" side. If someone complains about it, they're just told to "let it go" - implying that the complainant should get a thicker skin and not disrupt the nice discussion, basically blaming them for introducing negativity while they were only pointing it out. From other comments I gathered that this was the treatment that offended people so much at a certain other site...?
In a really open, friendly and welcoming environment no bashing would be happening, against nobody and nothing.
Actually, to "let it go" is great advice, if it were applied by both "sides". So I'll follow that advice and end my musings here. I have no hard feelings against anyone or anything, and I hope I haven't offended anybody with my sincerity, just wanted to offer some insights from my point of view