Personally, I have issues with forums where the rules are enforced inconsistently. Must be that Libra influence. I don't know how many times I've whined ... but, it's not FAIR! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Life isn't fair. But life's roll of the dice isn't a valid excuse for people to act like bullies. Nor is it justification to deprive some people of rights because they don't look like you, speak your language, worship your god, love the same gender you do, or come from the same countries your ancestors did. Granted ... forum inequality is rather insignificant. Sorta. It's just on a tiny scale what's wrong with society on the larger scale. /grumble.
Anyway ... I can live with a forum where the rules are clear and enforced consistently. Even if they are draconian

But not when the rules are enforced only for some members ... simply because they don't hold the popular view, while those members who hold the popular view are allowed to attack members with no repercussions. I can't think of any other forum (including game forums where people get even more upset) where I've had posts pulled to the degree I had at DAZ. Usually, I could understand the explanation. But by 2013, my posts were being pulled with no explanation. I could only assume it was because I responded positively to comments about Dawn (or later, posted images of Dawn) ... while other posts mentioning Dawn (or HiveWire) negatively were allowed to remain.
I never had a problem with the original Genesis androgyny. I thought that was rather cool even. Nope. What upset me ... as well as other Poser users ... was that DAZ was no longer releasing figures that could be used natively in Poser. DAZ's solution (DSON) was haphazard at best, and non functional for me, as well as others. Why would it be a surprise that as PAs released less and less new content that could be used in Poser (rather quickly no less) even though that content was not clothing or characters, Poser users were upset? The androgyny thing was really an issue with DS users rather than Poser users. We had bigger concerns. Like ... a PC subscription that was increasingly rather worthless. Big problem when there were two years left on the subscription, and you couldn't get a refund. Nor could you take advantage of any of the "benefits" of being a PC member unless you wanted ancient content. Any wonder some of us felt really, really burned?
Oddly enough, it took a tiny little company with a handful of employees to develop a figure (in DS no less) that was fully able to take advantage of the same features in DS that Genesis does ... AND ... miracle of miracles since we'd been told so many times it was impossible ... worked fantastically in Poser ... natively.
Couldn't be done. Well no. Not until HiveWire came along with a goal of doing things right for both DS and Poser users.