• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yes, 74% is a big deal. :) I slimmed down my wishlist quite a bit, and for a LOT less than it would have gone had I done it slowly over time (like I usually do).

I do use Dawn, Dusk, and Luna. But for a lot of my OC's, I just don't have what I need yet to move them fully over to our figures here, and my primary figure to render with is still Genesis 1... Heck, who am I kidding? I still break out the V3/M3's and V2/M2's to work with sometimes! LOL

But yeah - I grabbed quite a few things off my wishlist.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
I know, and the 2 hairs I got, I got for use with Dawn. Joe (Netherworks) Hair Conversion System has really come in handy the past couple of years.

Now if he would do an addon for Dusk like he did for Dawn, I'll have lots of M4 hair I can convert for Dusk. ;)

LOL. I will admit that having formal conversions probably makes it easier, but I am so used to taking one hair and using it on this or that other model that it was not made for, that well... I don't even blink at hair sales... I check my wishlist, I snag, and I scale, trans, rotate etc until I've got the hair fitting Dusk. :D

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I've tried that so many times over the years between characters, that I got frustrated with the results. I think only once I got a V4 hair to fit K4 so I could do a mother/daughter render with them wearing the same outfit (except the shoes) and hair, and it may have rendered OK, but looking at it from all angles in DS showed just how bad a job I did. ~LOL~

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
LOL - I've even managed to get V4 hairs to fit an animorphed Genesis 1...

That was back before I had gotten LAMH working in DS... wow, I need to update Khetlai with her fur!

But yeah - that was a V4 hair from Rendo... parented and re-scaled and manually fit to a very heavily morphed Genesis 1...

I've been doing it long enough now that I don't even think about it. I'll be honest; some hairs need more work than others to fit them to figures. And sometimes, it's just not worth the effort, yes. But most of the time, I can fit pretty much any hair I want, to any figure I want... it's just a lot of back and forth, rotating the camera around, tweaking the scale and translation dials, more camera rotations... fussing with morphs (if the hair has it), back to camera rotations and dial spins...

I'm sure a utility would make it a lot easier. ;) I just have a habit at this stage of "why buy something I know I can do myself..."

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Nice render Seliah, and I certainly understand your thinking about not buying something you don't necessarily need. Me, I need it. ~ROFL~


I first started fitting hair that way with Nursoda characters...there were very few things available so I had to learn...then I started cross-fitting with human characters and found I could get a lot more use out of content I already had.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Heck, I even grabbed the M4 merchant resource from Sarsa - the Celt one. I use the darn MR's a lot even for my own personal characters that I'm stingy about. And I am not going to pass up a V4 or M4 resource that's normally $20 when I can get it for less than $6... I might have been born yesterday, but I wasn't born in the dark! :sneaky:


Sounds like everyone benefited from that sale...and I'm about done downloading stuff, so I will be going offline soon. Have fun and carry on without me...and I'll see you tomorrow :)


Contributing Artist
Yep... I use Gen4 skins a lot on my characters... mainly because they were the last set of skins for Daz figure lines that were properly detailed and weren't all made to be china doll smooth. So you can bet I grabbed up some of the cheap skins. LOL

Grabbed a few hairs... some add-on textures to clothing models I own (and use frequently) and one or two of the outfits that I've had wishlisted for a long time.

The funny thing is that while I definitely do still use my Gen4's, the skins and clothing more often ends up used on Genesis 1's or G2's... LOL
Same either Genesis or Dawn or Dusk...

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Yes. And I know there's a converter of some sort out there to move V4 skins over to Dawn, though I don't have it yet... not sure if there is anything to move M4 skins to Dusk yet, but I know there's something around that will convert the V4 skins over to Dawn... so even for Dawn, the V4 skins are worth it, I would think.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Are you talking about something other than Texture Transformer, that used to be sold here, but isn't since the store went back online?


Contributing Artist
Yes...there is for M4 textures and Dusk Texture Transformer is the only one I know of though. Would love to have alternate uv's for both Dawn and Dusk for Gen4 figures.

Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
Are you talking about something other than Texture Transformer, that used to be sold here, but isn't since the store went back online?

I was talking about Blacksmith's Texture Transformer, yes. Skylab beat me to the linking. It's been at Rendo for a while also. I knew it had a Dawn conversion ability, but wasn't sure if an M4 to Dusk had been made for it yet or not.

I do actually have the 3DU TC2 converter, but it only does Daz figures AFAIK, and at any rate, it's been unstable as hell on my current laptop.

For that matter, so has Evil Innocence's Crossdresser... sigh. Not that XD was a great solution for clothing re-fits since we are lacking in so many projection templates, but... it was better than nothing, until I got my laptop, and now it just crashes whenever I try to actually convert the morphs (ie, if a dress has "Expand All" for example... it will crash as soon as it tries to put that morph into the converted piece, which leaves me the option to give up all the function morphs... this is another reason I haven't been able to use Dawn as much... lack of clothing.)

Yes...there is for M4 textures and Dusk Texture Transformer is the only one I know of though. Would love to have alternate uv's for both Dawn and Dusk for Gen4 figures.

I don't know if it would even be legal to be able to distribute such UVs, Pen. I would think that Daz would have a royal conniption fit if HW distributed UVs like that...LOL

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I don't know if it would even be legal to be able to distribute such UVs, Pen. I would think that Daz would have a royal conniption fit if HW distributed UVs like that...LOL
You know, I've been meaning to ask . . . what exactly are "alternate" uvs? I've not heard that term until recently. Do you mean you make you're own uvs, rather than using the ones the creator setup? Do you make changes to them, or just lay them out differently?

I know sometimes I've redone uv maps because the creator made a uv map that was layered, and I find it easier to texture something where the bits and pieces don't overlap each other.