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Seliah (Childe of Fyre)

Running with the wolves.
Contributing Artist
That's a Mor-V item. MortemVenus does mighty fine work. I can see lots of LOTR/D&D/WOW/etc fantasy artists going to town with that beard on their dwarves! LMAO


Just heard it announced that NYC is a little over an inch away from breaking the all time record for snow totals...right now is 25 something and the record is 26 something.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Just heard it announced that NYC is a little over an inch away from breaking the all time record for snow totals...right now is 25 something and the record is 26 something.
Just what I wanted to hear. :headdesk:


I've been playing with Dusk Ricardo some while we've been chatting, and some stuff I picked up at the RDNA sale...30-40-50% sale, worth catching if you've wish-listed anything. They have a new M4 long beard in their new releases...so was able to get it at 50% along with numerous M4 textures from their mark downs.
Jim got that beard. He says you need to put a skin texture that has hair on it with it for it to look right and some fiddling is needed but otherwise it's worth the $13.96 he paid for it. He says he doesn't consider it worth the full price.


Within three or so weeks we'll be getting a new roof. We were able to afford the upgrade to metal so that's what we'll be doing. What surprised me is that the roofer will be paying 80% of our deductible so we'll only be paying around $3500 ourselves after the insurance money. Most of that is the difference between 30 year shingles and metal. $190 is fixing a small part of the back porch which has other weather damage not covered by the insurance claim. The first insurance check is in the bank already and the second one will come after we send the roofer's work receipt to the them.


That's why I mentioned it...sort of a discrete way of saying "if you want it, get it now". Jim is right, in the same way the the M4 Beard has an undercovering, so that the Beard Plus looks right layered on top, this long beard would have looked better had it had that feature....but some things can be accomplished in low light....that's why I was working with it....this whole time I've been playing with the lights with that beard. Indeed, full price would be a bit much, but I got it for just under $10, so I'm impressed with the waves and realism of the hair.


Though I haven't looked outside, the snow is supposed to stop any time now, so I think I'll get some much needed rest now. I've had friends call who said they'd lost power, so I felt the need to stay alert in case we did too....but so far, so good. Everyone have a good evening, and continue to be safe, and I'll check in tomorrow :)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Good night Sky. Have a good rest. I also heard on NY1 just now that it's winding down and moving away, so that's good.

Unfortunately, we're going to be seeing it around for a long time, even though the weather is going to warm up the next week, and even warmer the week after.


Ever tried to sleep and you can't stop trying to solve a rendering or posing problem? Well, long story short, after relaxing, I "heard" what I had posted here about the M4 Beard and M4 Beard Plus layers...so I tried building the third layer with the RDNA M4 Long Beard, and the render was definitely an improvement. Here's the result.


Now I can sleep...and I'll try again with Dusk tomorrow. It was easier to use M4 for the test since I didn't have to do so much fitting and tweaking. Good night all :)


That came out very well.
I'm quite tired of people posting renders where it looks like the character has strings of clay or rubber stuck into his skin and claiming that it looks realistic. It doesn't.


Good morning Terre :) That's why I posted such a large image, I wanted you to see up close what layering the hair product could accomplish. I've searched high and low for decent looking facial hair for biblical characters and have at times had to settle for less than desired. This was a definite move forward toward realism. You'd have to be careful about choosing color...all the layers would have to match, or at least be blended properly or it will be obvious that there are layers.

The M2 and M3 characters are lighter weight and better for populating biblical scenes, but the mil beard tends to look strange when rendered. Something like this might help that problem too. I've already started a Last Supper set using Paul, and one for Dusk, but I had put his on hold because of lack of clothing...CrossDresser may solve that issue. I'm watching for a CrossDresser license for Paul, hoping they will release one. I just happen to like their easier, painless way of converting clothing. So far Paul handles the best of all the new figures for busy scenes and I'm wondering how clothing and hair would impact that, since the more realistic, the more demanding of system resources. Another thing I want to try working with is the LoRez series of figures, as they'd be easier on system resources. And, finally, the other goal I have for this year is doing a few animated poses. So it will be a busy year...I like to keep several different ongoing projects, so that I don't get burned out working on one project too long.


Looks like NYC and Baltimore set records for snowfall yesterday...and as of 7 a.m. the travel ban was lifted in NYC, so everybody will be free to go wild playing in the snow today.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Afternoon! Yes, Central Park got 26.8". The sun is out and shining brightly, and I can see where there's been a little melting, but the weather is still too cold, and now the snow melting/dripping off the a/c unit on the building across from me, has icicles dangling. I don't think the weather is going to warm up enough until tomorrow or Tuesday to see any significant melting, and it's going to take a looooong time to get rid of all this.

I haven't been out yet today, but I suspect the sidewalks are probably clear enough to make a short walk easy enough if I have to get to the store for anything.


Hey Miss B...yeah, I saw the Central Park and JFK snow totals announced...wow, you didn't know you were headed for "historic" when it began snowing. Glad things are slowly getting back to normal. I finally fell asleep early this morning and got my first solid sleep since before the storm...I felt the need to be alert the whole time because of power loss risk...so when that risk finally passed, I relaxed out like a wet noodle...haha.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Kewl, glad you got a good sleep. I wasn't worried about the power outage, and if it did happen I have flashlights in each room, with lots of batteries in the house.

No, I certainly didn't think we were going for historic, that's for sure. This was definitely the worst snow storm I've lived through. I remember one that was just about 2 feet, but I don't recall ever seeing one here that was more than 2 feet, well until now. :)

Anyway, I just went out because I was feeling a little claustrophobic, and the walk to the store wasn't bad. Most of the apartment buildings around here have snow blowers, so except at the curbs which are messy, the sidewalks were pretty clean and easy to walk on.