I'm not sure Supergirl's outfit would fit him that well... The skirt could have a nice kilt effect though.
When I designed my wife's Dilemma Girl costume (she was a superhero), I avoided that big budget Hollywood look...
They use all those fancy materials and careful stitching and have a complete lack of duct tape.
I decided to go for the rarely used pajama and beach towel cape look.
Until she got bored with being a superhero, about fifteen or twenty minutes after I finished the costume, everyone agreed the bad guys would never expect an outfit like that to be worn by a superhero.
While I think those fancy outfits are great, if you really want to surprise your evil nemeses, I think one should avoid the traditional superhero look.
First thing I have to say... Dressing up in a fancy costume is expected..
Two, if you have ever been on a subway and someone in a fancy Ratman or Amazing Roach Man (granted those were 80s NYC superheroes) shows up, the first thing you think, no matter how much cool spandex and glittery Lycra they are wearing, the first thing you think is "crazier than a barrel of rabid wombats"...
Even if a giant mutant subterranean mole monster is attacking the train and that guy shows up and starts fighting it, you are gonna be like, "Great... Why is he wearing his glitter-thong on the outside of his outfit?"
80s New York could get fabulous at times...
But my point was, no matter how high quality the outfit...
Actually I forgot what my point was.
Something about why one should wear a glitter-thong on the outside if they want to avoid the uncomfortable Mylar glitter bits scratching up their bottom...?
It was the 80s and who knew taking apart an industrial microwave oven could give one unpredictable electron manipulation powers...
Well, I should probably stop writing... I'm not contributing anything useful to this conversation, as I don't know a lot about superheroes beyond maybe Ratman, Roach Man and that super annoying Electron Man.