And another warm welcome to Cliff, and Chuck from me! 

Heya Cliff!
It would be great if you are interested in rigging any of the upcoming animals! Have you seen the warthog?
HiveWire Warthog from Harry
Hi guys.
I have a personal love for elephants - always have done. In fact, the first walk cycle I ever created for Poser was for Deb Ross's African Elephant.
I have really rather a lot on my plate at the moment and am concerned about making promises that I may not be able to live up to - but is there at least a list somewhere of projects awaiting rigging? If there are figures as appealing as elephants, dragons, dinosaurs etc. I'd love to pick one to play with and see if I can find the time to do a decent job.
I'm only interested in doing a decent job. With the Elephant and Big Cat already handled I'm not sure what there is that would appeal to me - and I don't think I am able to do a GOOD job on anything that doesn't appeal to me.
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PS I also have ZERO interest in stepping on any toes. Simply not interested in any politics or BS at all
PPS I tend to be passionate. It's a thing. I love Poser, but DS has a lot going for it too. I would probably prefer to rig in DAZ Studio and then transfer that to Poser, and tweak than go the other way simply because I believe that direction of travel is easier for rigging information.
PISTASCHIO!FYI I'm rigging in steps. There will be some (SOME) basic geometric zone rigging under the weight maps. That means it will be in a state where it can eventually be ported to DS. It will also feature some P11 goodies like linear deforms and control props. Don't get too excited this is only about 8 hours of rigging. There's a long way to go. P.S. I know elephants don't walk that way. I'm just messing with bendieness.
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Cliff, good to see you here. My email is I'd like to Skype with you and see if we can get something going. You may want to consider checking out our Dragon thread here:
HiveWire Dragon Begins
I've unpinned several work in progress threads, if they're just sitting with not much progress. Once I get the modeling done, they often sit, and folks wait, and wait, and then wait some more, then lose interest and move on to something else that is shiny.
The difference between 3D and my main job in IT is that 3D is interesting
A slightly embarrassed wave from me - I didn't expect such a warm round of greetings!
HAHAHAHAHAHAI DO NOT! Oooh, what's that? Shiny!!!![]()
Not to mention the trunk! That's a whole job in itself!I can't really say that I'm utterly surprised that the elephant is a somewhat special case. Nearly all the other animals are based off of either the horse or the cats and their rigging is likely to just need adaptation and fine tuning. Sometimes, maybe a lot of adaptation and fine tuning. But elephants don't move like horses OR cats. And they are a whole different shape, not just a somewhat different shape with somewhat different proportions.
A slightly embarrassed wave from me - I didn't expect such a warm round of greetings!
To be honest, one of the main privileges of doing 3D work in this kind of community is getting mentioned in the same breath people like Charles, Ken, and so forth. The work these folks do... well, as I say - being mentioned in the same breath is one of the perks!
I would be MORE than happy to take a look as DS-ising the Indian Elephant if Charles doesn't want to. But as with the warthog, my FIRST consideration has to be other people's toes. So as someone - anyone - has already put their hand up for the warthog, I wouldn't even consider it. I'd heartily recommend that Charles take a look at converting the elephant himself if he wants to/can. I am a LOT more interested in fiddling with 3D figures than I am in upsetting anyone even a little bit, and learning new stuff.
I'm going to scan the dragon thread first, then see what else I can pick out quickly looong before I install Skype on anything to contact Chris so tha tI have something to discuss. Please bear in mind that I'll be doing this in spare moments I can grab between my "day job" and family life (and I'm working all day Saturday as my schedule currently stands). The difference between 3D and my main job in IT is that 3D is interesting