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Todays Weather where you live?


you can have ours.. we've had enough for a thousand years ! :inverted:

nice autumn day downunder... but winter is coming.. had to put my trackie pants on today :shineon:
I want to put water catchment into the house. So I can water-bank for the dry times. Keep the garden (and pool) wet :)
It was almost cool here this morning. Cloudless sky, heated up by mid morning.


65F here right now, not even noon. Maybe summer is finally getting ready to start up. We don't get much Spring anymore.


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Only 58F here at the moment, and light rain all day. In fact, they're predicting light rain through Sunday. Well there goes my power walks for the next few days. :(


It was cool here in the morning. Warmed up once the sun was up. Perfect day for a row. But I couldn't as I'm isolating(ish) before the trip. Have to pass a Covid test 24 hours before or no travel :/

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
It rained all day here again today, and the weather was only in the 45F range. Still went for a walk when it let up to just a drizzle, but then it poured again. Hopefully this will end sometime during the night.


Dances with Bees
a brisk fresh sunny morning downunder to start this Mother's Day off..

Happy Mother's Day to those that have it today :balloon03: :shineon:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well summer has officially arrived here, as it was up in the low 90sF here in NYC. It's definitely time for me to start carrying my sun umbrella when outside.

Fortunately, it's only the one day, as they're predicting tomorrow's temp to be in the high 70sF, and for the rest of this week, as well as next week.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I remember those days when I used to visit family in Arizona this time of year. Glad it's a very rare day for us to get into the 3-digit temps.


We've been sweating it out for the past week with temps near 100. The past two days have been cooler, but tomorrow or Tuesday, the heat comes back.


It's been in the low 60s this weekend, but the heat comes back tomorrow, and by next Friday, we'll be looking at 80s!
