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Todays Weather where you live?


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
The snow did not lasted long , now imagine all the rain we getting tonight was snow .. it is 4:43 am and it is 45F .. crazy as it was 6F yesterday at the same time .. seems like the rain bring the warmth within.
less than 9 weeks until spring .. yeah! but before that we may see some serious cold and snow again .. but not expecting as much with the la nina

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
We got nothing but rain here for hours . . . and hours . . . and hours. It started around dinner time last night, and finally stopped some time around 5:15am this morning.

That said, however, there's a dark cloud heading our way, so there might be more rain today, though I hope not.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
The snow did not lasted long , now imagine all the rain we getting tonight was snow .. it is 4:43 am and it is 45F .. crazy as it was 6F yesterday at the same time .. seems like the rain bring the warmth within.
You saw snow? I didn't see any here, just a lot of rain, and yes the warmer weather last night certainly did help.


You saw snow? I didn't see any here, just a lot of rain, and yes the warmer weather last night certainly did help.
We had flurries, but mostly a mix, sleet, snow and freezing rain. The rain pretty much guaranteed that the snow wouldn't stick around. We were expecting everything to freeze over night, but it seems it didn't.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
You saw snow? I didn't see any here, just a lot of rain, and yes the warmer weather last night certainly did help.
around 8pm yesterday ? but did not last for long and quick disappeared, mostly mix of snow-rain.
If not my hubby I would not even know , as the weather channel showing only rain .


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
we got about a foot of heavy, wet snow, kept clogging the snowblower and took nearly 3 hours to clear my drive. Started getting freezing rain about 3/4 of the way through it - which is supposed to turn back to snow tonight:(

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
It had been snowing for a while last night when I went to sleep. Then it warmed up and turned to rain at some point before morning.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I saw some sunlight this morning, but then it clouded up, and when I went out to run some errands an hour ago, it had started snowing, but such small tiny flakes which weren't sticking. They were just making wet spots on the pavement.

Of course, that could change later as the temps drop, so I'll have to wait and see if we get any accumulation.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
YIKES! It's been two or three decades since we've had those kind of winter storms here in NY City, but I remember them all too well. In fact, we had one that gave us over 2 feet of snow a couple of days before I was supposed to go away for a long weekend. I came back, and it was still there. No fun shoveling my car out of a snow drift, as I didn't have a garage spot back then.


YIKES! It's been two or three decades since we've had those kind of winter storms here in NY City, but I remember them all too well. In fact, we had one that gave us over 2 feet of snow a couple of days before I was supposed to go away for a long weekend. I came back, and it was still there. No fun shoveling my car out of a snow drift, as I didn't have a garage spot back then.
I remember once back in the 90s, I was visiting a friend in Brooklyn, and I had driven up instead of coming on the train as I usually did. There was no snow when I arrived, but I had been in town for maybe three hours and there was about two feet of snow on the ground. I had never seen it snow that hard or that quick.


BTW, it's Tuesday night as I write this, and they're already forecasting another snow/sleet event for us here in NC. Says it could be a three day even and we may get a two or three inches out of it. :D


BTW, it's Tuesday night as I write this, and they're already forecasting another snow/sleet event for us here in NC. Says it could be a three day even and we may get a two or three inches out of it. :D
So, an inch a day? We have blizzards up here where we get an inch an hour! o_O :(



5cm (2in) an hour for the 2 hour blizzard part though it seemed like it was coming down harder. Snow globe type stuff. Official tally was 16 in. It's snowing again as I type this after snowing all night but it is supposed to get up to 2 or 3 (35-36f) for a bit this afternoon then we drop temp and it looks like a few more -35 to -40 (-31 - -40f) though the weekend. If it isn't shoveled by this afternoon, it isn't going anywhere for a while. They are trying to get the stuck buses out (still about 100 or so) that are placed around the city and it took some 18 hours to clear the jackknifed trucks on the highway across the top of town. 10 or 12 lanes of traffic reduced to 2 or 3.


So we finally got the snow they've been promising us for three days now. It's only coming down now in flurries and snow showers. They say it's supposed to get as much as an inch or may be three deep, but right now, it's just a dusting.


I remember my first visit to New York. My friend wanted to walk around downtown in Manhattan at night. We ended up walking through the village. That's where I had my first inkling that girls are either f---ing insane or space aliens because all of them were wearing miniskirts and it was freaking freezing out that night.:eek:
Well, men are from Mars. And Mars needs women. So...alien, yes.

I thought the same thing on a friggin freezing night in Sydney (well, cold. It doesn't freeze). Some girls at the bus stop one Friday night, wearing miniskirts heading to the CBD. And I thought: no guy is as tough as those girls. That was dedication.