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Todays Weather where you live?


I don't know what the actual temperature is, but it's frickin COLD... And windy and I think one of my fingers froze off... Now I have to use this stupid carrot I glued in its place until I find the dang thing...

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Bright and sunny here, and it's supposed to get up to 50ºF today, which is quite a bit warmer than it's been of late.


Contributing Artist
I'll send you all some of our weather!
I was hoping it would be a bit more cooler than it has been for Christmas day (it is, but not as much as I was hoping) so we could sit outside without melting (Hubby wants a roast for Xmas but no way will he be doing that in our kitchen so it will be a spit roast on the BBQ). I think the humidity is prob going to make if feel hotter (I hate that!)
xmas weather.jpg

Frost Risk: Nil LOL


Contributing Artist
No thank you James, I still want it to be pool weather, just not melting LOL (I think I'd die at that temp! We are normally pretty moderate here so even under 10c is freezing for me! :p)

James R.

Busy Bee
No thank you James, I still want it to be pool weather, just not melting LOL (I think I'd die at that temp! We are normally pretty moderate here so even under 10c is freezing for me! :p)

Lol, I don’t blame you at all! :) Our temperatures up here at 52 degrees north are just silly.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Well it's pouring rain here today. The temp is around 44ºF, with a projected high in the mid-high 50s. That's warmer than it's been here lately, but it won't last long.


Contributing Artist
our air-cons not working properly but heading up for Xmas-eve to the in-laws (half an hour away) so hope they have theirs working. Supposed to storm tomorrow for Xmas day tho.