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To hopefully lighten your day

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm not sure if it's Photoshoped Robert. You can see the kitty's reflection in the puddle. Of course, that's not to say it CAN'T be done, but not likely.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
I've had a copy of this image for many years, I think without that bible verse :)).

From a discussion at Snopes (8 years ago)

'The photo is from the book, "Big Dogs, Little Dogs - The World of Our Canine Companions", by Arts and Entertainment Network and is a companion volume to the A & E program airing in 1998. The caption to the photo in the book reads: "Minstrel, resident cat of a British Police Dog School, gets proper respect from fledgling Canine Corps." Photo is credited to Corbis-Bettmann. Book published by Gt Publishing Corporation, 1998.'

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I've had a copy of this image for many years, I think without that bible verse :)).

The caption to the photo in the book reads: "Minstrel, resident cat of a British Police Dog School, gets proper respect from fledgling Canine Corps." Photo is credited to Corbis-Bettmann. Book published by Gt Publishing Corporation, 1998.
Interesting tidbit of information there Alisa. Thanks for letting us know. I was pretty sure it was a photograph, and you've just confirmed it for me. ;)


The Wicked Witch of the North
Very interesting, Alisa, and if those were young dogs in training, even more impressive!


Thanks Alisa, I had that picture on my harddrive for years. Interestingly I always thought of it as a "training dogs" picture. Those German Shepherds have to be trained, or they get a real danger.

As for dogs respecting cats: we had a tomcat that hated dogs (no, we didn't train him, must have been an early childhood trauma). He attacked each dog that got too near to him or his territory. Even big ones - and the dogs fled! He helped us to have a clean ground around our tent when we where camping. *grin*


I'm not sure if it's Photoshoped Robert. You can see the kitty's reflection in the puddle. Of course, that's not to say it CAN'T be done, but not likely.
Poor attempt at bad humor. It is an older photo, I remember seeing it years ago as an 'inspiration' poster... being brave or something along those lines. (Similar to the biblical reference here.)


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Brave or stupid.... :). We had one cat we weren't sure about in that respect. A neighbor's puppy came into our house, and our other cat ran to hide. Not the other one - she went charging at the puppy, who turned and ran out! Poor baby was probably traumatized!

On the other hand, we took our golden (at about the age he was in my avatar) over to the home of the woman who had the father and a sister. She also had a cat about the same size as the puppies. The 3 of them chased each other all around the house - so cute!

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
As long as they chased each other, and didn't bark at or bite each other, no problem.


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
It was - they were adorable. Kitty would chase the furballs (er, Golden Retriever puppies), puppies would chase the kitty.


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