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The Anchorage, Part 3


Contributing Artist
I'm here! Absolutely shattered so I'm gonna have an early for me lights out.

Pen, I'll send you a message later this morning via Skype and we can make some plans :)
Sounds good...I have a special family lunch happening today so may not be able to answer a video call but text me. The computer will probably be on so I can do stuff in between all the cooking. Been a while since I did something like this so I just hope the meal works out. My son and grandchildren are coming over for lunch.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
I kept hearing Tsuki banging at a cupboard door, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

Soo ... I opened a cupboard and what did I find? Cabinet kitty! Of course, she moved just as I clicked the button. Took me a bit to figure out how she's getting in there. This is the corner cabinet, and apparently, there is a gap on the top of the cabinet between the "north" and "east" cabinets and she's squeezing through it to get into the cupboard. I discovered this by bribing her by digging out a scoopful of her cat food and rattling it while I watched the cupboard.

Can you imagine the maintenance ticket for this? Top of kitchen cabinet has a gap my cat is crawling through to get into the kitchen cabinets.

I wonder if her missing blossom toys are up there?!?


Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Oh, and other excitement today ... I had to go to the doctor because I have cellulitis again. Groan. I wasn't sure yesterday morning, but by the evening, it was unmistakeable.

And then because of road construction, I had to take a detour to get to the pharmacy and to get back home. And ... I got lost on my way back home and ended up in a neighborhood of cul de sacs! I couldn't believe it. Every single street I turned down was a cul de sac! (All flower names no less ... turned out it was only three flowers, but it seemed like so many more because of how many cul de sacs I went down. I finally had to turn on data so Goggle could direct me home! Which it did. Back through the flowers to Hazelhurst and then onto SR 3044 / E Wynnewood Ave which took me home. Otherwise, I'd still be in Periwinkle-Primrose-Violet hell!

When I encountered a street closure, I thought that was Wynnewood, so I got myself thoroughly confused ... even without those cul de sacs. They should never have two streets closed so close together! Especially, when they look the same without street signs!

And to imagine, I was less than a mile from home!



Contributing Artist
Sorry to hear that Satira...what a sneaky kitty cat! Mine likes to escape outside when people open the door.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Tsuki grew out of bolting out the door when I left in the morning. But she still tends to squirm out the door when I get home in the evening. She will bolt down the hallway once in a while, but mostly she just explores our corner of the hallway ... at least long enough for me to pick her up. But I do have to hold her when they deliver my groceries, or she will follow them down the hallway. She is so enamored with people.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I suppose that's better than having her snarling at other people, like your grocery delivery guys.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
Morning now :wink:

As long as no one has an elevator door open or the stairwell doors open, she can't really go anywhere. Other than into someone's apartment if they open their door!

Fortunately, she doesn't go too far down the hallway anymore. Not after discovering that there really isn't anything all that interesting on the other side of the building. I'm in one of those apartments circled (the pool deck is the fourth floor.) She explored all the way to the elevators in the center of the building and then down the other hall. By the time I decided to get treats to bribe her back, she'd gotten bored and was back outside my door.

She bolted down almost to the elevators a few more times, but now she doesn't go much further than about halfway down our hallway. Watch her bolt down to the other end next time she gets out now!
