Finally read through all 27 pages! Lots of great images and lots of new people -- and some folks I've not seen in a while. I missed Wayii!
AncientStatue, I was very sorry to hear of your loss. A little late, but the sentiment is sincere.
Again, thanks to all who generously offered their products for free. Some I'd already bought, but there were a few I hadn't and I'm probably going to have fun playing with these through the end of May.

Anyway, a few more I put together:
Follow the Leader
Gogmagog, Whisper, and the Elfen Poses on the teeny twirling Dawns.
Curiosity and the Big Cat
Fallen Tree, Greens for Fallen Tree, the Bell Flower, and a background from Land Escapes - Mystic Backgrounds. Also the HW Big Cat and some bees.
Incoming: Tiny Demon Spawn
HW House Cat, Silly Cat Things, Casual Anabela Shoes for Dawn, and a pose from Mixed Poses for Dawn.
Called one of our cats this just the other day: "Tabitha!! Toilet paper is precious now; do not shred it, tiny demon spawn!"
Not that she listens. I do not get her fascination for toilet paper.
I love these Silly Cat Things (I bought both) and would love an angel add-on.