• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Stay Home - Spread Hope Render Challenge

My second entry, thanks for Molar Island!
This is probably one of my book characters, now Queen of Velantia and Balan... awaiting for her lover to return from the North.

The other bits include V4, Kelp Hair/Crown, Elven Princess outfit.
The background is one of your sky backgrounds, but I took it to Photoscape and added a reflection - then put a ripple on it in Gimp.
Again, about 25 pieces in the set (and a 3 hour render), but other than V4 and her associated pieces, everything else is from Hivewire 3D. Thank you!!!



This is the first time I've entered a picture into a contest here. A little scared to share. This image uses the hivewire horse with Whisper's golden coat, pansies, the pot from potted palm, and day lilies, and you can barely see one of the black eyed susans behind the unicorn...

Touch of Whimsy.jpg


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Welcome to all the newbies and thanks for sharing these lovely images. Glad you overcame your fear, Phoenix, to share yours so we can all enjoy them :)


I am so behind on catching up with the entries for this contest -- old computer failing led to computer-less me for a while, but I now have a newer one and it took a little while to transfer old content over and figure out why things that used to work no longer work etc etc etc. I'm excited I can finally used dForce clothing.

But I have two renders using the freebies (though I'd already bought several of them) and have a few more to create to make use of everything I downloaded. :)

Social Distance Dating


Used the Vintage Bicycle, HW House Cat, Tulips, and the Leash & Harness for the HW Big Dog.

Dawn Portrait


Used Minako for Sora (converted to iray and added fiber mesh eyebrows), Asiatic Lily, and a pose from Mixed Poses for Dawn.

Off to do more rendering, see what's up with Dawn 2.0, and go back and read through this topic to see all what I've missed -- looks like a lot!


The Door in the Wall. Out riding the woman finds a snow storm closing in. Seeking sanctuary from the cold she sees a door in the wall. What lays beyond? Was there safety from the storm? This time it was the door to summer. Vue environment for the snow forest and the garden scene put together in photoshop. Gazebo, Lisa's Botanical's lilies, Black eyed susans, day lilies and the flower fountain.


You don't always have to leave the render the way the program made it.

I like trying different styles in the final image. Thought this one looked nice.

Title: Painting Still Life of Flowers

Spread the Hope free items used:

Lisa's Botanicals - Daylily
Lisa's Botanicals - Blackeyed Susan
Lisa's Botanicals - Tulip

Other items used:

Cherubit - Vase
Daz - created table top with primatives

Rendered in IRAY (DAZ3D Studio 4.12)
Post Processing - FotoSketcher and PSPx6

painting still life of flowers.jpg


  • painting still life of flowers.jpg
    painting still life of flowers.jpg
    570.5 KB · Views: 310


Memory, what an interesting thing.... remember seachnasaigh type seansaigh. *sigh*
seachnasaigh did the lighting for the gazebo. 8 )