• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Stay Home - Spread Hope Render Challenge


Since this is only my second post, I hope this also ok.

Love seeing the other posts - great.

Tension, Stress, Worry - calls for meditation.

Title: Serenity

Made with:

Stay at home items:

Lisa's Botanicals - Potted Palm
Lisa's Botanicals - Tulips
Lisa's Botanicals - Back-eyed Susans

Other items:

DAZ - Genesis 8 Female
FWSA - Khloe HD for Karyssa 8
Crocodile Liu - Nyo Hair for G8F
xtrart-3d - dForce X-Fashion Sexy Kimono for G8F(s)
Cybrea - Spiral Earring for G3F/G8F
Edheldil - V8 Poses


  • serenity.jpg
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HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
Thanks for your comment. For everyone who might be wondering, the effect was done through DeepDreamGenerator. Love the many effects it provides.
I love the effect. Before I saw the original I thought the background was an iceberg or the edge of a glacier where you see ice sheets calving off. Then the foreground was all spring-like in contrast to the ice. Cool!

Ok first time on here and first entry.


Dawn/Sora feeling melancholy as she wonders how many horses will lose their homes as a result of this pandemic.

Oh, wow. Something I hadn’t considered. :(

Thank you all for your generosity! I can't wait to play with everything! I've got a couple ideas to work on, just need to find the time (my day job is considered an essential business so I can't stay home). First one's cooking right now though. Yay! :)

So great that you’re making the time to create. Be safe out there!

I'm pretty sure it doesn't have to be square, just the longest side is to be 1600 pixels max. :)

I will update the OP to clarify.

Thank you for fantastic free content.

:thankyou: for coming back to show us how you used it.

Since this is only my second post, I hope this also ok.

Love seeing the other posts - great.

Tension, Stress, Worry - calls for meditation.

Title: Serenity

Yes. Unplug. Breathe.

:welcome: to all of the New-Bees! Great to have you here!



Before I post another image, I like to say thank you to all of you that commented or liked or whatevered the first two images. It's very much appreciated. I hope that posting a number of images is ok. I know it's allowed, but that doesn't mean everyone likes it. Being a retired old guy I'm used to staying home and this gives me something other than genealogy to work on. So anyway, that you all.


For those of us old enough to remember, I've modernize the first few lines an old 1970 tune to fit today's world...

"Hey there, I bet ya. There's something out to get ya. You'll find it anywhere, on a bus, in a bar, in a grocery store..."

So, stay at home. Stay indoors. Practice social distancing. Be aware. Be watchful. Be careful. Be wary. Don't become complacent. Stay safe.

This poor little kitty didn't

Rendered in IRAY with DS 4.12

Title : Something out to get ya

Made with the following items:

Stay inside item:

Hivewire - The Housecat
Kobaltkween/Lisa's Botanicals - Flower Fountain
Lisa's Botanicals - Daylily
Lisa's Botanicals - Asiatic Lilly
Lisa's Botanicals - Tulips

Others items:

DAZ - Dragon 3
Nobiax Iray Shaders - ground shader

The song, by the way, is the Rapper. Recorded by the Jaggerz in 1969 and released in Jan 1970. Made the top charts in the US and the world in Mar 1970. The group hails from Pittsburgh (just down the road a bit). One of the group, Donnie Iris, is from Lawrence County, Pa, just a couple of miles away from where I live.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it.

somethings out to get ya.jpg


  • somethings out to get ya.jpg
    somethings out to get ya.jpg
    953.7 KB · Views: 230


Before I post another image, I like to say thank you to all of you that commented or liked or whatevered the first two images. It's very much appreciated. I hope that posting a number of images is ok. I know it's allowed, but that doesn't mean everyone likes it. Being a retired old guy I'm used to staying home and this gives me something other than genealogy to work on. So anyway, that you all.

I have been accused of posting far too many images in the past, not here but elsewhere, but then someone jumped to my defence saying they would rather see more of my renders than yet another pin up which was the main subject matter. So some might not like a lot of renders and others will welcome it, I guess my views is that nobody is being forced to look at the images so, in general, publish and be damned as they say and any way I like your images.


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
How is everyone feeling today? :grouphug:

Is it becoming more challenging to maintain social distancing?

What are your observations and concerns?

Please feel free to respond to these questions with a render if it’s more comfortable than talking about it.


Dances with Bees
Contributing Artist
we are 6 on the house...so we are in company...talk with friends by telephone ,WhatsApp ,Videocall...and here so busy...so no time
to feel bad..at least for the moment...we are encouraging one another.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I'm fine! Been out gardening. If it's okay, I might post a PHOTO (not for the contest) of the fairy garden (fairy village) I just started. (I haven't looked yet to see how the photos I took actually look.)
I have NO problems with social distancing. I'm ALWAYS like this!
Concerns: My best friend works in a hospital. (She's been an LPN for over 40 years now.) She is very concerned about the lack of supplies for the workers. She isn't one of the ones working with the covid patients, but she has to wear a mask anyhow because other workers could be contagious, and then she has to reuse the mask several times because there are so few of them available at her hospital. I'm hoping that more masks available soon and that the "locusts" (my term for those who strip the shelves bare) don't take all of them. (No, "locusts" are not "preppers". REAL preppers pick up supplies a few items at a time well ahead of a crisis, do not strip shelves bare, aren't out there shopping during a crises, and don't resell their supplies.) She says she gets angry when she sees non-medical people with the N95 masks because unless you're sick or in the hospital, that's overkill.


We are coping surprisingly well although, being retired, we did not have a massive social network before and so we are able to stay in touch via phone and Internet.

Went shopping this morning, first went to Sainsburys where they were queued around the car park so I guess something in the order of an hours wait. drove around the corner to Aldi which is less than a ten minute walk, no queue went straight in and found all the shelves well stocked, they even had eggs and toilet roll. I guess some people have more difficulty braking habits than others my wife and I are quite happy to queues if needs be but not if there is an alternative.

Otherwise we are spending more time in the garden and also doing some of the little low priority jobs that I rarely get around to unless they become a higher priority. Of course watching the news is a little frightening but all we can do is stay indoors other than for shopping and exercise and hope for the best.

One sigh I did see while shopping which I liked.... 'in a world where you can be anything you like...be kind'.


Dream Weaver Designs
Not doing to bad here, we are day 15 of a four week lockdown, only really leave the house to do the shopping under normal conditions so has been hardly any change for me and my son.
We have had a little calico cat move in with us so that has been a nice distraction and I might see if I can do a render featuring her later :)


N95 masks are used in woodworking, to protect from sawdust which can be harmful to your health. I also wear one when I'm doing yard work, mowing the lawn and doing the edging. I need it because of allergies. I bought some several months ago...just one package that had two in it. I've been doing some woodworking projects and need them. And the warm weather is coming, so they'll be needed for the mowing. But, I don't buy them on a weekly basis...I keep using the same one for quite some time. I'm actually afraid to go out in public wearing one...I might be attacked. People are crazy! And many care only for themselves.
