• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Songbird Remix's Product Preview Thread


This is for Ken. Totally random. I caught the tail end of a story on tv about a teenage Indian boy between 16 and 20, who went birding all around the area outside of his city (major city in India, missed the name). taking photos and documenting the names of all the birds he found.
This one bird caught my attention. It's got the same size and body shape as a parakeet, but it's got a regular beak. It's either got a bright blue body and bright yellow head, or vice versa. The way the colors blending from one to the other was lovely. I don't remember if it had any red, but the bright blue and yellow I do remember. The name I think referenced like yellow something, or blue headed something, and maybe even footed something.
Could I be anymore vague? Sorry, only info I have is India, teenage birder and photographer, and a bird I can't remember.
Could it be Mayakkam Enna? sounds like there is more to this story than what you've stated, so maybe that's not the one.



Was just reading in this thread after coming here to read about SBRM (I just got a bunch of birds I've been wanting forever, thank you Christmas!)

I didn't realize there were such major differences between Poser, and Iray, and others. I only knew if it said 'For Poser' I shouldn't buy it, as I'll never find it and it probably won't work in my Daz studio! I've only ever used Iray. I didn't even know about the others when I started using 3d art rendering programs. I have only been using these things a couple years now. And it was Daz Studio I started with - after crashing blender dozens of times. The reason I started using daz was that it was free. >_< Same reason I tried blender, but I just had no idea what all those buttons did on it and only crashed my cubes and planes tons of times. I'm 100% self taught in all of this, from tutorials etc. Not even one computer class in school. I still have no idea what most of those buttons are actually called! ha ha ha.

But about the long render times in Iray I can agree with. My SBRM renders are going to take time since the only system I know at all is Iray. With my 2 year old Walmart computer, absolutely nothing anywhere NEAR an Nvidia graphics card.... My longest render so far was 48 hours. Poor computer.


Funny, because the hidden juvenile in me initially thought of that title, but doubted I could ever, or even want to, get away with naming it that. lol

I think it's important to say right now that the old english word "tittr", which the bird name is derived from (and means "little or small"), was in use hundreds of years BEFORE the slang term appeared.

I do have to think of a safe yet clever "...of the World" title for the set that won't offend anyone. I've also looking at creating two volumes of Bee-eaters (that would finish-out all the Bee-eaters in the world). After completing the bee model that was my planned next set, but I felt I really needed to get a bunch of updates done first before I could start something new.
North American species are called either chickadees or titmice (singular = titmouse). I suggest "Chickadees of the World and their relatives"

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
There won't be any chickadees or titmice in the proposed set; both those are being released in my Characters v2 and v3 sets in a couple days at Renderosity. And yes, I've thought about going with the latin name and that's my fall back choice, of I can't think of something more clever.

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
your whole SBR Library be on Rendo in both formats once the HW store Closes tonig
In short, yes... nothing is being "retired" or removed...

"Once the HW Store Closes tonight" is the question I can't answer. I have no idea when or how long it will take for Renderosity to import all the HW vendors stores to theirs. I sort of planned for this and put my two new sets "SBRM Characters v2" and "SBRM Characters v3" into their QA so I would have something in my new store when HW's store closes.

Here's the species lists for the two sets:

Characters v2:

Chickadees, Tits & their Allies:
* Boreal Chickadee
* Carolina Chickadee
* Chestnut-backed Chickadee
* Mexican Chickadee

Finches, Old World Sparrows & their Allies:
* Black-headed Grosbeak (m/f/juvenile)
* Rose-breasted Grosbeak (m/f)

New World Sparrows & their Allies:
* Albert’s Towhee
* California Towhee (adult/juvenile in two races)
* Canyon Towhee
* Eastern Towhee (m/f)
* Green-tailed Towhee
* Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon and Slate-colored races

Swallows & their Allies
* Barn Swallow (American m/f & European Adult
* Cliff Swallow
* Tree Swallow

Thrushes, Oxpeckers & their Allies:
* American Dipper

Characters v3:

Cardinals, Tanagers & their Allies:
* Pyrrhuloxia (M/F)

Chickadees, Tits & their Allies:
* Tufted Titmouse
* Bridled Titmouse

Crows, Jays and their Allies:
* Canada Jay (2 races)

Finches, Old World Sparrows & their Allies:
* Lawrence's Goldfinch (m/f)
* Hoary Redpoll (m/f)

Kinglets & their Allies:
* Golden-crowned Kinglet (breeding/non-breeding)
* Ruby-crowned Kinglet (breeding/non-breeding)

Orioles, Blackbirds & their Allies:
* Brewer’s Blackbird (m/f)

Thrushes, Oxpeckers & their Allies
* California Thrasher (2 races)
* Hermit Thrush
* Wood Thrush
* Eastern Bluebird (m/f/juvenile)

Tyrant Flycatchers & their Allies:
* Black Phoebe (2 races)
* Say's Phoebe

Wrens, Nuthatches & their Allies:
* Carolina Wren


As far as "sales" go, I'll have the usual introductory sale on "new" products, but no big sales at Renderosity until my annual Audubon's Birthday Sale in late April.
Last edited:

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
As far as "sales" go, I'll have the usual introductory sale on "new" products, but no big sales at Renderosity until my annual Audubon's Birthday Sale in late April.
AHA! So you WILL have the Audubon's Birthday Sale each year going forward. Glad to hear that Ken! :D


Dances with Bees
I will follow him.....

just a wee bit disappointed the EMU didn't get released here, but looking forward to its release over at Renderosity :inverted: :)

Doc Acme

Well, each of the controllers is technically a body part (aka ghost bone) that preside over the entire wing. In Poser, the wing acts as one part and the controllers as basically deformers on that part. In DAZ Studio, its setup up is a little different. To get a good idea of what goes on I suggest looking at the controllers via the weight mapping tool.

Maybe this illustration will explain the SBRM wing structure better...

View attachment 66540
Exactly what I was looking for; wasn't quite sure how to proceed with that in Daz for those.

I basically have those wt. mappings in my exported geom, just no actual bones assigned to them is all.

Thanks Ken. I'll keep picking at it.


  • LW Ghost Bones & Wt. Maps.jpg
    LW Ghost Bones & Wt. Maps.jpg
    217.7 KB · Views: 191

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
I will follow him.....

just a wee bit disappointed the EMU didn't get released here, but looking forward to its release over at Renderosity :inverted: :)
I started the emu but really felt I needed to get some of those SBRM updates (people have been waiting too long for) out of the way first.

I'm going to continue with updates probably up to the Audubon sale, adding in a couple (related to the updates) new releases and then after the sale maybe something fun like completing the emu and/or my sage-grouse model(s). Yes, I coax myself with a dessert (those models) provided I eat my vegetables (sbrm updates) first :)


Contributing Artist
hey Miss B, I'd like a emu too! (And a Cassowary because they look like dinosaurs to me :D and if Ken also did a Rhea he would have completed the Ratites because he's already done the Ostrich and Kiwi)

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
hey Miss B, I'd like a emu too! (And a Cassowary because they look like dinosaurs to me :D and if Ken also did a Rhea he would have completed the Ratites because he's already done the Ostrich and Kiwi)
Ohhhh, a dinosaur . . . now that's something I could really get into. ;)