• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Songbird Remix's Product Preview Thread


Tried to install this product (DAZ Files) in DAZ Studio latest beta. There are no "duf" files in the zip file. With SBRM European Edition there are no problems with install as smart product. Could someone help?

Is it possible that the downloadable pz files and DS Files are the same files? They look identical in the zip.
Forgot to mention the Product: SBRM European Edition 2

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Tried to install this product (DAZ Files) in DAZ Studio latest beta. There are no "duf" files in the zip file. With SBRM European Edition there are no problems with install as smart product. Could someone help?

Is it possible that the downloadable pz files and DS Files are the same files? They look identical in the zip.
I was about to asked "What product?"... ;)

"SBRM European Edition 2" has yet to be updated under my new system. I'll probably be get to that update next month. It still has the old format so it will be found in a different place. My older, not yet updated products for DAZ Studio are found under the Poser files side. Will it work in DAZ Studio? Absolutely, material .dufs automatically load when using DS (although they are only in 3Delight). If you're planning to use Iray you'll need to apply the Iray material setting and I strongly suggest SubDing the model to 3.

Updates: First of all, all my updates are FREE (and always have been). If you have some of my products you bought at DAZ (2002-2013), you can get free updates via this system. I will be continuing this system with my move to Renderosity next month. Renderosity is going to try to move HW purchase records to Renderosity accounts (for all those who has Renderosity accounts with the same email as their HW accounts). If that doesn't work or some how you fall through the cracks, don't worry. You'll still be able to move the purchase data through my DAZ->HW system I mentioned above (which I guess I'll have to rename to "DAZ or HW to Renderosity")

My huge update of the SBRM library is about 2/3 done now... you can see my progress here. I'm sorry its taking so long but converting 1,200+ birds with refreshed geometry, new and refreshed morphs, refreshed textures and support 4 different rendering system is time consuming work. To be fair, I don't work 24/7 on the updates, I do have a freelance jobs that come first, and I do throw in some 3D new products so I can keep food on the table.

I can see some light at the end of the tunnel... I think I'll be able to get the seabird models out by my Audubon 2021 sale and then start work on the rest of the one-off models like Flamingos, Jacanas, Puffins, Pelicans etc... Maybe everything could be done by the end of next year (fingers crossed).

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
I just finished one more update-- probably the last one this year--Threatened, Endangered, Extinct v2. Here's a sneak peak of some of the changes from the 2007 to 2020


Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
I've added the female counterparts to the males (that are dimorphic) in the updated TEE2 set (only the males were in the original set). TEE2 hasn't gone through QAV yet so don't expect that until the end of the year, but here's some of the promo images showing some of the new female birds...

I "think" the next batch of updated sets will probably hit the store next week... that will include Pet Shop, Threatened v1, Sparrows and Woodland Jewels.


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Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Never say never... I have managed to update yet one more set for 2020.... Songbird ReMix Corvus Corvus

"Corvus Corvus" was one of my last sets through DAZ in 2013. The marketing department wanted me to create a special crow/raven set, pulling from what corvids I had already created, at a "bargain" price. I wasn't keen, at the time ,on creating a compilation set, but did so to keep them happy. I decided, if anything, it might attract those who normally didn't get my birds into seeing what they were missing.

In that spirit, I returned to the Corvus update with yet two more "new" birds-- so I guess its really a bargain now ;)
There's not much of 2020 left, so I won't guarantee you'll see this update by the time the HW store closes-- but if not, you'll be able to get it at my new home when I reopen at Renderosity.

Included in Corvus: 'Alala (from TEE2/Hawaii), American Crow (from Characters), Australian Raven (from Australia v2), Common Raven (from Second Edition), Eurasian Jackdaw (from Europe v1), White-necked Raven (NEW) and the Rook (NEW). Also included are 8 poses.


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Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
Well, I guess, in at least two cases, the Corvus did act as an "introduction" to my birds ;)

Looking at 29 SBRM sets I have left to update, 2 of them have all the models updated to proceed. So expect Australia v2 and Cool and Unusual Birds v3 to be next on my list.

Once I finish the "Long-necked" Zygodactyl and Syndactyl (Kingfisher) models, quite a few more (about a dozen) can be added to the "to do" list.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Actually the compilation products are very useful. I will be looking forward to updating the rest of my corvids. The crows, sparrows and pigeons are likely to be found pretty much anywhere.

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
For those who haven't noticed, apart from all the updating, almost every set has new, additional content...
Admittedly, most of the additional content is more for bird nerds (like me) who want want more subspecies and dimorphic (different looking than their counterparts) females...
  • Songbird ReMix- 7 new birds have been added; 2 Eurasian Wren subspecies, Bewick's Wren subspecies, House Wren subspecies, American Robin subspecies m/f and Bank Swallow
  • Songbird ReMix Characters- 6 new birds have been added; House Finch subspecies(4 variations), female Phainopepla and female Purple Finch
  • Songbird ReMix Threatened v1- 4 new birds have been added; female Bachman's warbler, female Akiapola'au, female Purple Martin and female Golden-winged Warbler
  • Songbird ReMix European Edition- 3 new birds have been added; female Great Tit, female Eurasian Nuthatch and female Eurasian Chaffinch
  • Songbird ReMix Pet Shop- 5 new birds have been added; female Zebra Finch and female Gouldian Finches (4).
  • Songbird ReMix Sparrows of the World- 8 new birds have been added; female Arabian Sparrow, female Dead Sea Sparrows (b/nb), female Russett Sparrow, female Great Sparrow, female Chestnut Sparrow and Golden-crowned Sparrows (nb,Immature).
  • Songbird ReMix Woodland Jewels- 3 new birds have been added; Icterine Warbler (nb) and Garden Warblers (J/Woodwardi subspecies)
  • Songbird ReMix Threatened v2- 9 new birds have been added; female Po'o-uli, female Banded Wattle-eye, female 'akaepa, female Black-hooded Siskin, female White-browed Bushchat, female Kirtland's Warbler, female Cerulean Warbler, female Azores Bullfinch and female Yellow-breasted Bunting
  • Songbird ReMix Corvus Corvus- 2 new birds have been added; Rook and White-throated Raven

Ken Gilliland

Dances with Bees
HW3D Exclusive Artist
They're being checked now by QAV... probably out between Christmas and New Years'.

I should have the update finished on Cool and Unusual 3 done by the end of the year so that will probably be the first update available at Renderosity. I'm also hoping to get the long-necked zygodactyl model in shape by the end of the year so I can finish Cool and Unusual 1 which is just missing a final bird. Having that model will allow me to update quite a few more sets as well.

My two NEW sets, SBRM Characters v2 and v3 (the "Characters" line features common American birds) will probably get submitted to Renderosity in the next few days so hopefully there will be something new in my Renderosity store within the few first weeks of it opening.


For those who haven't noticed, apart from all the updating, almost every set has new, additional content...
Admittedly, most of the additional content is more for bird nerds (like me) who want want more subspecies and dimorphic (different looking than their counterparts) females...
  • Songbird ReMix- 7 new birds have been added; 2 Eurasian Wren subspecies, Bewick's Wren subspecies, House Wren subspecies, American Robin subspecies m/f and Bank Swallow
  • Songbird ReMix Characters- 6 new birds have been added; House Finch subspecies(4 variations), female Phainopepla and female Purple Finch
  • Songbird ReMix Threatened v1- 4 new birds have been added; female Bachman's warbler, female Akiapola'au, female Purple Martin and female Golden-winged Warbler
  • Songbird ReMix European Edition- 3 new birds have been added; female Great Tit, female Eurasian Nuthatch and female Eurasian Chaffinch
  • Songbird ReMix Pet Shop- 5 new birds have been added; female Zebra Finch and female Gouldian Finches (4).
  • Songbird ReMix Sparrows of the World- 8 new birds have been added; female Arabian Sparrow, female Dead Sea Sparrows (b/nb), female Russett Sparrow, female Great Sparrow, female Chestnut Sparrow and Golden-crowned Sparrows (nb,Immature).
  • Songbird ReMix Woodland Jewels- 3 new birds have been added; Icterine Warbler (nb) and Garden Warblers (J/Woodwardi subspecies)
  • Songbird ReMix Threatened v2- 9 new birds have been added; female Po'o-uli, female Banded Wattle-eye, female 'akaepa, female Black-hooded Siskin, female White-browed Bushchat, female Kirtland's Warbler, female Cerulean Warbler, female Azores Bullfinch and female Yellow-breasted Bunting
  • Songbird ReMix Corvus Corvus- 2 new birds have been added; Rook and White-throated Raven

i have 2 questions about those updates... (the 1st is a bit stupid but i don't trust my own logic, lol)

- i bought corvus corvus on daz eons ago, so obviously i needed songbird remix for that, does that mean that i can/should get updates for both corvus AND songbird remix when they come out?

- i have seen a thread here recently, which i can't find again (forgot to bookmark it), about how to deal with products available here that have been bought a while ago at daz, so that they are recognized on HW and the updates are accessible... but even if i found (or someone linked me to) this thread, since the store is closing and i guess many people are busy with other things, i'm not even sure i would get an answer or a "key" (or whatever this transposer thingy does/is) before the store is gone... what am i supposed to do?

EDIT: but since you're reopening on rendo, will it be possible to do that there? would be easier...