Hey Ken, there's an article in today's New York Times about NY City birding, which I thought you might enjoy reading. 
Take the A Train, as in Audubon
Take the A Train, as in Audubon
very nicely done!There are 3 though, the third one is really hard to see-- partially because he's looking straight at you and less in focus. Follow the right Ptarmigan upward to the horizon to the rock with a beak that staring directly at you.
Here's another Asian bird-- the Eurasian Spoonbills. Spoonbills develop an orange breast patch and long crest off the back of the head during breeding season. The setting is Nerd3D's swamp (available here at Hivewire) with my Duck Pond water material added in place of the default water texture.
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I have just one thing to say, we're not having bird for supper tonight dear, I went snow blind looking for even one...I added a few more albums to my photo art galleries and here's a fun bird (puzzle) photo...
How many White-tailed Ptarmigans can you find in this picture?
Was kinda hoping for some cuter ones, but maybe I'll buy the "ugly" ones and see what sort of magic a little fuzz does...
love it already!!!For those of you thinking that I created my Sagebrush Habitat specifically for the lizard sets, that's only partially true... I'm back to work on my next bird model which will encompass 3 species; The Greater Sage-grouse and the Lesser and Greater Prairie Chickens. The Sage-Grouse lives almost entirely on the Great Basin Sagebrush (Artemsia tridentata), which just happens to be the centerpiece of the Sagebrush set.
wip model
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For those unfamiliar with these majestic and endangered birds, here's a video clip of the Sage-grouse...
Yes, I will be making the animate-able air sac on the males.
Here also a National Geographic video on all life in the sagebrush habitat