• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Linda B

Not sure I like this. Suggestions?
Oh no!.jpg


Making the Duckie a turkey? Time you add shaders, it would be about right. Is it possible for it to droop straight down on the side of his beak...just flopped over?


Linda B

It's a gummy worm with no posing morphs. I can scale it longer. I thought Turkbo needed whatever that's called. Don't have a wattle either.


Haha...that's the kind of thing that Argile is good at ...stechingand puliing. Not sure if Scultris will allow for import and stretching.



Good morning Linda :) That's a good idea...with scaling and posing, it would probably work :)
I'm finally up and functional, getting food and first round of meds...



HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
I'm going to have to be frank here, because it's starting to get a little frustrating. Apparently we've turned a corner in the way links to outside stores are tolerated at HW. Now, when we're working on projects, we're just throwing hints, occasionally a name, but I cannot make a practice of calling out everything that we're working with, okay. Some of our posts have been deleted recently, so we have to respect those changes. When this thread was originally started, I asked the question, how they'd feel about commercial links, and I was told at the time just do what I'd always been doing....and so I did...but recently, since the sale of Poser, and apparently some other issues, that policy has changed.

There has been no policy change.

We have a section here Across the Community for posting links for products in other stores that support our figures.

We allow links to free items. Links to pages or sites that are not aligned with our TOS will be removed.

To answer questions about products used in renders we allow the occasional link to the product in question.

We are here for artists and customers and recognize there is some value in sharing where certain resources can be found across our community. At the same time, we do have to look out for our own interests and will remove links if the sharing becomes excessive.

So...we don't need to create more work for those responsible for monitoring the threads. So....how do we work around this....1) if you're looking for something, just visit the stores and type in a search to find the product yourself....there are only three major stores now.....or, do like we do....learn to read the hints....I gave you one concerning your question about the police car, in that the very next render was of Genesis 3 standing beside it....think it through....Genesis 3 and a car....maybe you should visit the store where Genesis 3 is, and type "police" in the search box....same for the highway....visit the store and type "highway" in the search box. Don't keep asking me to blurt it out for you all the time.

Nothing is stopping you from saying Oh, that's Product Name available at 3D Store without providing a link at all. All of the information is available then to make the adventure into the search box be more successful.

Another really obvious logical assumption....I'm in the process of learning Studio...Linda is generously helping me to do that....again, use logic....where is the first place you'd look? Followed by Rendo second. See what I mean? This isn't rocket science...and we're just trying to cooperatie with the new rules of the forum. So please....use the search on the store of each site....and then we won't have to get panicky and nervous when the subject comes up in this thread, wondering if we'll offend, or posts will get deleted again.

Except there are no new rules in the forum. When have we ever acted in such a way as to make people panicky and nervous? It takes a lot to offend us. Mostly it's about respect for the people who provide and maintain this forum.

Like I said earlier, posts just disappear. This is where we are now.
Nothing would surprise me at this point :)

Nice to know how you feel.


You probably don't remember as far back as when this thread was started...it was a general discussion, project, tutorial, and free stuff announcement thread. Because of the nature of the original thread, I specicfically asked about commercial links at the time, and I was told to continue doing as I had done. We haven't until recently had posts deleted. This is why it was perceived to be a change...because, for what we were seeing, things were indeed changing, so we were left to guess how, when and why. And for this reason, when posts and images started disappearing, I was left no choice but to say nothing surprises me...because at that point, it was the truth. Nobody had indicated that there were server issues...no announcements, no posts of explanation....and from what I saw in another thread, a lot of folks were wondering the same thing. The above post you're quoting had to do with a repeating issue with being asked to identify commercial content in very specific ways, which was given as a reason for recent post deletions. I put up with it a very long time before I spelled it out, broke it down, so there would be no mistaking, that folks needed to use their reasoning skills to search things out for themselves. I still stand by that. If excessive questions are asked about it, I simply will not respond...so no need for an offense to be taken now that it has been explained thoroughly. I'll be phasing out some things in order to make the thread less of a target for this kind of thing....so there will be less links, less information. I spend sometimes hours finding and preparing information to be of benefit for others...at no salary. Perhaps some who have been the most demanding of that information could benefit from the experience of what it takes to find the information in the first place....the searches, the organizing. This might convey the meaning of what I was attempting to communicate far better than words alone... so that it sinks in, and is understood by experience.



Oh hey Linda....yeah it reminded me of a hotdog costume that a perp was wearing on an episode of Blue Bloods...turns out folks can hide drugs and weapons that way.

If you can figure out how to get the shoes to work with any of the E2 outfits...the sneakers are so high-top that they collide with the pants. The new biker jacket freebie looks nice, if that can work...might could do camera angles that don't show the feet. I'm sure you could find a way to make it work :)
