• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do



oh, nobody should ever be criticized for their art. all art is valuable. from the paintings in museums to a child's first scribbles. it is all art. :)


Oh...I see....I just click the smiley at the top of the post box, and the smiley option box pops up....new stuff is at the top, and the older ones are at the bottom....I use a lot of the older ones. So that's where the :: comes from :)



...and to post a YouTube video, it's the next one over from the smiley....it's three dots with a pull down arrow, choose the first one, Media, and paste in the URL, then when you save your post, you'll have an embedded YouTube.



Since I do so many links, I try to keep them neat....so I just type the text to the link....like I'll use my website as an example:


...then I highlight that text, and click the chain link symbol at the top of the posting box, insert the URL to the website, click insert when I'm done, and that's it. I usually go back and highlight in bold, the B icon, to make it easier to find. This comes in handy later when the thread keeps growing in size, makes stuff easier to find when searching.



A friend's birthday is today, and was searching around for some ideas for an email greeting, and ran across this....haha.


Good night everyone :)



Good morning. :)
Some forums also use @name to call someone's attention to a particular post.
I don't do anti-social media either.


Hey Terre :)

I'm just going to stick this link here for convenience later....it seems to be the page where Linda left for vacation and Dani last stopped by....so it will serve as a way to beam them back to the point where they left off...that is, page 418 of this thread. If I can keep that number in my mind, I can help them find the place.

So here we go... a link for a quick trip back to page 418 of this thread :)




Here's the latest bundle of Doc Pitterbill face morphs that I created back in July. If I remember correctly, the last one was Tom Selleck, so I called it the Selleck bundle. These face morphs include Doc Spock, and the Spock animated salute. All are zipped and attached in a runtime folder to this post.



    944.8 KB · Views: 217


@skylab : Ladyfur says "Hi." She remembers you from 3DNoir. I'm not sure if you two ever came across each other at the D place.
yes! you are on page 2 of my friends list from artzone in alphabetical order. i have everything saved from my profile from when they culled it. i was right, it is you. :)
Yes, that's me. I didn't manage to save much from there. I tried to copy the blog posts I made and my friends list from there. Not that it did me much good.



Yeah, I noticed you were a fast forum learner....I tend to start off slow, then jump in deeper later....and some things I've never tried....like what Terre was doing today with the @ symbol...what's that? Just a way to direct conversation to someone, or is a hotkey for something? Here I am, asking you what it is....haha.


On forums like this one, it's generally a way to direct a comment to a certain person, and to get their attention. I see it used a lot in threads where there are many members chiming in. Without it, it can be confusing to others..."was she talking to me?" "what was that supposed to mean?" When you prefix a specific member, then your comment makes sense to the person indicated, and others know that it wasn't meant for them. Anyway, this is how I understand it...and use it.
