Hi Dani...using sky or skylab is just fine

And absolutely, no question is considered stupid. I can't guarantee an intelligent answer every time, but no questions are insignificant or unimportant. It used to irk me to observe folks getting kicked to the curb on DAZ forum back in the day, just because they were a "newbie". It was because of this that I started my Discussion and Tutorial thread at DAZ, and I actually had emails sent to me by people who were too embarrassed to ask a question in the thread, but would do it privately, so I'd address the answer as if I thought up the question myself. It worked then...and I didn't realize I'd still be doing this 12 years later, but I'm glad that it has worked, and a lot of folks, including myself, have benefited. Having said that, let's see about your questions
And yes, I try to use the P11 Construct for the lighting reasons you've mentioned. And yes, I was also unsure about the haze...it was supposed to blur the line between where the ground and the background sky meet, but last time I messed with it, I wasn't getting it right either. I concluded it was either my lighting, or I wasn't getting placement correct. I just checked the download file, and there's no readme, so I wanted to make sure that some of the answers weren't supplied there. Seachnasaigh is one of those folks that I wish would come and stick around here all the time...I just love his lighting and material work, and he strikes me as a patient teacher. As far as the Construct goes, I just use the backgrounds and the ground...at least so far...and I hope in future updates of Poser that they'll expand on the features of the Construct.
As for runtimes...some years back I was getting frustrated trying to find content when I needed it, because the single Poser runtime that I was using at the time was bulging at the seams...so I started the massive undertaking of dividing everything into logical groups, so that I could work faster. Some groups are according to type, like all Nursoda characters are under one group, human characters are according to their names, and some are grouped according to using CrossDresser to the best advantage. So, my runtimes for Poser look like this now, and I can locate things much faster:
The above arrangement may seem enormous to some, but I always use the same setup in any workstation, and after awhile, it's easy to memorize. I keep a copy of this huge runtime on a couple of my usb backup drives, so that if I change drives, I can just copy the whole thing over, so setup is a breeze. It was just time-consuming during the initial setup, but once it was done...it was done...and saved me hours of time later on, plus it took down the stress level of not being able to find stuff. Another alternative, as you mentioned, is something like P3D0 Explorer or
D3D XL Content Library which I used during the disappearing content library in Poser 8 issue. Both of these allow for nice sized pics of the content to make searching so much easier.
You mentioned being able to add content to any folder in Poser 11...now that's news to me...but one could see where I'd have issues knowing where to put stuff...haha. One thing about doing it the same way for each computer...I rarely have problems loading old scene files because of keeping the location names the same. I archive my scene files so that I don't have to go through setting them up again if I should ever want to animate them.
I've used Flink's water planes and effects, but not the replicating land...I'm assuming that's what the script is for...I've not had any experience with that, but perhaps someone else in this thread has used that sort of thing. I was fascinated with the
M.O.M. Crowd Generator by Powerage, and someone on ShareCG created a
Star Wars Storm Trooper crowd add-on for it. I'm assuming that it is also a replicator of a sort.
We had some rather comical demonstrations of dynamic cloth,
starting at around page 124 in this thread...and some of our more experienced users gave tips and info to help solve issues during my demonstrations. I created a
tutorial using a free dynamic robe for M4, based on those forum discussions. The
free M4 dynamic robe can be downloaded from Rendo. My old
Poser dynamic cloth tutorial, using Poser 7, is still on ShareCG also, and is considered Part 1 of the dynamic cloth tutorials.
Some of
my other tutorials, which are a bit dated now, are still on ShareCG for beginners, in case anyone is interested.
And your render of Doc Mick really rocks! I love it! I just peeked, using another browser when I saw a posting alert message. You really did a good job with him
Well, I hope at least some of this helps...and I'll keep my eyes open for answers to the Construct and replication questions