• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do


Charles West

Hey Terre. had a great day today out with Deb and met up with an old friend for lunch. All 3 of us had met in first and second grade and had a blast chatting and enjoying a all you can eat Japanese/Chinese dinner. Deb and I went off then to Wally World to find that everyone was stocking and no one knew where anything was located. Customer service is beginning to be a thing of the past. Picked up a few items and I will have to make a trip to another store for items we could not find at that one. Deb doesn't want to go back to that store again. Tried to make some of the old morphs again but no luck with spades, diamond, and club symbols to go with the heart... but I did get through some of the morphs saving the morph.obj with hands re-positioned to work with the size/shape. I think if the shapes in my head are possible I can create an emo version of the dogs playing poker. (Charles slaps down the Muse for the night) Going to try to catch up with needed sleep.


Charles West

Well the Muse let me nap a bit and finally got closer to the picture I was given by her. The wife had a good day and we watched the rain this afternoon.


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Glad the outing went well. Lack of customer service is all too common these days. It's one of the way the store I work at competes with Wally World. It's a rare day when I don't hear "Terre to ________ please" and it turns out to be for a customer asking about something.

In fact I have a new customer request to research. Mugwort tea.
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Charles West

Terre, it is nice to know service and research is available at some stores. I had worked at wally world for a time in my life and on one eval an asst mgr gave me a compliment. One of the things on the checklist was the 'ten foot rule' and he said if I was 15 ft away I would walk over 6 feet so I could ask the customer if they needed help. He approved a 1.00 raise the day before he transferred to another store which the other mgrs tried to talk me out of after he was gone. That and other little differences is the reason I left later on. I found a link that might help in your research. Mugwort: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning


Glad the outing went well. Lack of customer service is all too common these days. It's one of the way the store I work at competes with Wally World. It's a rare day when I don't hear "Terre to ________ please" and it turns out to be for a customer asking about something.

In fact I have a new customer request to research. Mugwort tea.

I agree with the general lack of customer service these days, thing that surprises me the most is the stores then complain they are losing business to the Internet. Why would anyone shop in the high street if all that happens is they are ignored or treated with contempt.

Charles West

I agree with the general lack of customer service these days, thing that surprises me the most is the stores then complain they are losing business to the Internet. Why would anyone shop in the high street if all that happens is they are ignored or treated with contempt.
In response to the brick and mortar stores that complain of the loss to the internet it becomes a simple answer if you look at the web sites the easiest thing to find is the Search tab. Not so much with Wally World.


Thanks for the link. I couldn't find anything that we can order so when I talked to our account rep at one of the specialty distributors we deal with about several things I asked him about it. He's going to ask customer care if they can find anything in their stock. Their website search is kinda wonky in some respects on the retail portal.
The crazy part about losing customers to online shopping is in many cases after you throw in shipping you actually pay more. Stores losing customers in cases like that are doing something wrong.


Good morning. :)
As far as researching things for customers what I mostly meant is trying to find them to order them into the store. Info about the items is quite useful too though. I do often have people asking for such info and I do pass on what I come across.


@Hornet3d : Milton Keynes to host the world’s largest autonomous ‘first and last mile’ transport trial First and last? Is the intent for you to walk or take a bus in between? I do hope they succeed in the trial runs.

I don't know Milton Keynes that well as I have only been there once or twice but I think the idea of the trail is to transport people at the start or end of their journey. For example transporting those that have travelled to Milton Keynes by train to the centre of the city. As the cars have a max speed of 15mph it could well catch on. On the wider issue of autonomous transport I am not so sure but then I was once employed by a company to do field trials on communications software and I am well aware of the obscure problems can be thrown up, no matter how well the software is written. Luckily for me I think I will be long gone by the time such vehicles become the norm. Due to my advancing years I am already prepared to give up driving and, short of anything unforeseen happening, my present car will be the last I will own. Of course having a free bus pass and the rising cost of fuel is also a major factor in giving up driving.

Charles West

Good Afternoon Terre. I guess it is my caring for the wife that makes the med search one of my first looks. Allergic reactions and interference with existing meds at the top of my list. I also double check with the pharmacist before purchasing any over the counter medications/homeopathic items. Too many would affect her diabetes or blood thickness control. Even Tylenol causes the blood to thin. So many meds today have a may cause list that is longer than what it fixes. I wonder how many people don't research the side effects when they see the promotions for a new med.

Well off to the muse call after the trip to the store. Kay Roger to pick up the free Friday bottle of vitamin water. They see me so much that everyone waves to me. The store is so close I don't stock like I would if the trip was longer.
Have a great weekend. No I will not be travelling down to Little Rock for the Memorial day festivities fighting the crowd for parking, looking at the promotions and buying a 5.00 coke.


@Hornet3d : Ok. Thanks. That makes the "first and last" bit make sense.

Some festivities are better observed from a distance. I have to read ingredient lists very carefully for foods. Between my husband's diabetes and our allergies/intolerances there are a number of things I have to look out for so I easily understand looking for such info first.

Charles West

All the feedback I have gotten is Emo is so old that the supermorphs would not be a sale-able consideration. I can create the poser set in such a way in poser files but could not distribute that new .duf file since it contains original character. The poser version would look for an obj file to make sure you have downloaded the original Emo. I have put up a question in the techie part about a version for studio that I could distribute. I guess Emo is just too old.


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