I've always noticed when I model something in Blender, it always needs to be resized for use in Poser. Blender models always come out huge, and lying on their sides, because its XYZ axes are different than what we're used to in Poser and DS. How many other modeling apps are similar, I'm not sure, but there are probably others which cause the same issue upon importing into Poser or DS.
I was prompting all the fun people here at the HiveWire forum in regard to this. And added a post suggesting some things that have been suggested many times.
Alas there was never the response I was hoping for, so I will say this myself, now that the illustrious dev team at PoserHome have gone upon their ways.
What it is with the scaling of objects in Poser, is that way back in the very beginning, whoever was making the very first content for poser, was using
CENTIMETERS FOR INCHES! Yes, that's right folks. Many of the modelling tools way back when just had two modes, mechanical and architectural.
If you selected architectural, you'd be working with feet and inches. Major pain! But if you selected mechanical you'd be working with metric. Ah YES!
Much better to deal with. And what does it matter? So the easiest way to make things in any modeling tool is just to pretend that CENTIMETERS are
INCHES. Yepa... if you want something to be what would be equivalent to say 24 poser-inches, just make it 24 centimeters in your modeling tool.
Easy peasey.. Maybe not as perfect as the control prop method for a close fit to a specific character. But accurate within a few percent.