I think the visual struggles have been the greatest obstacle in 3D for me, as often a program's advanced features are in difficult to read layout. And yes, it would be nice if Carrara would make that change, as it's a program I rely on heavily for model modification and conversion.
Another tip for those who might be experiencing difficultly importing OBJ files into Poser Pro 11...I've been doing OBJ imports into Poser Pro 2o14, saving the OBJ as a Poser scene file, then importing that scene file into my main Poser 11 project scene. It maintains materials and is a fast work around for work flow.
And finally, a tip for using older models, like Apollo. If attempting to conform his clothing in Poser 11, the right shoulder area gets distorted. The fix I've been using is to load Apollo in Poser Pro 2010 (or Poser 8 would probably work), conform his clothing there, save the scene file, then re-open the scene in Poser Pro 11 and proceed with the pose work. It took some trial and error, working through these fixes, so thought I'd share them here.