Testing the Rachel Dynamic Tunic and Shawl for V4...I wish all robes were this easy to deal with. The tunic ran beautifully, with all default settings, and the only tweaking that might would be needed is at the feet. Otherwise, it was perfect. The shawl, when running sim 2, tries to slide down the arms, just as GG indicated would happen with outer garments, so I stopped the sim before it completely slid off the arms in order to grab a screen capture, showing it's potential. I suspect it needs to be constrained at the shoulders somehow...and this is why I need to spend time with Eisha's Master Class tutorial, since I have no idea yet how to constrain an area of the garment. Anyway, here's screen cap of this very pretty outfit.
That looks nice. Constraining isn't really that hard although like most things it often needs tweaking to get it right. In the cloth room after you've set up the collision go down a little further and click on edit constrained group. It's where the arrow in the screen shot I've attached is pointing. The group editor will popup when you click that. By default you'll have a selection tool, so basically you can just drag around the area you want to 'pin' in place. The red dots that will appear on your item are the constrained area. You can remove them by clicking on the minus sign and selecting. Or if you click on the box next to the plus and minus you can get a pencil tool to be more exact with.
The important thing to remember is that you aren't really 'pinning' the fabric in place. It's actually more like adding glue to that section of the fabric. When it collides against something, the areas with glue will stick, and won't move away from whatever they've stuck to.
Hope that helps.