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Show Us Your Dusk Renders, And Now The New Dusk SE!!


Contributing Artist
This is a promo image for new Dawn and Dusk together Poses created by Aelin and will be offered at Fantasy Attic soon.
All I Need
All I Need Is You.jpg

Created With:
Dusk SE, CWRW's Rodrigo for Dusk, CWRW's Taka Skin for Dusk, Dawn SE, Rocker Girl Outfit for Genesis 3, Julius Hair, Pyrit Hair, Dark Thorn Vest, Leathered Up Pants and Shoes, Dawn's Platform Pumps, Ron's Energy, RDNA Roses, and Plants FX freebie download bokeh from Creative Market, Lights Fabiana Light Moods Theory of Zen HDRI

All I Need by Within Temptation Lyrics
I'm dying to catch my breath
Oh, why don't I ever learn?
I've lost all my trust though I've surely tried
To turn it around

Can you still see
The heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down
For all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down
You've opened the door now
Don't let it close


Hi everyone! Napalmarsenal told me she left here of her super renders with poses :)
Once again, a big thank you NPA! :inlove: I forgot to ask you, but on another, they are your textures for flowers, aren't they?
This is a promo image for new Dawn and Dusk together Poses created by Aelin and will be offered at Fantasy Attic soon.
All I Need
View attachment 46016
Created With:
Dusk SE, CWRW's Rodrigo for Dusk, CWRW's Taka Skin for Dusk, Dawn SE, Rocker Girl Outfit for Genesis 3, Julius Hair, Pyrit Hair, Dark Thorn Vest, Leathered Up Pants and Shoes, Dawn's Platform Pumps, Ron's Energy, RDNA Roses, and Plants FX freebie download bokeh from Creative Market, Lights Fabiana Light Moods Theory of Zen HDRI

All I Need by Within Temptation Lyrics
I'm dying to catch my breath
Oh, why don't I ever learn?
I've lost all my trust though I've surely tried
To turn it around

Can you still see
The heart of me?
All my agony fades away
When you hold me in your embrace

Don't tear me down
For all I need
Make my heart a better place
Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down
You've opened the door now
Don't let it close

Not always easy to find such men to take time with us, isn't it? ;)
These poses are 14 for each character, and they are mirrored too - they tried to push me to be bold on some mirrors lol
I named them "Together poses for Dawn and Dusk". In fact, I'm not sure I can tell more in this topic, or somewhere else.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Hey Aelin, thanks for stopping in. I think if you want to add more info about it, the better place would be in our Across The Community subforum where folks post about products available at other 3D stores, especially if you already have it available in your store.


Contributing Artist
Myths and Dreams

Products Used: Dawn SE, Sora Textures for Dawn SE, Dusk SE, Taka for Dusk, Lisa's Botanicals Tulips, Passion Storm for Lisa's Botnaicals Tulips, Natures Wonders Moths of the World, Moths of the world textures vol 2, Summoner Halloween Freebie dragon, Dawn and Dusk Together Poses by Aelin from Fantasy Attic


Welcome Aelin! Great job on these !! Yes, the textures are from my set of Tulips Passion Storm.

I wouldn't know about it. Never been asked out on a date. Never gone anywhere with anyone I didn't have to pay for either so....... shrug. Went to both my proms by myself. I can only imagine and not quite even sure such things exist between two people like that. It's all just stuff you see on the movie screen and some people call it love. ............ not sure I even know how to love or what it feels like between two people like this. Most of what I know about love is duty and obligation to family and pets. There is a person that feels like home, but I don't think he even cares so........ shrug ........ I guess I just exist. Not even sure how to let someone love you. I guess that probably affects my relationship with God and such.

Sorry ...... I can delete this ....... just ....... shrug! I can't feel I don't guess when it's not what you want.

Well all I can say is it reminds me very much of the hug I gave my wife a good few years back at London airport. I had been working in Australia and, long story short, I finished up in hospital having loads of tests after being taken ill. The were a lot of tests but the one that worried me the most was the medical team sending miniature cameras up the veins in my leg to look into the heart. I was in hospital for around four weeks in all and as I knew nobody in Australia had no visitors. The staff were great but my only contact I had with anyone I knew was a ten minute call every other night to my wife back in the UK.

When I reached home some seven weeks after leaving the relief I felt when I was able to hug my wife again, well I do not have the words to describe it, but it was special. The pose here brings back the memories.


I probably won't finish this but I wanted to give you guys an idea of some stuff we're missing for Dusk.
I haven't textured it because, you texturing sucks. And I haven't quite sussed out how I want them attached to the boot. Some go over and some go under. I may also shorten them a tad. I don't like how log they are, but that's the size in the reference photo.


  • Blenderspurs.png
    89.5 KB · Views: 402

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I like the idea of Spurs for Dusk's (and Dawn's) boots. Unfortunately, I have no ideas for you as how to make them usable.


Contributing Artist
Alright guys, this is the other Secret Pose set for Dusk from Aelin and like I said before I'm sure she will post about them in another place in the forums. These are geared toward fantasy type renders dungeon exploration and D&D.

Learning To Trust
Learning To Trust SML.jpg

Products Used: HiveWire Deer, HiveWire Mule Deer Buck, CWRW's Whitetail Coat textures and character settings, Dusk SE, Taka for Dusk, Lisa's botanicals Black-Eyed Susans, Lisa's Botanicals Salvia, Lisa's Botanicals Curious Grasses and Vines, Lisa's Botanicals Signs of Spring Crocus, Saffron for Lisa's Botanicals Signs of Spring Crocus, Necromancer outfit by Xurge, Rdna Fir Trees,Matthew Hair for Genesis 3, background is SV Unbroken Silence
Learning To Trust Close UP.jpg