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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


HW Honey Bear
nooo don't think so, I have Oriana ...and it's the freckles... Fabi makes freckles in a different way, these look...um...well different. hmm I'll really have to load each one of my Dawn characters...maybe it's one I haven't used yet!? I buy them all! LOL!


HW Honey Bear
true.... well, I'll work it out...I guess the artist is not back in our forums yet... I wish the images in the media albums would have the information (credits)... oh well.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I came across this (love the art thumbnails at the top of our forum!) and I REALLY would love to know where "JSmith" got this Dawn Character!?
Quintessentially Red By Jeanne Harmon | HiveWire 3D Community
Well, I found it in Renderosity Galleries, and it's by posfan, and the only thing listed is:

"Featuring Dawn and Dawn Headmorph Resource Kit, all available at Hivewire3D"

So I'm assuming this person morphed the head/face herself. It is quite a nice render.


I've been tearing my hair out, SO determined to get this piece done and done right... the adage: Have you ever had one of those days? could be applied to ever had everything go wrong that could, but fought you way through multiple "final" renders, re-works, multiple uploading, spotted a problem deleted from my website, fix problem (one of my cast shadows layers was on TOP of one bird) re saved all the sizes... argh!!! But I love my "Rose Hippy Chick" Dawn!! I spent hours posing the pleated skirt, as I love the look with the tank top- both with my rose pattern texture I made... and I think it came out so well!??
the HUGE original can be seen here: serene (has all the credits, except I'm not sure who did the PRETTY trans map on the pleated skirt? If anyone can tell me, if it's not Karth, I can credit that person too- thanks).

View attachment 5664

So many great renders here, I love this one especially because of the amount of detail, like all the rest it is a fantastic render but to put all those components together to create such a breathtaking scene is, for me, mind blowing. I am not sure I would have the patience even if I had the time.

I just wanted to post a sneak peek of my next Dawn project.
This slightly mature lady is BirKitta for Dawn.
Brows still need tweaking and I'm thinking I may need to turn down the bump a bit.

Now I am off to bed. :)

View attachment 5787

As most here no I a more mature figure is of great interest to me, in my mind it just helps 3D art reflect real life. Nothing wrong with 20 something figures but there are other age ranges.

I love what you have created so far and I would agree with you and the others, a turn down on the bump and and some work on the brows would be a good move.

There is not a render here I do not like and I would love to comment on them all but I have so little time at present that even keeping up with the thread is difficult enough. Well done everyone.


I know I was tired and not feeling very well but it wasn't until I read my last submission I realise how bad I must have felt, I hope it made sense to someone.:confused:


Hey Hornet, hope you are feeling better soon and get a good night's sleep tonight :sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep::sleep:

Thanks, real life is really hectic at the moment and to make matter worse my doctor has changed my medication in the hope I can lose weight. I have no problem with the intent as I suffer from a permanent hangover strange, as I don't drink, until you realise the hangover is over my belt. So I was pleased with the possibility of losing weight but from what I can see the medication only works because it makes you feel so ill that you don't want to eat.

Normally when life is this hectic Poser is a welcome break but I have enough difficulty being creative at the best of times it is almost impossible when I feel ill. As you say I will try for a good nights sleep and see if a can't come up with a passable Dawn render tomorrow.


@Hornet3d , not sure how you feel about bread but after I was diagnosed as Celiac and removed wheat from my diet my weight went from hovering around 200 lbs to now hovering around 170 (which works really well on my frame). Not only did I remove most breads from my diet, but after reading ingredients lists, I also removed most processed meal kits also. My cooking consists of meats, fresh or frozen vegetables, and rice.

I'm not a health nut. Sodas and candybars are still very much present in my diet.


Contributing Artist
My doc said wheat is a big weight gainer for most people (he said its not even the gluten unless you do have a true intolerance, just the wheat itself) so try going wheat free not necessarily gluten free (easier said than done as wheat in one form or other is in just about everything).
Also find a doctor that knows about the Thyroid (there's not that many that really know) for years when they did a Thyroid test on me it came back in normal levels but my new doc say my Reverse T3 was way out (its a separate test to what may do, and alot don't even know about it) and even though the other seamed fine, the T3 can through the other results way out. I have to get some Thyroid medicine, but I'm allergic to the synthetic stuff and the natural one is very hard to find in my area. (and I've been too sick to try and find a compound chemist close enough).

Being sick sucks big time, I hope you feel better soon. :flower02:


Thanks for all the good wishes and advice. My complication is I am a type 2 diabetic on insulin which actual promotes weigh gain and it is a vicious circle, the more insulin you take the more you put on weight and the heavier you are the more insulin you need to keep your sugar levels in control.


Thanks for all the good wishes and advice. My complication is I am a type 2 diabetic on insulin which actual promotes weigh gain and it is a vicious circle, the more insulin you take the more you put on weight and the heavier you are the more insulin you need to keep your sugar levels in control.

My brother went on some drug that made him not need insulin anymore. Maybe Farxiga - or I may be thinking that because the ad was just on.


Contributing Artist
Been playing with Nouvelle Aube in DS using DynCreator...
Nouvelle Aube more dynamic pose.jpg