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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Dances with Bees
That is neat as is the thought of using it to bring the thread back on track. I agree in that I think PE is interesting but probably deserves it's own thread.

LOL, the little boy next door made me think of this render. He came out the door after school in flip flops. With snow on the ground.

Yeah, it was a pretty, sunny day and the snow is melting, but not in the shady spots. Definitely not flip flop weather!


LOL, the little boy next door made me think of this render. He came out the door after school in flip flops. With snow on the ground.

Yeah, it was a pretty, sunny day and the snow is melting, but not in the shady spots. Definitely not flip flop weather!

We had snow on Sunday that began to thaw yesterday when the sun came out, but as you say, it did not melt in the shady spots. Today it is -5 here, which I know is nothing for other parts of the world but that is quite low for the UK. Some rural spots had -10 and, of course, the snow froze. Taking the dog for a walk this morning was more like water skiing.

English Bob

I love Dawn! She's so much easier to use than Victoria. I just did a render with 21 Dawns in it. I doubt that would even be possible with Victoria.

I just rendered a scene with 12 Victoria 4s, 1 Victoria 3, 1 Aiko 3, 1 Miki 2 (all fully clothed and with hair) and a robot (which is naked and has no hair). 21 V4s might be possible, but forgive me if I don't try it. :D I'm fortunate to have 32GB RAM to play in - the PZ3 file alone is 1.8GB, and Poser uses up to 16GB while rendering. But I agree Dawn seems a lot easier on resources.

And, getting back on topic...southern girl Dawn has no idea what snow is all about, hence the open toe shoes in the snow. :)

Unsuitable winter wear is a common feature of 3D art, from what I've seen. I guess your Dawn has excellent circulation. ;) I like her coat!

I'm still playing with Dawn. Here's the latest, who bears a passing resemblance to a certain cartoon heroine:

Velma Investigates.jpg

@Art_of_Mind's Go-Go Boots again, and EvilInnocence's free sweater; the skirt is a dynamic one that I made myself. She has another of Ali's hair pieces; he's one of the few vendors who consistently include Dawn fits. Her glasses came from one of 3D-Age's office outfits - I just parented them to her head and tweaked as necessary.

The background is from a set I downloaded years ago, and unfortunately didn't keep the readme, which I always do now if there is one. The files are named Nathy_fond so they could be the work of the Nathy who sells here.


I just rendered a scene with 12 Victoria 4s, 1 Victoria 3, 1 Aiko 3, 1 Miki 2 (all fully clothed and with hair) and a robot (which is naked and has no hair). 21 V4s might be possible, but forgive me if I don't try it. :D I'm fortunate to have 32GB RAM to play in - the PZ3 file alone is 1.8GB, and Poser uses up to 16GB while rendering. But I agree Dawn seems a lot easier on resources.

Unsuitable winter wear is a common feature of 3D art, from what I've seen. I guess your Dawn has excellent circulation. ;) I like her coat!

I'm still playing with Dawn. Here's the latest, who bears a passing resemblance to a certain cartoon heroine:

View attachment 33238

@Art_of_Mind's Go-Go Boots again, and EvilInnocence's free sweater; the skirt is a dynamic one that I made myself. She has another of Ali's hair pieces; he's one of the few vendors who consistently include Dawn fits. Her glasses came from one of 3D-Age's office outfits - I just parented them to her head and tweaked as necessary.

The background is from a set I downloaded years ago, and unfortunately didn't keep the readme, which I always do now if there is one. The files are named Nathy_fond so they could be the work of the Nathy who sells here.

Brilliant, love the trick with the magnifying glass as is adds to the reality. Yes unsuitable clothing is a major factor in 3D art and not just in winter scenes but it is really good to see an interesting figure used in a render which is attractive but not a pin up.

English Bob

Where's Scooby?

Grown-up Velma has no need of annoying canine sidekicks. :cautious:

Brilliant, love the trick with the magnifying glass as is adds to the reality. Yes unsuitable clothing is a major factor in 3D art and not just in winter scenes but it is really good to see an interesting figure used in a render which is attractive but not a pin up.

Don't misunderstand me, I like unsuitable clothing as much as the next fashion-blind man. And I like chunky sweaters, so for me this is a pin up. :laugh: But thanks for the appreciation! I faked the magnifying lens in post-work. Firefly can do genuine refraction, but Paint Shop does it quicker. ;)


Grown-up Velma has no need of annoying canine sidekicks. :cautious:

Don't misunderstand me, I like unsuitable clothing as much as the next fashion-blind man. And I like chunky sweaters, so for me this is a pin up. :laugh: But thanks for the appreciation! I faked the magnifying lens in post-work. Firefly can do genuine refraction, but Paint Shop does it quicker. ;)

I guessed the magnifying glass was a bit of trickery but it is clever and worked out very well. I often do a lot of the additional lighting in Paint Shop as it is quicker and easier to step back if I make a mistake, which I often do. Much easier than having to wait for another render.


Contributing Artist
LOL, the little boy next door made me think of this render. He came out the door after school in flip flops. With snow on the ground.

Yeah, it was a pretty, sunny day and the snow is melting, but not in the shady spots. Definitely not flip flop weather!
With my swollen feet, every day is flip flop weather (but then again, we don't get snow! :p)

Great renders everyone.


HW Honey Bear

FINALLY finished...a piece I did to distract from the stress of the fires.... (the Lilac Fire is now 92% contained ...how do they arrive at that precise % I wonder!?)
I had been wanting to use the Gypsy Wagon for a long time now...and this idea just came to me... Lully always inspires with her dynamic clothing!!



FINALLY finished...a piece I did to distract from the stress of the fires.... (the Lilac Fire is now 92% contained ...how do they arrive at that precise % I wonder!?)
I had been wanting to use the Gypsy Wagon for a long time now...and this idea just came to me... Lully always inspires with her dynamic clothing!!

That looks so nice and has the feel of a warm summer's evening.

Satira Capriccio

Contributing Artist
They guess!

Granted, they have a pretty decent idea of how many acres are involved in a fire, and probably even how much of that area is now contained. But, aren't there usually pockets that may not yet be contained? And it's not like the fire or the contained areas are in nice little square patches. So even if they have a decent idea of the extent that's involved, they really are estimating how many acres that is and how much is contained.

So, what they really probably mean is ... based on our latest reports, which may or may not be entirely accurate because the boundaries of the fire are not straight lines, but follow the terrain, and there are pockets we probably haven't quite contained, which may be smaller or larger than we assume, we have like 90ish% contained ... more or less.

Granted, with satellites, they are able to get a better idea of how broad an area is affected, but again ... fires have this odd tendency to jump areas leaving pockets completely unscathed while all around it's ash.

But ... what do I know.

I just hope all the fires are out sooner rather than later.


They guess!

Granted, they have a pretty decent idea of how many acres are involved in a fire, and probably even how much of that area is now contained. But, aren't there usually pockets that may not yet be contained? And it's not like the fire or the contained areas are in nice little square patches. So even if they have a decent idea of the extent that's involved, they really are estimating how many acres that is and how much is contained.

So, what they really probably mean is ... based on our latest reports, which may or may not be entirely accurate because the boundaries of the fire are not straight lines, but follow the terrain, and there are pockets we probably haven't quite contained, which may be smaller or larger than we assume, we have like 90ish% contained ... more or less.

Granted, with satellites, they are able to get a better idea of how broad an area is affected, but again ... fires have this odd tendency to jump areas leaving pockets completely unscathed while all around it's ash.

But ... what do I know.

I just hope all the fires are out sooner rather than later.

I will add my wishes and prayers that the fires are out sooner rather than later with no further loss of life and minimal damage to homes. Having seen the news reports I know the last part is not possible so maybe minimal damage to the homes are that are still intact might be a better wish. I can't even begin to imagine the fear of those who live in the areas or the devastation that losing a home must be like so I can only wish the very best to all those involved.


HW Honey Bear
Thanks, Hornet... yes...and especially at THIS time of year.... it's just SO heart-breaking...I've heard no news of the cause, but I'd put my money on a "fire bug"... those evil doers just lay in wait for weather like this... :mad:


Thanks, Hornet... yes...and especially at THIS time of year.... it's just SO heart-breaking...I've heard no news of the cause, but I'd put my money on a "fire bug"... those evil doers just lay in wait for weather like this... :mad:

It would be horrifying enough if it is a natural disaster, to think that someone might be responsible makes my blood run cold.


If you are speaking about the wildfires in California, the first one was caused by what they believe to be homeless campers cooking. I live about 50 miles from those fires. You can still smell the smoke in the air.