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Show Us Your Dawn Renders!


Dances with Bees
Are these the new figures for Poser? They look great. I watched MOST of the YouTube vid on setting up body parts. YIKES! lol

Yes, they are. And, I agree, they look great. I have done some initial work with them and they are very nicely done and rigged.


Contributing Artist
Thanks for the link! This seems to be running for as many years as PE. Is there any info on the progress?


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Ah, so your a part of the beta team I'm assuming? Glad they look good and work well!


Dances with Bees
Thanks for the link! This seems to be running for as many years as PE. Is there any info on the progress?

Yes, they are nearing release. I'm nitpicking things like thick ankles right now, stuff like that.

Ah, so your a part of the beta team I'm assuming? Glad they look good and work well!

I'm working on some clothing for them so they have stuff on release. Very early rigging on a gown for her.



Dances with Bees
Awesome! Is Venus available for content creation, or would them still change the rigging?

There may yet be some minor rigging changes (Shane is fighting with her elbows right now, I know) but I am happy to put you in touch with him if you would like to discuss it with him. I know he would love to get any content creators on board who are willing to do so.

I'll send you a private mail.


... I respect whoever tries to put up a complete figure, even more when alone on his own. Basically all DAZ figures have been used for erotica, so I can't hold a figure accountable for that. ent figure, I see no reason not to support her. It's better than trying to contort Genesis into something that works in Poser. That doesn't mean I would abandon Dawn - I have a long history of supporting multiple figures - just not Genesis these days. DAZ is no longer making Poser figures, so let's welcome whoever else wants to try. :)

I agree. People will use any figure for erotica. I don't condemn them. After all, we all use the figures for our own purposes no matter what that purpose might be. We should try and keep an open mind. I have to say I'm impressed with all that I have seen of all the figures so far. I really can't wait to see what content is made for them.

Ken used the term PE. That means Project E for those who are wondering.

It took them this long to realize Poser has no value without contents, and they are still doing the wrong things to remedy the situation they put themselves into. Like I said, they don't understand the Poser market, and that's why they don't know how to position themselves in it. Their first wrong decision was to overprice Poser Pro, putting it way out of the hobbyist range where it was supposed to belong. In a way, DAZ has a similar problem. Their board of directors don't use DS or care for 3D art, which seems to be the source for the rather unfriendly environment and rather unpopular corporate decisions. In short, both DAZ and SMS are ran by people who don't understand us. They lost their roots while passing through different managements.

Both are good observations. I was rather stunned that Poser management would think the way do, especially when they recruited Nerd3d, a vendor who understands the Poserverse. I was also stunned by the decisions to leave Poserverse out of the Dazverse as well. Coke will always want Pepsi drinkers and Pepsi will never stop trying to gain Coke drinkers. No one in business should decide to wipe out at least Half or more of the customer base, telling them it's our way or the highway. Still, I do see some artists from time to time putting out Poser stuff so it's not like we (Poser People) are being completely ostracized.

I just got an email telling me to get ready for Paul and Pauline 2 and version 11.1 which will be available to all users of Poser 11. So those of us who took the plunge will get the updates and the upgraded figures for free. The Upgrades for people not owning Poser 11 are $50 dollars American or 72 Dollars if you're a Kiwi. I think they are really trying!


There's a very big difference between erotica and porn, and Erogenesis does porn, not erotica.
I just visited his Blog page. I'd post the link but there is nudity there. No porn but a fair amount of erotica.

Either way, that doesn't disqualify him from doing something that isn't porn. His thoughts on Project E are interesting and even a bit informative. He sees what's happening in the two universes as we've described it here. His hope is that Project E will end the kerfuffle. Yes, I said Kerfuffle.

I think that everyone should try and keep an open mind, be tolerant and exercise your human right to choose.

Especially when it comes to art.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
From what I understand, he plans to sell her at CGBytes and Renderosity, NOT Renderotica, so I don't think he's planning for her to be a "porn" star.


Oh yeah, I have lost count of his excuses. Haha! But I respect whoever tries to put up a complete figure, even more when alone on his own. Basically all DAZ figures have been used for erotica, so I can't hold a figure accountable for that. We also have Terai Yuki, a figure that was created for an adult game, but that was later widely used in Poser for general purpose. I don't remember people blaming her from where she came from. :)

I also understand that new figures tend to fragment the market even more, but DAZ keeps introducing more figures all the time, and people don't seem to blame them so much these days. It has been 3 new Genesis just since Dawn came out. I am not saying this is a good thing, but I miss the days when we had a wide variety of figures from different makers.

Besides, if Poser users continue to burn every figure that comes out for them, it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy that we will end up with no content variety. I will give PE a fair try, and see for myself like I did with Pauline. If it's a fairly decent figure, I see no reason not to support her. It's better than trying to contort Genesis into something that works in Poser. That doesn't mean I would abandon Dawn - I have a long history of supporting multiple figures - just not Genesis these days. DAZ is no longer making Poser figures, so let's welcome whoever else wants to try. :)

I like what I have seen of PE but one concern I have is that the long development time has created a high level of expectation that might be hard to match. There was a similar expectation raised when Dawn was first mentioned and some, me included, were disappointed on launch. Today Dawn has, I believe, met and exceeded those expectations and has a growing family of high quality figures around her. I just wonder who many artists tried Dawn on day one, were disappointed, and have never tried the Dawn of today are thus missing such a great figure.

I hope PE is a success but there is quite a mountain that has been built for the figure to climb.


From what I understand, he plans to sell her at CGBytes and Renderosity, NOT Renderotica, so I don't think he's planning for her to be a "porn" start.
I agree.

I respect @Janet and @Glitterati3D too much to even debate what is or what isn't. Besides, I was looking for information on Project E and might've missed what Janet saw and what Glitterati has seen. My understanding is that Project E is supposed to be totally compatible with V4 when it comes to clothing rather an entirely new figure. Is that even possible? For a new figure to be compatible with an older figures grouping so that clothing we've already bought fit?


Contributing Artist
My understanding is that Project E is supposed to be totally compatible with V4 when it comes to clothing rather an entirely new figure. Is that even possible? For a new figure to be compatible with an older figures grouping so that clothing we've already bought fit?

That was the early PE project. The current one no longer has anything to do with V4, be it at clothing, morphs or even UVs level. It's a whole new figure with 100% new mesh, morphs and UVs.


Contributing Artist
Is that even possible? For a new figure to be compatible with an older figures grouping so that clothing we've already bought fit?
With the help of FitRoom and weight maps donors (mannequins). Probably, as with DS autofit, results will be varied.
Probably something like FVerbass v4-2-x Prefitter (free at ContentParadise) with addition of a template rig(s).


That was the early PE project. The current one no longer has anything to do with V4, be it at clothing, morphs or even UVs level. It's a whole new figure with 100% new mesh, morphs and UVs.
He never finished that early project, did he?

With the help of FitRoom and weight maps donors (mannequins). Probably, as with DS autofit, results will be varied.
Probably something like FVerbass v4-2-x Prefitter (free at ContentParadise) with addition of a template rig(s).

I thought I picked the CP Freebie bones clean! Thanks for the headsup, @phdubrov .

Moderatah, please edit or delete this post if everything isn't proper. Here is the link to the freebie above. Supposedly it works with Dawn! Prefitter


Dances with Bees
OK, so we're wildly off topic, my mistake in driving the conversation down this road. Maybe the moderators can split off the OT posts into a new thread about Poser figures under development.

And, getting back on topic...southern girl Dawn has no idea what snow is all about, hence the open toe shoes in the snow. :)


OK, so we're wildly off topic, my mistake in driving the conversation down this road. Maybe the moderators can split off the OT posts into a new thread about Poser figures under development.

And, getting back on topic...southern girl Dawn has no idea what snow is all about, hence the open toe shoes in the snow. :)
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That is neat as is the thought of using it to bring the thread back on track. I agree in that I think PE is interesting but probably deserves it's own thread.