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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I think that's just the head-on pose of his head. From another angle, the horn wouldn't look like it's standing straight up.


Contributing Artist
I had this saved on the cloud before the lightning hit our house, and I have not as of yet had a chance to go back and fix it. It could be a little more nestled into the bangs, but it is a head on shot with Whisper.

From the side, as Miss B said, it looks a little different.

@Carey, Btw Love your sunset coat texture!! It really glows! You did a real smash up job with it!

P.S.: Thanks Seliah and Miss B!
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Dream Weaver Designs
Yay I finally got Harry :) I just had to have a play right off


I am loving all of the great horse art here, but NA your house was hit by lightning! :( That is frightening! I hope the damage wasn't too bad!


Contributing Artist
@Dreamer Loving your cheetah horse!!! Very cool!!!

@Flint_Hawk Yes it was. We live way out in the woods with hematite ore underneath the soil, and strikes are common in our area. We lost 22 head of cattle about 15 years ago because of a lightning strike on a pine tree in one of our pastures. LOL! It's an area where you better have insurance for things like this, and if you even see a cloud in the sky you better take cover and not under a tree.

The damage is contained to mostly between the roof and ceilings and the utility room and kitchen as it struck our water heater pipe fried our electric and burst our pipes. Insurance will cover it and my computer and it's estimated to take 2 months for repairs. So, they will put us into a travel trailer until it's completed. I'm staying at a hotel currently until the trailer arrives.

The really strange thing is that it traveled across the ground to our neighbors 1/4 mile away and fried their electric box and burst their pipes. They have mass amounts of water damage and have to rip out two walls replace their cabinets, kitchen floor, and the main breaker box.

Look on the bright side of things is all I can say! It could of been much much worse.
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Loving that cheetah horse Dreamer. ;)

NA, I'm not sure I'd want to live near you guys. I think I'll stick to the cement and bricks of the big city, thank you very much. Sheesh. At least you guys are OK.


Contributing Artist
Loving that cheetah horse Dreamer. ;)

NA, I'm not sure I'd want to live near you guys. I think I'll stick to the cement and bricks of the big city, thank you very much. Sheesh. At least you guys are OK.
It could of been worse if it hit the gas lines or the propane tanks.


Dream Weaver Designs
would I want this in my tool kit...yea I think I would....
Ok :) I will see about getting it and the others properly converted to Harry, might take a while as there are a few and then I need to think about where to put them too


Hm.. where to start I wonder.. let's see.. Mosto f my pictures tend to have a story behind them, since I often make pictures that ties into stories I have written or RP I have done in ESO (or other games, but ESO mostly in regards to the horse pics :)) Let's start with Shaitan and Kazya.. the picture is made after a story I wrote, Shaitan as a horse is a one heck of a temperamental killing machine, and he only accept a very small select of people to tend to him. The only one he accept without any reservation, is Kazya..

this picture is made from a story where Shaitan got his stall invaded by a stable hand he had Not accepted one very early morning.. and promptly the big stallion tried to kill the rude stable hand by more or less crushing him against the wall. It was only Kazya coming out to the stable and calling softly to Shaitan, that made him stop. This is after she has caleld to him, and he went to her. Turnign from a big dangeorus beast to a cuddling "little" angel. Kaz is barely dressed since she was woken up by the commotion and simply only grabbed the closest piece of clothing near her, which were the tunic of her soon to be husband :)



and another picture inspired by a story and RP. This is my other ESO character Zoraya, who is part of a family which breeds horses. In game I use this oilpainting as a painting that Zora got from her cousin. It is a picture of the five main breeding stallions of Amarul Estate and Stables, painted by her cousin around 5 years ago :)


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Very nice renders Carola. I especially like the oil painting effect of the second render. :)


Thank you Miss B, I love the oil painting effect I can make in photoshop. I have three different pictures which I turned into oilpintings, and they have different looks since I was able to change the size of the brush strokes and a lot more when I turned it into the painting, I'm really happy with it :)


and one I did yesterday, als using the kelpie halter with iray shaders on the metal and gem (dark silver on the metal and light green pearl on gem) This is Zora's new horse, a little portrait of him. The background is a screenshot from Alik'r, one of the many areas in ESO. And ended up showing, original pic and oilpainting :)
