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Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Aaaand the Hippogryff. I did already have a hippogryff (well, a Frankengryff -- which it still is) but I'd been dissatisfied with a few of the details. I'm a good deal more satisfied now. Although I can tell from the get-go that it's going to be a monumental pain to pose, since there are about four different models combined here (not counting the wings), and the different parts are not going to all pose together.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Thank you. The hippogryff is going to be an unmitigated pain to pose since trying to keep the invisible horse head and the bird head in sync is going to be a challenge and a half. The forelegs are bad enough to try to keep in sync, and they're just parented.

But, I get to finally use my kitty ponies textures. Why should a hippogryff necessarily have a horse coat? They seem closer to griffins, which are based on big cats.

I am very pleased with the Thestral, however. Not going to be nearly as much of a pain to pose, either.


Contributing Artist
Aaaand the Hippogryff. I did already have a hippogryff (well, a Frankengryff -- which it still is) but I'd been dissatisfied with a few of the details. I'm a good deal more satisfied now. Although I can tell from the get-go that it's going to be a monumental pain to pose, since there are about four different models combined here (not counting the wings), and the different parts are not going to all pose together.View attachment 51952.
Wow... fantastic beasty!


Contributing Artist
The fall2.jpg

Getting to the stage where I have to start doing a few promo renders for my hussar set. Since I have been playing with the idea of creating a few horse and rider fight poses once the set is in Q&A... and I finished my LongMa morph... I thought i'd start with something a bit dramatic.

Actually... this was meant to be just a test render to see whether my fur finally behaved. All in all I am pretty satisfied with this. If I can figure out the strand based hair and how to do presets for them, I might also consider doing a set of mane and tails. I do think that this strand based tail looks a lot more realistic than the default tail. And I just watched a whole load of youtube clips with Gypsy Vanners and Frisians and Haflinger... Those MANES and TAILS!!! (swoon)

Greenlease groundshader
Sickleyield wakes and splashes
Stonemason Jungle elements
terradome hdri
Ultrascatter Pro for the greenstuff
Kindredart HDRI shadowcatcher kit


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Another adventure in building Frankencritters. This time I was trying to build a unicorn that was closer to the classic description -- which is assumed to have been described by someone who caught a glimpse of some form of antelope or gazelle (the oryx is generally considered to be the animal which the person who described it actually saw) that they'd never seen before.

Which, in itself, is assuming that somebody actually saw some strange animal in the first place, and didn't just make the whole thing up from whole cloth to impress people. Complete with a sleazy little story about staking a virgin out in the woods to catch one. I've a strong suspicion that we've all been a little too trusting of such "traveler's tales". The description really doesn't hold together when you think of what one might have expected such a witness to have actually been familiar with.

In any case; what he described was a composite beast, i.e., a monster, which ultimately developed into the heraldic monster which we know of as a unicorn. (They are not horses. Probably wouldn't even be equines, if they existed.)

It's a mild puzzle as to where that description came from, since if the person reporting it was European, you would think they would have probably have seen or heard of deer at some point in their lives, and, if they weren't deliberately sending their audience up, would have described it as some kind of funny-looking deer.

But they didn't. They claimed that what they saw had a horse's head (i.e., probably narrower than a deer's), a goat's body, and a lion's tail. Which also raises the question of whether this clown had ever actually seen a lion. Or even a picture of one. As well as why they didn't claim that this interesting animal had a *donkey's* tail which would have at least been in something in the same general ballpark, considering that he was describing a creature with hooves, and similar enough to be readily associated with such. Well, never mind. The description is too widely known to ignore it now.

So, okay, we've got a Hivewire horse, and a unicorn, and now a bunch of deer, so I figured I might as well give it a try.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.

I started with Whisper, since the stylization was something that looked like I could work from. Er... not so much. I scrapped that and went back to the basic unicorn. That didn't work much better.

As soon as I started dialing in the mule deer buck all of the add-ons went haywire. The only thing that stuck with me and didn't break was the fetlocks. The unicorn tail became way too long, and broke when I tried to pose it. I did some scaling on the horse's own tail base and parented the horse's short tail to the end of that. Posing it may be "interesting" (posing a Frankencritter is always more interesting than one would prefer).

The horn broke completely. I ended up bringing in an unconformed horn, morphing it to suit, scaling it down and parenting it to the head. That at least isn't likely to give me further problems, although one never knows.

And the mane became completely unusable. It scaled down, but it couldn't be posed, and couldn't really be scaled and parented and have it work since it attaches to too many bones. I'm not sure that a LAMH mane couldn't be produced, but I've never done more than attach presets, and I don't even know if such a preset would work, due to the scaling and the combination of morphs.

By now I had decided to be more stubborn than the models. It needed a mane? Okay, I'll give it a mane. I gave it the lion's mane. It's already got a lion's tail, why not? It won't conform, but I could parent it to the head. It will be a pain in the butt to pose, if I even try to pose it, and don't simply let it angle off however it wants and be careful of the camera angle. And at least I'm not dealing with quite so many bones. If CWRW someday produces an LAMH preset for the red deer buck with it's heavy neck fur, I'll try seeing if that preset will attach and use that. I copy/pasted the texture from Whisper's tail MATs to the different portions of the lion's mane and re-applied the original transmaps.

I rather think that the Kirin's forked horn might be a better choice, but I'll let that rest for now. And since the beard was too thin, I've duplicated it a couple of times, but didn't do another spot render.

This is probably not complete, but I'm going to let it rest and maybe I'll get some better ideas.


  • Unicorn.jpg
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
I'm liking the way it looks, and yes I always thought the beard too thin. I can see it in your render, but that's because of the background color you used. In an actual scene, it probably wouldn't show up much, if at all, so duplicating it probably would be better. Oh, and I like the horn you used.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
It's the standard unicorn horn, which has a collection of lovely morphs. I suspect I ought to have used different lighting as well. Would you believe that that is the *gold* texture? Sure doesn't look it to me.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
No, if you hadn't just mentioned it, I certainly wouldn't have thought it was gold.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Yeah, needs different lighting. Ah well. Like I say, it probably isn't finished yet.


Contributing Artist
This time I was trying to build a unicorn that was closer to the classic description -- which is assumed to have been described by someone who caught a glimpse of some form of antelope or gazelle (the oryx is generally considered to be the animal which the person who described it actually saw) that they'd never seen before.

Have you heard the theory about the rhinoceros being the source of the unicorn descriptions? Seems highly unlikely, f course, but I've heard at least one child seeing one of those for the first time and calling it a 'battle unicorn' (although I wonder what world we are living in where a child is more familiar with a mythical creature than an iconic real one).


Contributing Artist
And the mane became completely unusable. It scaled down, but it couldn't be posed, and couldn't really be scaled and parented and have it work since it attaches to too many bones. I'm not sure that a LAMH mane couldn't be produced, but I've never done more than attach presets, and I don't even know if such a preset would work, due to the scaling and the combination of morphs.

By now I had decided to be more stubborn than the models. It needed a mane? Okay, I'll give it a mane. I gave it the lion's mane. It's already got a lion's tail, why not? It won't conform, but I could parent it to the head. It will be a pain in the butt to pose, if I even try to pose it, and don't simply let it angle off however it wants and be careful of the camera angle. And at least I'm not dealing with quite so many bones. If CWRW someday produces an LAMH preset for the red deer buck with it's heavy neck fur, I'll try seeing if that preset will attach and use that. I copy/pasted the texture from Whisper's tail MATs to the different portions of the lion's mane and re-applied the original transmaps.

I rather think that the Kirin's forked horn might be a better choice, but I'll let that rest for now. And since the beard was too thin, I've duplicated it a couple of times, but didn't do another spot render.

This is probably not complete, but I'm going to let it rest and maybe I'll get some better ideas.
You got strand based hair in DAZ now... unless you insist on still using 4.10 or lower. And they are really easy to use once you've hat a bit of a go at it. And they WILL continue working on a morph because they are not bone based but meshbased. As long as the mesh is the same, the hair will behave. So you can just use a longer horse tail, paint the tip to add the hair and then go. Same for the head. You could do any kind of mane you fancy, having it go halfway down the jawbones, or on the bottom of the throat. The fetlocks the same. Particularly for critters you get very nice results with strand-based hair.

I just had to try it out myself. I like your ideas about the unicorn's bodyshape, so I started with the deer too, then looked at goats to adjust the body, made the head narrower again and tried a few horse morphs to make it more horsey again. Returned the size to original horse size and then added the strandbased hair.
I felt it would be fun to do something a bit different from a normal hair set so it's neither exactly a lion mane nor a horse mane.

base shape.jpg

Furry uni.jpg

and just because I never can leave it at that... here some action

Uni attack.jpg


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
That's great! I just installed 4.12 so I may give it a go. I did rather like the look of the lion's mane on the creature, although there is no good way to scale it to make it actually fit. A mane designed for a creature with 2 neck bones, isn't really going to work that well on one with 6. But I liked the way the hair flared around the face. The beard and the way it came around the shoulders also was fairly handsome.

Frankly, I've come to the conclusion that the classic unicorn was completely made up by somebody who wanted to tell a risqué tale of an innocent young girl alone in the woods (surrounded by concealed hunters). I mean, really. I don't think anyone mistook a glimpsed antelope at all.

Conversely, (and a lot more plausibly) it was made up as a purely graphic design from the get-go, by someone who wanted something elegant/impressive to put on a banner. Later, someone made up a story to go with it and explain what that mythical beast on the banner was. Once the science of heraldry got established it was basically roll-your-own-monster time. (I swear they had competitions.)

Later on somebody off on the Crusades or something did see a rhinoceros and got very confused.

I'm not surprised that the kid was more familiar with the mythical unicorn. We were up to our armpits in unicorn images (the Ubiquitous Yawnicorn of the cuddly one-horned horse variety) all through the '70s and into the '80s. Not all of that stuff has been thrown away yet. Plus a lot of people consider them suitable for decorating kids stuff. Particularly little girls' stuff.


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Well, I went back to the drawing board on the hippogryff. He looked like he was on stilts. I'd wanted the delicate hind legs and hooves, since a flying creature should probably be fine-boned. But they didn't need to be so long. Comes from starting with the foal morph.

As to the unicorn, I went back and changed the lighting, and messed with the surfaces a bit. I also tried giving him the full lion mane, and added another iteration of the same mane around the shoulders. I think I like him with the full mane. It plays up the "sheep ready for shearing" look to the head (and also rather illustrates the lion and the unicorn fighting over a crown being effectively a family quarrel). I may want to fine-tune the size of the nostrils and what all, but on the whole I think I'm relatively satisfied. I may try the strand-based hair at some point or mess with LAMH.

After all, if you are going to design monsters to put on banners you might as well make them reasonably attractive ones.


  • Hippogryff Redo.png
    Hippogryff Redo.png
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  • Unicorn-Redo.jpg
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Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Ohhh, I'm liking them both, though with all that mane hair on the Unicorn, you don't really need the beard. I'd leave the beard for when only one mane hair is used, so the hair's on top of his head, and below his chin.


HW3D Exclusive Artist
Cool Jodel! I really like your unicorn critter here! The hippogryff is really neat too. That is some great kitbashing!


Dances with Bees
HW Honey Bear
Thank you! They will be a nightmare to pose. Particularly the hippogryff. I was very disappointed to find that the horse mane becomes unusable once you start dialing in the deer morph. Surprised, too. It scales down just fine and remains posable on the foal and other breed morphs. I daresay the scaling on the deer neck is what kills it. I wasn't pleased to see that the unicorn tail became unusable as well, and the horn broke. But both of those I can do a reasonable work-around for.

I find that I'd really like to have a lion-style mane that really did fit the horse. But Probably fiber hair is the way to go for that.


Contributing Artist
WOW guys some amazing stuff going on here!! LOL I should visit more often!! Awesome Griffin @JOdel ! @FreyrStrongart Gorgeous movement and outfit and AWE.................... Love your little Unicorn guy!! :balloon03:

Well had to have a play with a new item with fallish colors too.

Arklight SML.jpg

Created With: HiveWire Horse, CWRW's Fallow Deer coat texture, Liver Chestnut Mane and Tail, Lisa's Botanicals Daylily, Windmill for Lisa's Botanicals Daylily, Pointed Eye for Lisa's Botanicals Daylily, Fairy Flower II with custom textures Arki's Orchid Wings, BG is in the Dance of the Flowers Wings expansion set

Also can't believe West World Bath House is getting top billing over at Daz in the faves scroll featuring the HiveWire Horse!


  • West World Bath House.jpg
    West World Bath House.jpg
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