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Remember These???

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
The only string art I ever did was a 2D graphics version a long time ago.



I always thought of string art as 3D Spirograph!:D

I used to deliver newspapers in the evening. When I had to collect I would be invited inside the house. Sure enough on the walls were Velvet Jesus and Elvis, and I remember a string art of a City bridge.

Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
OK, I just searched, and it looks most like the Queensboro Bridge, more locally known as the 59th Street Bridge.


So this morning, I had to go to the doctor's for an appointment. When I got out, I decided to go and revisit the neighborhood I grew up in. Except, it's literally gone now. They bulldozed almost everything to the ground and built new houses. Don't get me wrong. It looks great, and as a poor black child back in the 60s, I'd have felt like I had died and gone to heaven if I was living their today. Still almost nothing of what I knew was there anymore. ALMOST... There was a store on the corner called Peacock's grocery where we bought a LOT of stuff. Soda, bread, ice cream. For some reason, the store is gone now, but they left the building just sitting there. It looked just like it did when I was a kid, except I kinda remember it being much bigger. I was surprised to see it was still there. The school was still there as well. Washington was a a high school when my brothers and sisters went there, but by the time I came along and started school, it was an elementary school. I could see it from the front porch of my apartment. There was a little gymnasium next to it that we used to take gym classes in, and next to that was a playground where we played dodgeball, baseball, kickball, etc. All gone.

I drove through the neighborhood and hardly recognized anything. All the liquor houses and poor box houses were gone. There was a park there now that ran along a stream, Walnut Creek. That was still there, but you couldn't see it in the thick overgrown wooded area. There was a city owned firestation training center that was still there. It had been there when I was a kid. We even got to see them set it on fire and send the firemen in sometimes. I circled around and most of the streets that i had known so well when I grew up were gone now.There was one bright not though, while driving, I reach a point where I could see the school and I recognized the view that I knew so well. It was the same one I saw from my front porch when I was a kid. And I was home again. :)


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
OK, I just searched, and it looks most like the Queensboro Bridge, more locally known as the 59th Street Bridge.
Queensboro bridge is now Ed I. Koch Bridge , renamed in 2011

The bridge on the artwork is Manhattan Bridge 100%


Miss B

Drawing Life 1 Pixel at a Time
Queensboro bridge is now Ed I. Koch Bridge , renamed in 2011

The bridge on the artwork is Manhattan Bridge 100%
I hadn't thought about the Manhattan Bridge, as that's also downtown, and the buildings in the background of the artwork look like the Empire State, and a few other midtown skyscrapers. That's why I thought it was the 59th/Queensboro Bridge. Though now I can see one of them in that photo you uploaded, but that's a view more north than the artwork, which looked like it was viewing west.

As far as it being renamed after Ed Koch, I've known it for too long as the 59th Street Bridge, so I'm used to referring to it that way.


I hadn't thought about the Manhattan Bridge, as that's also downtown, and the buildings in the background of the artwork look like the Empire State, and a few other midtown skyscrapers. That's why I thought it was the 59th/Queensboro Bridge. Though now I can see one of them in that photo you uploaded, but that's a view more north than the artwork, which looked like it was viewing west.

As far as it being renamed after Ed Koch, I've known it for too long as the 59th Street Bridge, so I'm used to referring to it that way.
Last time I was in New York, Giuliani was Mayor and the twin towers were still standing.


2 of them are familiar.
All three are similar, but not the same character. That's why I picked them. One of the three was created in 1949 as a puppet. So he predates the other two. And I just found out he was the inspiration for AC DC's song "Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap!"


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
As far as it being renamed after Ed Koch, I've known it for too long as the 59th Street Bridge, so I'm used to referring to it that way.
of course everyone use the name 59th Street Bridge and for many it will be forever just Queensboro Bridge

I was thinking at first it was 59th Street Bridge , but then noticed the top 4 "ornaments" and only Manhattan Bridge have it . It is my spot for photography between the 2 bridges


Remember I showed you this pic a few days ago?

When I was a kid, we used to be on Welfare food distributed by the government. If you'll notice in the picture, there is a box of raisins. Something I just found out TODAY is that there was a National Raisin Reserve in the U.S. It was founded just after WW2 until 2015. It was used to control the price of raisins in the US.

Makes you think a little differently about these guys, doesn't it?


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Here's a toughie for you. It's alright if you don't know the exact number.
Who had the most hit songs, The Monkees, The Partridge Family or the Archies? There IS a correct answer.