• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Prayers for Lisa


I just now read the story about Lisa at Renderosity. It truly breaks my heart. I have not been around in quite some time. But at the beginning, I was a here a lot & had really gotten to know Lisa really well. She had such a positive effect on my life. She was always so positive & encouraging & a true delight to converse with. I wish to offer her entire family & friends my sincerest heart felt condolences. I have most of her fabulous creations & they will be a reminder to me of this wonderful soul! She so loved nature! She reminded me, that we are indeed, part of all of this. As a funeral director myself, I also reminded daily, how important it is to tell those we care about, that we love them. Never take anyone we care about for granite. Never leave anything unsaid. Life is all about the journey. The people we meet, the paths we take, the friendships we create & the bonds we form. God Bless Lisa. Peace & Love :love:


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I have not said much recently - after recent news. For that I am sorry. I have been deep in my own head dealing with problems that right now overwhelm me - I have been in a very dark place of late... for a long time really - this news did't really help. I had hoped Lisa would recover, and in time be back in these forums. I certainly did not know her as well as many others here, not enough to really say I was her friend or claim any right to grieve, that is probably likely on me and my own issues (I do not connect well or easily to people - I am certain this is not news to many). I do not think this was due to any failing or lack on Lisa's part. She was always evenhanded in dealing with me, even kind. I feel she maybe understood I had issues, as even in going back over old communications it is clear she tried to chose words and phrases to be clear and not cause unnecessary upset or confusion and seemed to sincerely try to resolve disputes and issues even when they did not directly involve her and were between other parties. She was always generous, in advice, action, and effort, reaching out a helping hand to fellow members of Hivewire3D, even when in past she may have been on opposing ends of an argument or thread. I feel she was a rare breed of person in this world, one that the world has far to few of to lose any, and her presence in this world and on these boards will no doubtedly leave an absence that will long be felt. With everything Lisa seemed to do she seemed to reach out and try to improve this world, even if one person at a time, one word at a time. I regret that I did not know her better for my part, and can only blame myself for being as reclusive and distant in online forums as I am in real life. I would like to think she considered me a friend, or at least an ok person. There really are no words I can post that I feel can offer comfort or solace to any who knew her well. All I can do is suggest that each and anyone whose life Lisa did touch try to pay her legacy forward and try to be better people than we are right now with each and every day moving forward. That each of us always strive to improve ourselves and to make the world a little better each day. That we try to reach out and embrace those that may seem left out, jaded, or misplaced with a welcoming and helpful hand because that seems to be how Lisa approached this forum, because we cannot know why they may be jaded or isolated or different, but we can try to find common ground in the things we share through our art, the software we use, and the fact that every human being on Earth desires a better world but may not know how to achieve it themselves.
I do not know what lies past the veil of life, and I am no longer certain what I believe. I do believe Lisa's suffering has ended and she is at peace now. I like to believe something I heard once, and that Death is the road to awe. It is my hope that those who have passed from this coil are rewarded for their deeds and actions and efforts to improve this world, and have no doubt that if this is so, Lisa is in a far better place now. I fear it is a place I will likely never know...I hope she will put in a word or two for me.

Lisa, May the flowers ever bloom for you inthe radiance of your light and the spectacle of colors this world has yet to know. May you know visions of Awe and Wonder we still can only dream of.


Like so many others, my Runtime is full of Lisa's Botanicals, and I love using them. I did not get to know her personally, though I can say she was a very kind person. She always found a way to see the better in people, and to get them (me for instance) to BE that better person. Though we never met, I will miss this wonderful person, Lisa. Rest well dear Lady, we will all be along soon.


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
I finally was struck with an inspiration for an image to memorialize Lisa. I remember her always telling me, less is more, when it came to my promo renders. Too many other elements would draw the eye away from the product so in the case of less is more, and with a big thanks to Ghostman for the sad morph....



I, too, got the sad news from Renderosity/Posersoftware. And I am late here as I read all the thread...
Not much to add to what has already been gracefully said. I am also very saddened by this.
I am glad that @Chris considers this thread a memorial for Lisa, so even though I never seem to find time for new renders, I hope that sooner or later I'll be able to come up with something nice for her.
A big hug to everyone reading and writing here.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Dear Lisa,
I rendered your Cherry Trees that reminds me of you,
In loving memory of the one that was so talented and true.
You were as helpful & kind as you could be
And even though you're gone
You will be always remembered by the world & me...


since Lisa never got the chance to see Dawn 2.0 in renders, I decided to make this first official Dawn 2.0 render and dedicate it to her including her beautiful Cherry trees I use for almost 16 years.