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Prayers for Lisa


One Busy Little Bee
Contributing Artist
I've been trying to distract myself, so I don't fall into a depression my anti-depressants can't counter which would lead to binging chocolate looking for a pick me up and as a result gaining back the almost 40 pounds I've lost in the last 8 months.



My last render for Ken's Birds did show her cherry tree ... I still love it. Love all of her creations ...


  • Spring.jpg
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Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
There have been several times in my life where people seemed to *know* that something was going to happen to them and they gave others messages that were basically farewells.
Strange ,but it seems that sometimes the veil to the other side is lifted sometimes.
My first husband and me want to move to Italy where his family live. We go both to organize the papers for the house and he want to go back after a week to Germany ( where we lived at this time) to finish everything there. The day he leave Italy , he begin to cry in such a distress and was telling that he will not see me again. Of course I thought he is just stressed and try to calm him down. But he was right. He die in Germany, without to see me again. Two and a half months later.
To read this poem from Lisa is hard to swallow. Knowing that she is no longer with us.

Our dead are not absent but invisible. They look with their eyes full of light, in our eyes full of sadness. Aurelius Augustinus


I've been trying to distract myself, so I don't fall into a depression my anti-depressants can't counter which would lead to binging chocolate looking for a pick me up and as a result gaining back the almost 40 pounds I've lost in the last 8 months.

I think it would be so easy for any of us to slip into depression when we have sad news of this magnitude, the only thing is we know that is the last thing Lisa would wish for us.


Dragon Queen
Contributing Artist
I've been trying to distract myself, so I don't fall into a depression my anti-depressants can't counter which would lead to binging chocolate looking for a pick me up and as a result gaining back the almost 40 pounds I've lost in the last 8 months.
40 pounds? That's great! I lost 25 pounds over the last year. Trying to keep it off. I bought crackers as snacks instead of stuff with more calories. (Yes, I love chocolate, too. However, I agree, bad idea...)

I think it would be so easy for any of us to slip into depression when we have sad news of this magnitude, the only thing is we know that is the last thing Lisa would wish for us.
I agree. I'm keeping on with good food (if maybe canned soup instead of home made on the worst of the days) and lower calorie foods. Keeping the diet going. More to go.
Thing is...this isn't all that happened to me in the last while. I won't depress anyone with the list of disasters. However, I'm aware that if I don't take care of my health, then I'm going to feel worse later and maybe cause someone else grief. I stay healthy, I'll be over this and out of it sooner.
Everyone....you stay healthy, too. Okay?


I had hoped a lot listening to the improvement in Lisa's situation in the last few days .... But it wasn't enough ... How sad..:(


Contributing Artist
:grouphug:I did see it when Lisa first posted it on Facebook but it did provide a new perspective with Chris postiing it now. Like many it brought tears to my eyes and I wonder if she had a moment of prescience when posting it.

One thing that I believe is that Lisa would not want people to fall into depression but to work through their feelings and move forward. I think she would hate to be the cause of so much pain and she was a strong believer in reflecting on what has happened and how best to move forward. She was so supportive of people in general. I think that the best way we can pay tribute to who she was is to pay this forward in our own lives and to follow her lead and be supportive of others. I know it's difficult as I started to cry while writing this and I'm struggling myself but truly believe that she would want us to move forward and not become depressed.

I truly hope I don't offend anyone by posting this and I know many have know Lisa longer than what I have and may hold different views.


Dances with Bees
To all her friends here and in real life, I can only repeat what Joe Biden says so often. That dark, sucking hole you feel in your chest right now will one day fill with your good thoughts and love for Lisa. It's hard right now, but one day, as Joe also says, your thoughts of her will bring a smile to your lips before they bring a tear to your eye. As someone who lost the love of my life, I can attest to the truth of his words.

In the meantime, hang on to each other, share your memories, your love and your pain in losing Lisa with each other.

My deepest sympathy to all her loved her so.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
One thing that I believe is that Lisa would not want people to fall into depression but to work through their feelings and move forward. I think she would hate to be the cause of so much pain and she was a strong believer in reflecting on what has happened and how best to move forward. She was so supportive of people in general. I think that the best way we can pay tribute to who she was is to pay this forward in our own lives and to follow her lead and be supportive of others. I know it's difficult as I started to cry while writing this and I'm struggling myself but truly believe that she would want us to move forward and not become depressed.
You are so right. Our beloved ones, who departed , don't want us to suffer.

I would like to share with you all a story from me after my mama die .
Before this, I was a die hard scientist who only believed in what math and physic can prove. If I could not prove something with a math formula, it was not valid for me .But I learn a different lesson.
My mama was my everything. My best friend, my soulmate. When she die suddenly, way to young, my world get torn apart , I feel lost, abandoned alone. I could not stop to cry ,was not able to pick up my live again.Could not sleep because nightmares .
However, after 4-5 weeks of agony and mourning like crazy, when I fell in sleep out of exhaustion , I dream again from her, but this time it was different.
I was sitting in her kitchen , which I loved so much. Was always the most beautiful place on earth for me. During my childhood, as teenager, later as student, this was the place where i always find peace.
But one thing was different in this kitchen, it was full of plants and flowers. Way,way more than usual. (She loved plants and flowers. )
Suddenly she stand in front of me and was telling me in somehow angry and worrying tone " Let me go! I feel good, I am fine!"
Here I wake up confused, disoriented . After a while I begin to realize that she was talking to me. She visited me in my dream. I feel suddenly relieved .
I begin to understand that there is more than what we can see. And that our beloved ones still watch over us and are still there. We just can not see them anymore.
They don't want us to suffer .They want that we move on and enjoy our lives as long we can.


Contributing Artist
You are so right. Our beloved ones, who departed , don't want us to suffer.

I would like to share with you all a story from me after my mama die .
Before this, I was a die hard scientist who only believed in what math and physic can prove. If I could not prove something with a math formula, it was not valid for me .But I learn a different lesson.
My mama was my everything. My best friend, my soulmate. When she die suddenly, way to young, my world get torn apart , I feel lost, abandoned alone. I could not stop to cry ,was not able to pick up my live again.Could not sleep because nightmares .
However, after 4-5 weeks of agony and mourning like crazy, when I fell in sleep out of exhaustion , I dream again from her, but this time it was different.
I was sitting in her kitchen , which I loved so much. Was always the most beautiful place on earth for me. During my childhood, as teenager, later as student, this was the place where i always find peace.
But one thing was different in this kitchen, it was full of plants and flowers. Way,way more than usual. (She loved plants and flowers. )
Suddenly she stand in front of me and was telling me in somehow angry and worrying tone " Let me go! I feel good, I am fine!"
Here I wake up confused, disoriented . After a while I begin to realize that she was talking to me. She visited me in my dream. I feel suddenly relieved .
I begin to understand that there is more than what we can see. And that our beloved ones still watch over us and are still there. We just can not see them anymore.
They don't want us to suffer .They want that we move on and enjoy our lives as long we can.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
You are so right. Our beloved ones, who departed , don't want us to suffer.

I would like to share with you all a story from me after my mama die .
Before this, I was a die hard scientist who only believed in what math and physic can prove. If I could not prove something with a math formula, it was not valid for me .But I learn a different lesson.
My mama was my everything. My best friend, my soulmate. When she die suddenly, way to young, my world get torn apart , I feel lost, abandoned alone. I could not stop to cry ,was not able to pick up my live again.Could not sleep because nightmares .
However, after 4-5 weeks of agony and mourning like crazy, when I fell in sleep out of exhaustion , I dream again from her, but this time it was different.
I was sitting in her kitchen , which I loved so much. Was always the most beautiful place on earth for me. During my childhood, as teenager, later as student, this was the place where i always find peace.
But one thing was different in this kitchen, it was full of plants and flowers. Way,way more than usual. (She loved plants and flowers. )
Suddenly she stand in front of me and was telling me in somehow angry and worrying tone " Let me go! I feel good, I am fine!"
Here I wake up confused, disoriented . After a while I begin to realize that she was talking to me. She visited me in my dream. I feel suddenly relieved .
I begin to understand that there is more than what we can see. And that our beloved ones still watch over us and are still there. We just can not see them anymore.
They don't want us to suffer .They want that we move on and enjoy our lives as long we can.
You just wrote my own story, almost word by word, losing someone can be very painful, but not for those that left, they are finally free and not suffering anymore. That why we need to let them go and honor them with our memories and keep them in our hearts until we meet again.


Since I mentioned this last Sunday, I thought I would let everyone know that I finally heard from my niece who lives in Houston, Texas. She and her family are doing fine. Her water pipes burst and flooded her home so she's having to stay with her daughter, my great niece for awhile. I mentioned this as part of being hit with a triple bad news whammy on Sunday, with the news about Lisa being the third. So I was seriously depressed on Sunday and Monday. So much so that I started having Survivor's guilt for having survived my second bout with congested heart failure. Lisa expressed her happiness when I finally posted again after my absence. I was hoping so hard to do the same for her. After hearing from my niece, I'm not as depressed today as I was Sunday, although I still slip into a bout of survivor's guilt now and then.


Living in the clouds
Contributing Artist
That why we need to let them go and honor them with our memories and keep them in our hearts until we meet again.
Yes, as long as we suffer here, they are not really free. Now I know, there is definitely something beyond. Another place, invisible for us living.
Sometimes, they let us take a small, tiny peak, to show us that they are still there. And than they ask as us to let them go.
Honor and cherish memories is all what we have left, but they can be the biggest treasure you will ever own. The happy and beautiful , funny moments. The love and sometimes tears . We should store them all in our hearts and each time we feel sad, we should take out one of this precious memories and smile again.
We will always miss them. Nothing can fill this empty void anymore. But the pain get less . And there comes a time when you can smile again without tears in the eyes .
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RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
I just want to post this, without any disrespect to the comments of some of those posting.

Grief is different for everyone. How we process it, the timing of going through the different steps, what we feel and how we react is not the same for everyone. I KNOW that those posting about not getting caught up with grief or what they feel Lisa would want people to do/feel, are only speaking for themselves and their feelings

What I DON'T want is for anyone reading those posts to feel that something is wrong with them if they don't share those feelings or beliefs. Not everyone reacts the same way to loss.

I say this, not only as someone who is grieving Lisa very strongly right now (the tears just started flowing again), but as someone who dealt with huge loss very early in life.

My point is that it is ok to feel however you are feeling right now.

Let's keep this thread on topic as a tribute to Lisa and an expression of our feelings/thoughts/memories of HER, and join together in our shared loss.

PS - feel free to pm me privately if you want to talk about what I said, rather than posting about it


I have just heard the news about Lisa and, I must admit, for the first time in years I am sitting here in tears. I feel like I have just lost another of my hero’s. It is said that no one is truly lost to us as long as there is someone to speak their name and that is particularly true of Lisa. I remember not only her wonderful creations but also the beautiful person which shone through so clearly on the few occasions I made contact with her. Lisa has left us a legacy to be revered and honored simply by being herself. That is an awesome achievement for anyone! My love and deepest respect to her family and all those whose lives she touched.