No, Alisa, I don't mind at all. And thank you. i wasn't sure about linking to another forum, and I only included the other post for context.
Linking to another forum to point out something isn't a problem, but in this case, it seemed nicer to have your comments here
So how much has Poser sold for when it shifted from company to company?
How much do you think it will sell for this time?
Well, first, it's not for sale at this point
I don't know if the information of how much it's sold for is publicly available or not...but just for fun, here's a list of the 5 companies and who's owned it when and for what versions
1995 Fractal Design (Poser 1 & 2) I actually still have an original disc from Fractal Design, though it won't install
1997 MetaCreations (Poser 3)
1999 Curious Labs (Poser 4,5, Pro Pack, 6)
2003 e-frontier (Poser 6, 7)
2007 Smith Micro (also bought Anime Studio and Manga Studio) (Poser Pro, Poser 8. Poser Pro 2010, Poser Debut, Poser 9/Poser Pro 2012, Poser 10/Poser Pro 2014, Poser 11/Poser 11 Pro)
I actually have HAD tim tams, now - they sell them in stores hereMunches on popcorn and passes the tim tams round.