• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

Pendraia's Products at Hivewire


Contributing Artist
Thanks Dana, when he went to the doctors recently it all looked good. He will need to have another scan done in a couple of weeks as they will be checking up for a while to make sure it doesn't reoccur...still not sure what caused it though.


Contributing Artist
Some time back I did these morphs and I also had them tested, even made promos and then did nothing with them. With Dawn 2 underway would anyone be interested in these morphs...they are DS only.

I'm trying to decide if they would be better as a freebie or a sweet deal as I would need to repackage due to changes in Hivewires readmes.

Textures are 3D Worlds.


  • ninia and nishab.jpg
    ninia and nishab.jpg
    812.7 KB · Views: 300


Contributing Artist
That's what I set them up as but the readme's have changed and I'm severely lacking in motivation to alter what I've already done. It's my own fault as I've had these set up for a while I've been procrastinating about uploading them...


HW3D Vice President & Queen Bee
Staff member
That's what I set them up as but the readme's have changed and I'm severely lacking in motivation to alter what I've already done. It's my own fault as I've had these set up for a while I've been procrastinating about uploading them...

Don't worry about the Readme, Pen. Alisa will be happy to assist with that.

Also, anything for Dawn SE will be able to be used on Dawn 2

I rendered with Diva earlier this year and I loved her! This is the image I used in the newsletter.



First off this just shows how far removed I am from Store fronts and forums these days I had no Idea you were making products. Even though I don't buy into any human figures these days I just want to say congratulations and good stuff Pen.


Contributing Artist
Don't worry about the Readme, Pen. Alisa will be happy to assist with that.

Also, anything for Dawn SE will be able to be used on Dawn 2

I rendered with Diva earlier this year and I loved her! This is the image I used in the newsletter.

If there's some info I'd need from you I'll just let you know ;)
Thanks Ladies...I will try and get the files sent to Alisa today. Please let me know if their are any issues.

@LisaB ,I love the image of Diva I'm so out of things I missed seeing her in the newsletter.
First off this just shows how far removed I am from Store fronts and forums these days I had no Idea you were making products. Even though I don't buy into any human figures these days I just want to say congratulations and good stuff Pen.
Thanks Szark, I only really have a couple of products Diva happened by chance as much as anything and it's only due to the kindness of the people at Hivewire that she is available. I often feel I'm not really ready to be a contributing artist.


That's a great loss to the community as a whole then Pen! Some creators are more prolific than others but that doesn't mean that others aren't just as valuable to the community. Diva is a very prominent and fine example of that. I'm pretty sure that she is a highly valued part of many runtimes not because of your rate of output but because of the obvious quality and the care and attention you put into the models you do make. That's something to be treasured by us all! :grouphug:


RETIRED HW3D QAV Director (QAV Queen Bee)
Staff member
Thanks Ladies...I will try and get the files sent to Alisa today. Please let me know if their are any issues.

Hi, Pen - they shouldn't actually go to me - they should be submitted as a normal product :) Thanks!!


Contributing Artist
That's a great loss to the community as a whole then Pen! Some creators are more prolific than others but that doesn't mean that others aren't just as valuable to the community. Diva is a very prominent and fine example of that. I'm pretty sure that she is a highly valued part of many runtimes not because of your rate of output but because of the obvious quality and the care and attention you put into the models you do make. That's something to be treasured by us all! :grouphug:
Well said @Mythocentric