I have tried to think long and hard over what I am going to say and this is not the first time I have tried to post and thought better of it. Much as I try to ignore it I have this little voice nagging at me so I have decided I am going to post this. I remain reluctant, particularly after my recent ban elsewhere, but for better or worse here goes.
Despite my doubts about the decision to move the animals to Daz I still fully support the Hivewire team. Those of you that have followed my posts should be well aware of my respect for what they have built here and the principles they have based it on. For what they have achieved here, they not only have my respect but also my admiration. There is of course a 'but' and that is, but I am uneasy about one aspect of this decision. More than one person here has made the decision not to buy from Daz, whatever the reason I think we have to respect it is their decision and theirs alone. The result of this is that the animals are now out of their reach. You could argue that this is a direct result of their actions and maybe with some grounding, I however admire their principles in the same way I admire the principles of the Hivewire team. In the case of the Hiveiwre team I have no issue as their principles are very much aligned with mine. I shop at Daz so my principles are not a strong in regard but that does not lessen my support for people involved.
Whether the move of these products turn out to be a success is an open question and I for one hope it turns out for the best but I find I cannot forget those that are impacted now and have been from day one. These are after all are fellow hive artists who have invested their time, their money and their good will in supporting the Hivewire venture and it seems so wrong that they are excluded from an important part of the Hivewire family.
I hate being critical at a place I love so much. I hate it even more that this is not constructive criticism. I desperately wish there were some way these people could have access to the animals without them having to breach their principles and without adversely impacting the agreement with Daz. Sadly I see no way this can happen and maybe it is just one of those times that you can't have everything in life but I have to say it leaves me feeling sad and uneasy
There, for better or worse I have voiced my concerns, I hope it upsets no one and they understand I dislike being so negative but the alternative was to say nothing and I did not feel happy with that either.
Of course this all assumes I find the courage to press that 'post reply' button (and I am well aware nothing can be unsaid). If you are reading this you know the answer
