@Satira Capriccio Methinks I found a fellow baby boomer!
That is some serious BRRRR James R! I grew up in Vermont and that was plenty cold and snowy for meNot that Colorado doesn't have it's moments too but NO comparison to Canada! (Unless of course one lives more in the mountains here
It's very difficult for me to explain what the cold is like in parts of Canada to people who don't live here. It's almost incomprehensibly cold, sometimes.
This was January 11th this year. It was BRUTAL. The prairie wind is merciless...but if you notice, it wasn't even that strong.
And yes... every winter there comes a day where I ask myself why I live in a place where the weather will try to kill me if given the chance. Lol
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Oh yes... I know all too well how hard it is to explain it to someone that isn't in our general neck of the woods. Equally fun is when that - becomes a + and the humidity is pushing it up to +47c or so with an extreme heat warning in effect!
Thanks quietrob!
Since we have so many new folks here now I thought it might be nice to share these fun HW artist spotlights here again - Contributing Artist Spotlight
And LOL, so LisaB..... we REALLY need to do one on you, girl! I'm up for doing that!
Apparently, kiwi wouldn't taste anything like chicken.
Charles Douglas (19th century surveyor, explorer, naturalist) ate a pair of kiwi once. Apparently, roast or boiled kiwi tastes like a piece of pork boiled in an old coffin. Though ... one wonders what that would taste like ... or not.
I would think wild/feral chicken would taste quite a bit different from grain fed/cage raised chicken. "Free range" chicken might also taste more like wild chicken ... depending on the amount of grain vs bugs/worms they eat.