Well....so far so good. A few headaches and me getting a bit upset, but it was fixable. I t took me about 4 hours to get all the parts in and the mother board plugged in properly. The instructions are horrid. I had to consult my older motherboard book and the new one to figure things out. It does not help I go 5-7 years doing this though. LOL
I uninstall and unpin anything I don't want here and there in windows 10. I even got things unchecked so I don't get auto updates, etc. I want to look at things first before I do anything.
I have not been able to use an older graphics card (5 years old) in conjunction with my newer one, both are Invidia cards. Though each card works just fine alone. I was going to leave the smaller (1GB) one to run my monitor and my bigger (4GB cheap find) to run all the other stuff. Windows gives the 43 error code and sort of shuts off the cards, then Blender gets upset. I have read up on all I could find, updated both drivers to work on windows 10, and did whatever else I could. No luck so far. I will keep trying.
My emails I have saved in folders under various subjects have been read by windows live. I did not like the other mail they offered, so I went looking for windows live. It is very similar to outlook express which I have always used since win95. I still have a few more programs to install yet. Windows 10 has worked pretty good with most. A few exceptions are some 32 bit software and I just got the c++ downloads for them. I have a 64 bit home edition system. I like being able to put more ram in if needed. I have 16GB ram. My max is 32. I will get more later this year.
I had everything saved on usb sticks to transfer over. I just needed access to winXP for a couple of things I did not think of. My partner can run XP on his pc, so we popped my HD in and I went looking for the things I missed. My motherboard does not seem to like the XP hard drive. I think there is a possible fix for it. I got everything so far and I am not worried.
It takes a little bit to get use to Win10, find everything, and get it set-up for one's on personal preferences. My partner told me that some have stated you needed to have worked on both 7 and 8.1 to get win10. I said naw I don't think so. I have played with Win7 on the laptop prior, when I had to wait on replacements parts and such.