Thanks Alisa! At least it is on my thread here and I can find it and any corrections. I did not even render it in Daz, poser, etc. I won't tell where it is at right now besides a file on my pc. LOL
Frogimus..My grandparents use to have Holsteins, about 1982 switched over to beef.

I bought or are making payments on their retirement place now.
I made a whole series for the cemetery separate tombstones, undertaker building, desk, chairs, bench, caskets, soldier cross tombstones, etc. I like western movies and tv shows. I had a request for a few of those items and I seen a model at daz that inspired me. I was not active there or buying at the time. Don't feel bad my first few attempts at texturing and modeling were not so great. I still have tons to learn. lol
My partner introduced me to daz and renderosity several years ago, but I did not have an interest in it until Just this year for some reason. I guess I am ready for a new art platform . I like daz over renderosity. I am really liking Hivewire the best though, especially Harry!.
I just need a cash cow or tree. lol I decided to finally upgrade my pc (after 7 years and still on XP) and a few more parts decided to died, so I have over $600 sunk in it right now. I finally got all my parts today. I am hoping tomorrow everything goes good and the parts are ok. I can put it together. I use my pc for farming, gardening, parts buying/search, research on anything, 3D, etc. It gets well used.