Anyway, I've now recreated
the morphing paperback from post #37 as an alternate geometry - just created the mesh in Blender, exported as an OBJ, manually added this OBJ as a new altGeom for book1 in my BookStack4 test24.cr2 (not yet uploaded), loaded the freshly cooked MTs in Poser (after selecting the new variant), did a bit of testing to see what works and what still needs work, and resaved the cr2.
The paperback Plump morph clearly needs to drive the yTran of book2 in the same way that the hardback one does, but I think adding a separate master 'Plump' dial for book1 is the best way to do this - that can drive both the hardback and paperback book1 Plump morphs, and also the book2 yTran. The separate hardback/paperback Plump morph dials can then be hidden, leaving only the master Plump dial for book1 visible for the user to twiddle, and that should work seamlessly with the altGeom swapping.
There are separate Twist and Shear morphs for hardback and paperback so master 'Shear' and 'Twist' dials to drive just those makes sense too.
Splay and Oblique don't have any associated morphs (I accidentally created and loaded an unnecessary 'PB Splay' morph here) so they should be master dials visible to the user.
The 'PB SpineTilt' morph is only for the paperback, so no master dial needed there.
- - - - - - - -
It would appear that my muse had the best solution for the upside-down books (
last paragraph of post #86: a few tests indicate that yes, it is the number of vertices in an altgeom mesh that decide whether a morph is applied to it, so having alternate geometries with exactly the same mesh but different UV mappings means that the MTs I already have can be used for them). So I simply create a new OBJ using the same hardback mesh but with the UV mapping flipped and use that as an altGeom. I can do the same for the paperback too - probably best to use a consistent order, say:
0 Hardback 88v (default geometry)
1 Upside down hardback 88v
2 Hardback 88v (default geometry) - alternate UV mapping
3 Upside down hardback 88v - alternate UV mapping
4 Hardback 60v
5 Upside down hardback 50v
6 Hardback 60v - alternate UV mapping
7 Upside down hardback 50v - alternate UV mapping
8 Paperback
9 Upside down paperback
8 Paperback - alternate UV mapping
9 Upside down paperback - alternate UV mapping
- The 88v and 60v refer to the curved spine and flat spine hardback meshes respectively - see point (3) in
post #2. Yes, I do think it's worth the extra work of using two different hardback meshes!
- The default UV mapping will be my 64 books on one texture image, and the alternate mapping will probably be something like in
posts #44 and 45. The default mapping will use 1 mat zone "BookMap64" (possibly 2 - BookMap64Covers and BookMap64Pages?), while the alternate mapping will use 1 (book) or 2 (cover and pages) mat zones per book.
- - - - - -
On another note, I'd never heard of Picryl before, but it seems to have a fair number of public domain book and magazine cover images (useful search phrases "
dust jacket", "
cover spine back", "
weird tales covers", etc)