Just for test purposes I've been playing with the real covers mentioned in part (5) of
post #35 . The sidetrack I'm on here is trying to find an easy way to take real covers with known dimensions (cover height, cover width and spine thickness), map those on to my current UV template (height = 777 pixels, width = 457 pixels, spine = 81 pixels), and then provide dials for the prop to adjust the default mash (height= 0.06762PNU / 6.97" / 17.725cm, width = 0.04 PNU / 4.128" / 10.485 cm, spine = 0.006973 PNU / 0.719" /1.828cm) to match the original dimensions.
Since the example covers I found didn't specify any dimensions I could only note down ratios for each of the books, which I recorded on the texture maps (which I won't be able to upload as I don't think these particular cover images are public domain - as I said I'm using them simply to test this "getting-the-size-right" stuff. They're probably old enough to be public domain, but I can't recall which website I got the photos from so I can't check.).
Scaling the original images to fit my template was easy peasy lemon squeezy as the scans were well aligned. All I had to do was crop and scale to 1024 pixels wide, then in turn select each of the three parts, front cover, spine, and back cover, and scale each to my template. I only needed to use a perspective adjustment a couple of times for the whole batch.
Since I didn't have any dimensions for books I decided to create dials for setting the height:width and height:spine ratios (which I'd recorded on the texture maps), and also add an additional "height" dial to control the absolute size of the book. These three dials control the x, z, and y scales respectively, but since there's some simple maths involved I used intermediate x/y/zScaleMultiplier dials (doing maths with valueOp dials is great fun, as I found some time ago -
Proof Of Principle - Poser ERC Opening Book ). My intention would probably be to hide the intermediate and z/y/zScale dials to avoid the user unintentionally twiddling them.
While creating that stack using eight single book props two things struck me:
1) Using dials for "Height (cm)", "Width (cm)" and "Thickness (cm)" might be better than dials for height and two ratios.
2) When I adjusted the yScale (or Height:Thickness ratio) the book expanded both upwards and downwards, into the ground. I forgot to change the origin in the PP2, so it's still where Poser put it, i.e. the wrong place.
That second point reminds me of a niggle about the origin for my books. If the book is intended to be in a stack then the middle of the back cover seems the most logical place. If it's intended to be in a row, then some point on the bottom, where it'll be stood on the shelf, seems more logical. But a single book can obviously be used in either way, so which makes most sense ?