• Welcome to the Community Forums at HiveWire 3D! Please note that the user name you choose for our forum will be displayed to the public. Our store was closed as January 4, 2021. You can find HiveWire 3D and Lisa's Botanicals products, as well as many of our Contributing Artists, at Renderosity. This thread lists where many are now selling their products. Renderosity is generously putting products which were purchased at HiveWire 3D and are now sold at their store into customer accounts by gifting them. This is not an overnight process so please be patient, if you have already emailed them about this. If you have NOT emailed them, please see the 2nd post in this thread for instructions on what you need to do

WIP MEC4D - Creations for Dawn 2 and Dusk 2 , work in progress


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Hi Cath. I hope you are well. If so, is there any more info on when your products for Dawn 2 will be released? HUGS :thankyou:


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
Hi Richard , I am not going well and I am already in a process of packing and leaving the country after 17 years. I can't afford my medical bills here anymore so the only option to prevent dying prematurely is to get out ASAP. Hopefully my health get restored soon enough to be able to continue doing what I love most without stress, but not before this summer, as I need time for recovery. I will keep you updated..
Love Light Peace :balloon03:


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I sincerely hope moving works out better for you than it did for me. I empathize with what little I know of the situation (unable to get or afford care, health detracting from work and art and creative outlets).


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I sincerely hope moving works out better for you than it did for me. I empathize with what little I know of the situation (unable to get or afford care, health detracting from work and art and creative outlets).
Thank you, with universal healthcare I will have a better chance, so yes definitely! I need 2 surgeries and sadly I can't afford it here and on top I will need lifetime medical support after and we know how it works here.
It was a hard decision but I need to survive .. so I will not let the chance rot away and just move forward.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
I'm so saddened to hear this Cath. I hope your move to where you are going will give you the needed health care and hope for a brighter and better life and health. All the love and light to you my dear! ❤️❤️❤️


My dear Cath, thank you for letting us know. I know this is personal. I'm sure your health will improve as soon as you move to a nation where the food, water, and air isn't being poisoned. Even if you could afford the care here, there are so many doctors that cannot be trusted. Thank you for all the great products over the years. May God bless you and your family with peace and comfort. You are loved. :sorry:


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I'm so saddened to hear this Cath. I hope your move to where you are going will give you the needed health care and hope for a brighter and better life and health. All the love and light to you my dear! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Richard !
It will for sure .. I am still here just from a different place soon .. and in better condition .
Love and light ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
My dear Cath, thank you for letting us know. I know this is personal. I'm sure your health will improve as soon as you move to a nation where the food, water, and air isn't being poisoned. Even if you could afford the care here, there are so many doctors that cannot be trusted. Thank you for all the great products over the years. May God bless you and your family with peace and comfort. You are loved. :sorry:
I was dealing with it for some time already but now I just can't anymore
As it going nowhere. If I stay I may not make it for too long. Every day counts. It will be ok and I am positive. I hate the fact that I have to do it and start everything from zero again. Sadly everything I have will stay behind me. But I am doing it for something you can't buy .. that's worth the effort.
Thank you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
I can not imagine leaving everything I own behind. I already feel I left too much behind moving out of Ohio, and I was forced to sell so much because there is no room here for it. If I can help I will offer, but I am unsure of the distances involved. You are right around the corner I think, but not sure where you are moving too. I have a Van, sort of.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I can not imagine leaving everything I own behind. I already feel I left too much behind moving out of Ohio, and I was forced to sell so much because there is no room here for it. If I can help I will offer, but I am unsure of the distances involved. You are right around the corner I think, but not sure where you are moving too. I have a Van, sort of.
That's so sweet of you, thank you ❤️ but I am living the country , I will try to sell whatever I can before that. Shipping containers are too expensive for me so no choice. Not even my computer can go. New start from total zero.


Wolff Playing with Beez!
Contributing Artist
Hopefully you can take your hard drives with you that has all your current projects hon.


Lost Mad Soul
Contributing Artist
@MEC4D oh, international move. I hope it goes well. I can't even imagine trying to start from zero again - you have more strength and courage than I.


Contributing Artist
I know very well how starting over from scratch is - did it at least 6 times at different countries, and few more at different cities/states. We carry only what we can and lose a lot in the way. Say goodbye to people and places we will never see again. Most of these were because of family, work, study, or life just dictated it. Only once I did it because I wanted to. We just have to be strong and face whatever comes. Looking back now, I rather only remember the good things, like having learned many languages and cultures, seen things most people likely never will in a lifetime, and met people of vastly different cultures.

I know [very] well where Cath is moving to - the people is warm and welcoming. I hope her all the best in her new life. :love:


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
I know very well how starting over from scratch is - did it at least 6 times at different countries, and few more at different cities/states. We carry only what we can and lose a lot in the way. Say goodbye to people and places we will never see again. Most of these were because of family, work, study, or life just dictated it. Only once I did it because I wanted to. We just have to be strong and face whatever comes. Looking back now, I rather only remember the good things, like having learned many languages and cultures, seen things most people likely never will in a lifetime, and met people of vastly different cultures.

I know [very] well where Cath is moving to - the people is warm and welcoming. I hope her all the best in her new life. :love:
I moved so many times too , Internationally as well. I will be fine .. Once I am on the plane I will be breathe again !
Thank you Ken ❤️ ❤️ ❤️


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
@MEC4D oh, international move. I hope it goes well. I can't even imagine trying to start from zero again - you have more strength and courage than I.
I moved 3 times Internationally but for different reasons. Now it will by my 4th time, I am getting excited as well and nervous at the same time but good nervous. I wish it was over already because getting to the point is the worse time.. Before it was also much easier.. now my health getting in my way a little bit but I am looking forward to the day I feel great again .. all my reason and the major goal.


So sorry to hear about the need (and restrictions!) of your move, Cath. And sorry to be late in commenting, but I have, ironically, been in hospital myself - just for a few weeks.
Wherever you go will be blessed by your presence, and I hope it will continue to blessed for may years to come.


Zbrushing through the topology
Contributing Artist
So sorry to hear about the need (and restrictions!) of your move, Cath. And sorry to be late in commenting, but I have, ironically, been in hospital myself - just for a few weeks.
Wherever you go will be blessed by your presence, and I hope it will continue to blessed for may years to come.
Thank you so much Simon , wishing you a speedy recovery my friend ❤️ ❤️ ❤️