Thanks Seliah...I did know it was a Poser file I was just unsure whether there were seamless textures included.
I don't think I've heard much about the mt5's previously though, I thought most people used mc6's even when including the different nodes in the material room.
Well, even with a seamless tile included within the .mt5, it's a matter of .mt5's not being usable for DS. Even if we go into the Poser format areas of our content library, DS won't see or show the files.
An .mt5 is a Poser material. Singular. It's a single material. This does the same job as a DS shader. DS shaders don't work in Poser, and Poser materials don't work in DS. And just like DS shaders, these .mt5 files can be as simple as just loading seamless tiles, or they can be as complicated as some of the layered DS shader products are.
A .mc6 file is a Poser material collection. Plural. It's a collection of materials. This does the same job as a Poser .pz2 MAT file, or a DS material preset. It's a collection of materials, usually applied to a specific item, with specific material zones. It's a MAT pose for Poser in the same way that a DS material preset is a MAT pose for DS. This file format WILL work to a very limited degree inside of DS.
.mc6 files can be converted to .pz2 format for use within DazStudio, if the user prefers to have their mats under the POSE folder (I often do this, because frankly it takes entirely too much clicking to move between Pose and Materials for a specific item for my tastes. I have a LOT of content. LOL) Understand that when converting them, any Poser-specific material settings that might be part of the MAT file (such as blinn, phong, glossy, math, etc) will NOT transfer over to DS, just like when using a .mc6 file in DS, those more specific material nodes won't transfer. GuardianAngel is absolutely correct on that.
Unfortunately, if I wanted to set up a seamless tile material - such as what Dawn did here with these - there is no good way to make that in a Poser file and have it work for DS users. The two programs do not read each other's shaders/material nodes/channels. DS shaders need to be built in DS, and Poser materials have to be built inside of Poser.
FYI - Dawn - I'm almost done with the DS mats for you. I should have the files for you a little while from now to distribute.